
The Fire Service Youth Club of Morvant continues to make a difference in the lives of Barataria and Morvant youth between the ages of eight to 15 years, by empowering them through football. The opportunity for the young people to get involved in the sport as ball attendants presented itself in 2008 when the eager group was asked to work at a Joe Public game. Three years later their willingness and total dedication remains their only motivation to continue to this day.

The ball attendants continue to work at various CONCACAF tournaments at the Marvin Lee Stadium and at the Eastern Football Association’s games that are organised for its opening and closing ceremonies.  The group’s latest assignment was to assist at major games put on by the T&T Pro League.

Apporixmately 40 attendants have been trained by the Fire Service Youth Club/Barataria Ball Players Sports and Cultural Club, Adrian  Goodridge - Coordinator/Head Coach and June Rogers - Volunteer Sport Administrator. Rogers believes that the service the young attendants provide is a labour of love.