Lorraine Waldropt continues her Questions and Answers series with this country's leading sports personalities and today she enters the citadel of Shaka Hislop, who is one is of the three goal-keepers named by national coach Leo Beenhakker on T&T''s squad for the World Cup Finals in Germany.

Following his InterCol years at St. Mary's College, Shaka acquired a football scholarship to Howard University where he played football at the intercollegiate level. At this level he was clearly the cream of crop in football. During his college years he was recognised by Soccer America Magazine as Freshman of the Year. He graduated from Howard University where he obtained a BSC degree in Mechanical Engineering, not to mention a head start on a budding football career!

In 1992, Shaka signed his first professional football contract with Reading, a Second Division English Club. In 1994, Reading won the league and were promoted to First Division. In 1995, Shaka was not only voted Player of the Season, but as the Best Goalkeeper in the English First Division Professional League. That same year he made the switch to Newcastle where he spent three years. In 1998, he graced yet another English team with his goal-keeping expertise as he made his final transfer to West Ham United. With much ease he captured the Player of the Season title there too. Misfortune however, befell him in the second season with West Ham, suffering a broken leg . He's still with West Ham, and on Sunday he was between the uprights when they beat Middlesbrough 1-0 to make it to the FA Cup Final.

1. Your most significant accolade in sports?
Last year I received a Special Merit Award from the UK Professional Football Association.

2. Your most memorable moment in sports?
Captaining T&T against Mexico in Mexico City for a World Cup qualifier four years ago.

3. In three words, your recipe for a successful athlete?
Dedication. Ability. Common sense!

4. Your greatest joy?
My children.

5. Your secret fear?
I won't tell you my secret fear, it's quite personal.

6. The best advice you received and from whom?
I can't say that any single piece of advice per say has lived with me. I do though try to follow what I believe to be an invaluable example given to me by my father. If I can be half the man he is I'd be very proud of myself. I'm still trying to get there!

7. Your most embarrassing moment?
Too many to mention I'm embarrassed easily!

8. Your happiest moment?
The birth of my children.

9. The biggest turn-on in a woman?
I like elegance in a woman.

10. The biggest turn-off?

11. The part of your body you like the most?
Ha! I refuse to answer on the grounds that I may incriminate myself!

12. The part of your body you would change given the chance?
I am very happy with the way God made me!

13. After a hard game what or whom relaxes you?
A good brandy on the rocks!

14. The best book you ever read?
A long walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela.

15. Your favourite music?
I love all music.

16. On a second chance what would be your dream profession?
Car designer

17. The one thing most people do not know about you?
I cry for sad movies!

18. Your pet peeve?
Stupid people.

19. Your favourite food?
All Trini food. The last time I was home I hate everything I got my hands on and had to resort to Pepto-Bismal.

20. The athlete you most admire?
Muhammad Ali.

21. Your secret personality weapon?
I'm approachable.

22. Your personal credo?
Never compromise your morals.

23. Your most irresistible temptation?
Caramel chocolate wafers by Tunnocks.

24. The one place you would like to visit before you die?
The place I'd most like to visit is the moon! I spent a summer working with NASA, and will forever be intrigued by space travel.

25. Your most elusive goal?
Winning a Premier League with West Ham.