
Mon, Dec


For­mer na­tion­al strik­er, De­vorn Jorsling net­ted a first-half brace to lead De­fence Force to a 5-1 thump­ing of Queen's Park Crick­et Club for its fourth win in Di­vi­sion One of the As­cen­sion In­vi­ta­tion­al Football Tour­na­ment at St Mary's Col­lege Ground, Ser­pen­tine Road, St Clair on Sun­day.

Cap­tain, Jer­wyn Balt­haz­ar opened the scor­ing for the "Teteron Men" in the 16th minute, while Aaron Lester made it 2-0 in the 29th, on­ly for Em­manuel Bunting to cut the deficit in half, three min­utes be­fore the in­ter­val.

How­ev­er, Jorsling, the all-time lead­ing scor­er in the T&T Pro League with 150-plus goals, would change the com­plex­ion of the con­test just be­fore the break when he ex­tend­ed his team lead in the 44th and then added an­oth­er with sec­onds of the restart for a 4-1 half-time lead and up­ping his league-best tal­ly to five, one ahead of Cunu­pia's Kevon 'Show­time' Wood­ley and FC San­ta Rosa's John-Paul Rochford.

In the sec­ond half, De­fence Force con­tin­ued to dom­i­nate, but on­ly added one more goal to their tal­ly cour­tesy Jerome Mc In­tyre in the 58th.

The win was the fourth from as many match­es for De­fence Force to lead the 12-team ta­ble with max­i­mum 12 points, three ahead of Mor­vant Cale­do­nia AIA who have a match in hand.

FC San­ta Rosa climbed to third af­ter com­ing from be­hind to beat Club San­do FC with Noel Williams, Gio­van­ni Abra­ham, Kevon Corn­wall and Rochford, all on tar­get af­ter Keron Bethelmy had giv­en the south­ern­ers a sec­ond-minute lead.

And in the day's oth­er en­counter, San Juan Jabloteh took full ad­van­tage of the ab­sence of Cunu­pia FC's main strik­er Wood­ley to come away with a 2-1 win.

De­spite Wood­ley's non­in­volve­ment, Cunu­pia still led ear­ly on through Domonique Roberts' 15th-minute strike.

But the 'San Juan Kings', still smart­ing from a 2-1 loss to Mor­vant Cale­do­nia a week ear­li­er, replied pos­i­tive­ly with Nical Stephens get­ting a 21st-minute equalis­er fol­lowed by Shaquille John's 25th-minute win­ner.

Gi­ants tram­ple Strik­ers in Di­vi­sion Two

Kerville Je­re­mi­ah and Jo­hannes Richard­son both scored two goals each to lead San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants to a com­fort­able 4-1 de­feat of Harlem Strik­ers to go sec­ond be­hind un­beat­en De­porti­vo P.F.

Je­re­mi­ah fired in the open­er in the 20th minute which his team took in­to the half-time in­ter­val.

Two min­utes in­to the sec­ond-half, Je­re­mi­ah made it 2-0 with his fifth goal of the sea­son, one be­hind De­porti­vo P.F's An­drei Pacheco, but Wen­dell Archibald replied for Strik­ers in the 53rd.

Richard­son then joined in on the scor­ing to re­store Gi­ants ad­van­tage to 3-1 in the 67th be­fore he added his sec­ond in the 81st to com­plete the scor­ing.

The vic­to­ry lift­ed Gi­ants to ten points from four match­es, two be­hind un­beat­en De­porti­vo PF who ham­mered Club San­do Up­ris­ing Youths 7-0 for their fourth straight win from as many match­es on Sat­ur­day.

In the two oth­er Di­vi­sion match­es on Sun­day, Erin FC and Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed both picked up their first wins.

Erin FC got a dou­ble from Jardel Sin­clair to edge Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly Cri­sis Cen­tre 3-2 and Kieon Melville lone item was enough for Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin to get over Bethel Unit­ed.


Sun­day, Au­gust 4

Di­vi­sion One

De­fence Force 5 (Jer­wyn Balt­haz­ar 16th, Aaron Lester 29th, De­vorn Jorsling 44th, 46th, Jerome Mc In­tyre 58th) vs QPCC 1 (Em­manuel Bunting 42nd)

San Juan Jabloteh 2 (Nical Stephens 21st, Shaquille John 25th) vs Cunu­pia FC 1 (Domonique Roberts 15th)

FC San­ta Rosa 4 (Noel Williams 26th, Gio­van­ni Abra­ham 57th, Kevon Corn­wall 80th, John-Paul Rochford 85th) vs Club San­do FC 1 (Keron Bethelmy 2nd)

Guaya Unit­ed vs Prison Ser­vice - did not play

On Sat­ur­day

Di­vi­sion One

Po­lice FC 6 (Kay­dion Gabriel 41st, Ka­reem Fre­itas 46th, Jameel Per­ry 52nd, Keion Wil­son 72nd pen, Adriel Kerr 74th, Joshua Leach 87th) vs Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed 0

On Sun­day

San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants 4 (Kerville Je­re­mi­ah 20th, 47th, Jo­hannes Richard­son 67th, 81st) vs Harlem Strik­ers 1 (Wen­dell Archibald 53rd)

Erin FC 3 (Jardel Sin­clair 43rd, 67th, Shakuile Williams 58th) vs Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly C.C 2 (Dar­i­an Kennedy 26th, Rus­sell Orie 30th)

Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Utd 1 (Kieon Melville 80th) vs Bethel Unit­ed 0

Di­vi­sion Two

De­porti­vo PF 7 (An­drei Pacheco 11th pen, Je­re­mi­ah Ke­sar 50th, Ju­dah Gar­cia 56th, Adan Noel 71st, 89th, Nathaniel Gar­cia 73rd, Ezekiel Ke­sar 90th) vs Club San­do Up­ris­ing Youths 0

Moru­ga FC 1 (Nigel John 47th) vs RSSR FC 0

UTT 3 (Kishun Seecha­ran 15th, Cyra­no Glen 51st, Stevon Stoute 91st) vs Po­lice FC