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General Discussion / Re: ah need some help
« on: May 12, 2006, 08:25:30 PM »
Lil Jodie, No matter what you do or how old you get your parents will still think you're their baby girl.  Specially carib parents.  You're never too old too get a beat down from them.  The way I deal with that I give my parents respect and still do what I want to do.  Although I do have my own car, and my own place. That might be different for you.  In the carib you can be fifty and still stay with moms.  But Do what you got to do respectfully.  Don't disrespect them because you will always regret it when they're gone.

General Discussion / Re: De Best Wine R
« on: April 30, 2006, 08:51:48 AM »
Mr WestC you have dey prevailage to call me anyting ya want.  ;)

so Mr HappyBirthdayMorvantman what iz dey difference between ah "light skinned maraval oman" tur ah "light skinned carib arima oman"

earth calling VV VexationX

what you say Now Cana?

Cana u know I had to come in one day in this.  BUT the truth is it's never culture clash.  Just like any relationship someone always lie about their past, who and what they been doing it with. that's why some interracial relationship don't usually work out.  So if you stay truthful in a relationship you won't have to come in here and say the other person did voodoo because their Haitian.  Haitian women don't put up with their lying crap.  So Lil jodie get your fact straight about Haitians because Trinis do voodoo too.  Every carribean person have more in common then they do with a yankee who just wish they were black.
i go do anything again besides ah hatian

wha happen to de hatians and dem? fraid dey wuk a good piece ah voodoo on yuh or wha?

nah them iz nice people but i learn my lesson. straight trini fuh me from now on. too much clash of culture

Morvie if ya only know how ah want to start ya up with dat Haitian talk
ah waiting fur Ms. Verbalana Vexation to come and read ya post.   :rotfl: :rotfl:

Football / Re: Thread for the TRI v HAI U-21 Game.
« on: April 04, 2006, 04:47:21 PM »
I'm glad Haiti won.  They deserve their respect don't hate, Congratulate!

Football / Re: TnT U21 will be smashed tomorrow!
« on: April 04, 2006, 04:46:03 PM »
Good Game Haiti!!!  :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: 

  And second the city u from look like crap too.  U from the nastiest part of Trini therefore u are the unwanted Trini my mother always talked about. 
ya mother learned you real good and you are puttin dong others for their comments about other countries.

Gawn nuh........... git from here.................. doh come back

we was told that the moderators had taken care of you REAL Good.
obviously we were mistaken

Moderators, why is this person STILL on dis Board ???
and why is the originator of this thread not told to change their name ???

why is this person still on de board?  Why is shotta and morvant still on the board they were talking bad about Haiti but I doh hear yuh say nottin.  I defend my freinds and family country.  Just like u, and shotta don't like someone to talk bad about morvant the city than u shouldn't talk about any other country. 

Football / Re: Thread for the TRI v HAI U-21 Game.
« on: April 04, 2006, 02:44:25 PM »
I predict 6-1 Haiti.

Football / Re: Thread for the TRI v HAI U-21 Game.
« on: April 04, 2006, 02:42:51 PM »
wow, They're really sumthin like phenomenon!

Football / Re: TnT U21 will be smashed tomorrow!
« on: April 04, 2006, 02:31:28 PM »
wow, I wonder why I'm chatting and I say something to correct morvant but u da one gettin mad is u.  Hey if u and morvant have sexual relations that's on u boi.  Second, I don't sleep around.  so save yuh breath and don't confuse  me fah yuh mammy.  If u was here I would say in yuh face 2.  Nobody talking to u, unless it's morvant who's using shotta's password to chat.  Boy, u really letting people know yuh boi is a punk cause he cyah talk fuh himself. Don't act like u know me.  I aint putting nobody's country down but just defending myself.  Because I was just making a point.  I wasn't like I was disrespecting anybody.  The person here who disrespecting somebody here is shotta.  Because he thinks I'm someone he knows. AH gonna TALK MY TALK.  you really are stupid because when I say I have part of almost every carribean island I mean I have family or friends.  So shut yuh arsehole.

Football / Re: TnT U21 will be smashed tomorrow!
« on: April 04, 2006, 03:52:04 AM »
sorry, shytty u wish I was justme but I'm not.  I call anybody out who's talking bad about another carribean country because I have a part on most of them.  Fopr u to say Haiti is crap and mispell it "Haiti"  just shows how stupid and uneducated u are pardner.  And second the city u from look like crap too.  U from the nastiest part of Trini therefore u are the unwanted Trini my mother always talked about.  #rd I hope Haiti beat TnT arse just for yuh stuped comment.  I tell it like it is.  Because I when when someone disrespect they're own kind.
morvant yuh aint see verb gona and call yuh out again??

mine justme and she friigin hold yuh ova dey a rape yuh or sumtin

and in relation to this entire thread

1 hati is crap had it all and wasted it

2 hati aint beating nobody tuesday after jesus(tinto) reast a beat on d right bak tiings go change in d stadium

3 change yu name cuz yuh breaking forum rules

4 watch d double standard

5 justme and verb is d same person dont care what no one say

Football / Re: TnT U21 will be smashed tomorrow!
« on: April 03, 2006, 07:30:27 PM »
I'ts the fact that morvant acting like malik look so much better than Haiti.  He talking like he have so much food in malik and Haiti so poor. There's not that much difference from Haiti and Trini so you can sit here and talk shyt about Haiti. And somebody talk about Haitians being ugly.  I've seen some ugly Trini dudes so you cannot start dissin Haitians.  There's ugly people in every race.  If you talking about football talk about football.  Like Trini's be hating on Jamaicans because Jamaicans think they're better.  But We are all one.  White folks see us as the same.  Because a Trini could start talking with their accent the man gonna ask if I'm Jamaican.  I guess if you looking in on the outside we're not that much different.  So continue on with the football talk and stop talking shyt about our Carribean fellows.  That's all I have to say.

Football / Re: TnT U21 will be smashed tomorrow!
« on: April 03, 2006, 03:19:53 PM »
It's a shame morvant here talking bad about Haitians. Because they are black just like you.  They are the most proudest people I know.  Do you know any Haitian people?  have you ever dated any Haitian girl or Been crazy for them.  What kind of man would you be? I never hear any of my haitian friends talk bad about Trini.  Because I guess they don't feel they have to compete against anybody. They over fighting for their freedom since the 1800's.  I would say you're probably ashame of who you are. 

General Discussion / Re: Another racist encounter.
« on: March 27, 2006, 07:38:48 PM »
I'm Very comfortable in my skin.  I'm not insecure.  I don't hang out with people who don't like their skin.

General Discussion / Re: Another racist encounter.
« on: March 27, 2006, 05:48:10 PM »
I am so fed up of some people complaining about racism.  You complaining saying white people treat you this way but you're the same one whose always in their face.  Always mingling with them.  When your own kind try to have a conversation with you you treat them like shit.  That's because you hate your skin.  This Jamaican dude told me he don't like dark skins girls and he darker than charcoal.  He said he don't want to have daughters with nappy hair.  See U can't even trust your own kind.

Buh wuh de??....  :rotfl:

I look forward too, I don't let racism gets too me it just hurts when our own people from the island saying they don't like being black, they don't want their kids to have nappy hair because that's ugly.  I've experienced racism too.  But I'm not going to quit my job because the boss call me a nigga.  I have responsibilities. I'm not going to move away to another or back to another country because of that.  Even in the island the lighter skin people always think they're better than the dark skin.  So you can't really escape racism.  You just experience racism in a different way in the islands.  Even in St Marteen you could tell there's a bit of segration.  They treat darker skins different.

You gone mad or wha? ..who you direct dat to? anybody in particular on here? or you just venting?

I tend to agree with you that there are people with remnants of the old colonial mentality of dark/light....but you come in guns blazin..shoot everybody and de man yuh lookin for not even in de bar

"Cocaine is a hell of a drug" oui

Nobody in particular but I'm just tired of people complaining about racism.  When they are being racist to their own kind.  If you treat your people like crap, the man sees that he'll treat you like crap too.  Because you put the man on a peddlestool when he gets in your face.

General Discussion / Re: Another racist encounter.
« on: March 27, 2006, 05:40:12 PM »
I am so fed up of some people complaining about racism.  You complaining saying white people treat you this way but you're the same one whose always in their face.  Always mingling with them.  When your own kind try to have a conversation with you you treat them like shit.  That's because you hate your skin.  This Jamaican dude told me he don't like dark skins girls and he darker than charcoal.  He said he don't want to have daughters with nappy hair.  See U can't even trust your own kind.

Buh wuh de??....  :rotfl:

You gone mad or wha? ..who you direct dat to? anybody in particular on here? or you just venting?

I tend to agree with you that there are people with remnants of the old colonial mentality of dark/light....but you come in guns blazin..shoot everybody and de man yuh lookin for not even in de bar

"Cocaine is a hell of a drug" oui

Nobody in particular but I'm just tired of people complaining about racism.  When they are being racist to their own kind.  If you treat your people like crap, the man sees that he'll treat you like crap too.  Because you put the man on a peddlestool when he gets in your face.

General Discussion / Re: Another racist encounter.
« on: March 27, 2006, 11:41:45 AM »
I am so fed up of some people complaining about racism.  You complaining saying white people treat you this way but you're the same one whose always in their face.  Always mingling with them.  When your own kind try to have a conversation with you you treat them like shit.  That's because you hate your skin.  This Jamaican dude told me he don't like dark skins girls and he darker than charcoal.  He said he don't want to have daughters with nappy hair.  See U can't even trust your own kind.

so far so good...i ask this question in ah lil rage today....

ah does only get ask out (85%) by man who married or have serious gfren....and they so friggnn persistent with no shame....

Girl, Man will never stop cheating.  It's up to us women to have each other's back.  I know if you don't mess with him there's always some other desperate chick who will even if she knows he's married.  So if he tells you he married and still wanna date you .what do you do?  Do you go ahead have fun with him or tell him to go home and take care of his wife?  Man, go mess around and flirt and do all kinds of things and expect us women to just at home and cater to their needs.  me personally I would not cheat on my until I find out he been going around.  But he besT believe that he will get it from me. Karma really do happen.

General Discussion / Re: woman rapes 4 year old.
« on: March 21, 2006, 07:53:07 PM »
Now that is sick people like should stay in jail for life. 

Men are stupid sometimes they have to lose everything good they have sometimes, to realized that they made a mistake.  Like what is so different about the next girl.  You may say your wife talk too much or you guys argue too much so because of that you go cheat.  Then messing around with the next girl she will complain about you too.  You just gotta have patience and try to work things through.  Every has had argument in a relationships you just have to be mature enough to work it out.  If you just give up and don't try specially if in the relationship there's kids involved you have to try to work it out for the kids.  So when they grow up You could let them know how hard you tried to make the relationship work for their sake.  I know some people have maybe two or three arguments and just give they say they can't handle the arguments.  It's not that they can't handle it.  their minds are not fully developed for a real relationship.  They're still stuck on petty relationship.  I say if you know you're not ready for a relationship stay alone and leave the woman alone.  Stop Flirting around.  Just go find the easy girl who just want to give it up.  Because it hurts when you cheat and you can't tell the truth.  It's easy for a man to move on because their cold hearted, they care about only one needs.

General Discussion / Re: Yo y'all need to check this out
« on: March 19, 2006, 05:01:02 PM »
see that's Why I'm glad I don't live  from the middle east.

General Discussion / Re: Talk is ah Trini ting
« on: March 19, 2006, 04:58:16 PM »
It Truly is ah Trini ting cause everyone from Trinidad that I  know talk a whole lot. 

It's been since this forum have a lot of logged on.  I guess somebody had to get pissed off in order for that to happen.

soooooooo anyways.... ::)

Who ever was dey picturetakeoutta....allyuh have more pictures of Jefferz ? ;)

Girl I took out some of the pics, Jefferz is a real cutie but we not trying to make a jail so I have no more pics sorry there girl.

And about the whole verb thing; doh even continue to mess up the thread with that. Hey I think that the report should be put in a separate thread where only positive comments about the sweat could be posted.

Real sad about what happen to thread though.  :(

Angel I guess you're bored u just want a piece of me too.  Get a life, because you're continue a fight that's already over.  Now start your own fight buddy.

If I'm looking for attention ah sure damm got it from all ya.  When all ya had to do is just read and ignore my statement Jodie.

see who's the jakass the situation had already squashed but ya'll more of a jackass than me because ya'll lightin' up da fire.  So before you think of voting on somebody to get banned you should read before talking.  you acting like ya'll so nice but yet you're helping a situation that's already solved.  Just continue with the family day event and Fatz don't put your 2 cents in it. 

"Jefferz is sixteen and was saying stuff like f**k bitches and ho's on this website.  Wow, I thought that was a family site.  Why is it okay for this youngun to curse then I make one statement then everybody losing their minds.  Like I dropped a stink bomb in here. It's obvious that the kids are worse then adults.  And another the other subject is squashed about Girl warrior.

See obviously you guys still want that subject to continue.  People always love feuding. you're quoting stuff that was said long ago. Like my name says "VerB".  It is what it is.

I do not care what u have to say Cana. Go ahead stuff your face first.  but a word of advice you might want to say what you have to before eating because you'll get an upset stomach eating when you're mad.

I had squashed the subject that you don't have no tits.  But yet you came late and still want to talk shit. I know why you play football it's the only way you can get close to the man. obviously that's the only way you can be seen.  I did erased my statement in the begining all you had to do is ignore it because a lot of people took off for you.  Now if you really had class you would've just say thank you guys for taking for me since I wasn't here. I aint got nothing agaisnt you.  I was just wondering by looking at the picture.  You do look like a dude.  you're not ugly.  God make us all different.  I did take my statement back because occon... was real mad. 

General Discussion / Re: Public apology to morvantman
« on: March 05, 2006, 05:08:48 PM »
That's cool I always look out for my friends too. But it still is what is it.  It looked like shotta was trying to fight morvant fight for him.  I could respect you trying to take for him.

General Discussion / Re: Public apology to morvantman
« on: March 05, 2006, 04:31:03 PM »
I know it's two different people but obviously one is talking for the other.  Making the other one seem like he can't handle his business. Talking shit is what i do. You right I don't know shotta nor morvant but  still it is what is. obviously you proved me right again morvant aint fighting his fight. First he had his boy now he got a girl fighting his fight.  He's a real big man lol.

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