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Football / Re: Any thoughts or opinions on Alou Diarra?
« on: July 12, 2006, 09:17:27 PM »
Yeah man.. he fit seamlessly into that French midfield. I was thinking the same thing u was ... the man get real stripes in my book dey

« on: July 12, 2006, 08:10:09 PM »
Nonsense..You feel  Trezeuguet holding loyalty to Juve which going down division this year?? Nonsense..
Plus Zaccardo score ah own goal :rotfl: (joking on that one)

Football / Re: Zidane
« on: July 12, 2006, 12:44:56 PM »

Football / Re: Zidane
« on: July 12, 2006, 12:03:49 PM »
Paris - French football icon Zinedine Zidane on Wednesday said he was sorry for head-butting an Italian opponent during the World Cup final against Italy.

But he said in a French television interview that defender Marco Materazzi had brought on the gesture by insulting him with some "very hard words".

"I want to ask for forgiveness from all the children who watched that. There was no excuse for it," he said.

"I want to be open and honest about it because it was seen by two or three billion people watching on television and millions and millions of children were watching."

Asked what exactly Materazzi had said, Zidane would only say that it was "very personal and concerned his mother and his sister".

Zidane was sent-off for the head-butt to Materazzi's chest in the second period of extra-time in Sunday's final in Berlin.

Italy went on to win the World Cup on penalties after the match had finished tied at 1-1 after extra-time.

While Italians celebrated their fourth World Cup crown, France and the rest of the world wondered just what had made the 34-year-old skipper and footballing genius act in the violent way he did in what was the final game of his career.

Source: Independent Online

Football / Re: Zidane
« on: July 12, 2006, 11:57:40 AM »
the press conference/interview is about to start in Paris. Does anyone have access to read/watch this interview what is going on live?

Yorke boy...lookin like yuh wha go to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing...

He's a little old for that (U-23) but if he stays on we should see him in the Gold Cup at least and the beginning of qualifiers maybe

He could be one of the 2 guest overage players

Football / Re: Anyone hear about a Zidane news conference today?
« on: July 12, 2006, 11:00:12 AM »
2 pm TT time I think (That is what I read : 8:00pm Paris time)

General Discussion / Re: How i did in my exams .. lol
« on: July 11, 2006, 11:45:30 AM »
whats his name ?

Kevin.. he in 3N I think (not sure)


Hmmmm...what did they say the rule was if players, coaches, people directly connected with the team were found to use racial abuse during matches? (something about points deducted....and if in knock-out then what??)

Whatever the rules are BEFORE the incident are what need to be applied....doesn't really matter how big the game was...all that matter is what the rule is and I suppose what can be proven.....but with billions of people watching and all them cameras and microphones it mightn be to much of a mystery.

Waiting to see what Zidane say...I don't think he will lie...Materazzi is the man who will be trying to cover his ass.

Well if is "terrorist whore" he used then that's really bad but they will argue that that is not directly racial

General Discussion / Re: How i did in my exams .. lol
« on: July 10, 2006, 09:44:24 AM »
dred i didnt know you in form 3 naps.. my brother musbe in your class (i cyah remember what class my brother in nah)

what buffon did and what ronaldo did are very different..
what buffon did is was run to the referee to draw to his attention an off-the ball foul that the referee did not see..
what ronaldo did was try to influence the referee on a decision on a play the referee was in full view of.

 to blame buffon for anything is ridiculous..if carlos edwards had get headbutt down and shaka run to point it out to the ref it wouldnt even be an argument here ent??

your attempt to word this differently does not make a difference..

BOTH buffon and ronaldo were attempting to influence the referee into taking action and making a decision.

How does Ronaldo know that the ref saw the stamp on de man balls??
How does Buffon know that the lines didn't see the headbutt??

They both acted instinctively to protect their teammates. Remember.. What we are debating here is not the severity of the respective incidents, but the reaction of the victims' teammates.

If shaka had done it I would not have a problem because I don't have a problem with what Buffon or Ronaldo did either.

I get your point :beermug: However it seemed Buffon was asking the ref to consult his linesmen and 4th official rather than remonstrate for a card -- I may be wrong but that's what was said on the live coverage -- that Buffon was pointing in the direction of the linesmen for the ref to go ask them

what buffon did and what ronaldo did are very different..
what buffon did is was run to the referee to draw to his attention an off-the ball foul that the referee did not see..
what ronaldo did was try to influence the referee on a decision on a play the referee was in full view of.

 to blame buffon for anything is ridiculous..if carlos edwards had get headbutt down and shaka run to point it out to the ref it wouldnt even be an argument here ent??

Football / Re: Zidane
« on: July 09, 2006, 05:41:44 PM »
It ayways amazes me how people could stay so far from a situation, not have the facts and arrive at hard and fasr conclusions????  All of you all who know what he should have done ... do you know what you would have done, if it was you under the psycho;ogical and physical pressure that these guys endure???  I am not daying that he was right or wrong, but what i am saying is that we are all humans before we become, footballers , pastors, doctors etc., and do make mistakes from time to time.  If he did say something racist, them maybe, just maybe Zuidane did deal with it right ... because this is 2006 and racism has no place in our society.  And until you have been the victim of racial abuse, you are not entitled to decide what anyone should do in that circumstance.

Well let we forget what Martin Luther King Jr say about racism and non-violence nah. Let we forget Gandhi and them other non-violent leaders against racism -- let we idolize Zidane instead nah -- headbutt all the way -- forget Luther King Jr and Gandhi (them men neverr face racism and know what it feel like nah)

All that is assuming is racism we talking bout. Allyuh just fraid to ZIDANE WAS WRONG!

Football / Re: Zidane
« on: July 09, 2006, 05:10:25 PM »
racist Italian must have said something. Zizou doh do dem things. I bet him say something racist

I like how allyuh defending a headbutt and calling people racist without knowing exactly what happened -- all we see was the headbutt and that just disgusting wha Zidane do..when Henry and Eto get taunted in Spain they should go run into the stands and headbutt people nah?? or why Henry didnt go headbut Araganoes the spanish coach man?? he reall miss out dey ent??
all this is just assuming Materazzi said something racist

Football / Re: Zidane
« on: July 09, 2006, 04:51:31 PM »
regardless of what was said..Zidane was wrong, plain and simple..as for what was said, there will be rumors..I am sure Zidane and Materazzi will have different versions of what was said.

yeah we all know it wrong..but i wanna no what he said..it might make me like zidane a bit more agian

if it was ah english player got headbutt you woulda care what the englishman say? or if it was we trini get headbutt like that allyuh would be complaining? no. plain and simple - that is a red card if i ever see one

Football / Re: Italy vs France
« on: July 09, 2006, 04:08:50 PM »
Them Italians is drama kings.  Hard luck for Henry who lose the 2 biggest games for the year.  I still find he over-rated. Anyhow, that man must be call Zidane some nasty arab slur or cuss he mother. I ent claiming to know the man but in the time I been around Zidane he is incredibly shy - I was shocked to see that he was even capable of that.

Doesnt matter.Wrong is wrong

Football / Re: What a JOKE!
« on: July 08, 2006, 10:55:19 AM »

Totti eh do a ting whole tournament except score a penalty.  If dey pickin he on dat squad....dey might as well give Stern John a bligh.

Well he did have 4 "assists" although I consider assists not a useful stat unless it was a good pass -- but yeah he leads the world cup in assists so he have grounds there

Football / Re: Summer transfers' list
« on: July 08, 2006, 10:02:49 AM »
barcelona get a bess buy with gudjohnsen

Football / Re: Soca Warriors best behaved team in the world cup
« on: July 07, 2006, 05:27:53 PM »
FIFA Fair play award here we come.

Only teams which qualify for the second round are eligible for this award according to some sources (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIFA_World_Cup_awards ). FIFA doesn't officially publish its criteria but rather says only:

"The FIFA Fair Play award is given to the team with the best record of fair play according to the points system
and criteria established by the FIFA Fair Play Committee."

Football / Re: Soca Warriors best behaved team in the world cup
« on: July 07, 2006, 12:19:18 PM »
this is like winning Miss congeniality in de Miss universe competition  ;D

for real ;D

Football / Re: Soca Warriors Video - check it out
« on: July 07, 2006, 11:58:50 AM »
great stuff... really nice... I think this is the first time ive seen this stuff on tv... being in Germany I didnt quite anticipate the huge difference in pespective... being there in the thick of it...

give we a lil example nah jefferz. i interested to know the perspectives from someone there

Football / Re: Adidas Golden Ball shortlist revealed
« on: July 06, 2006, 08:57:06 PM »
how in judgement name pirlo make that list? :-\ he has been less than inspiring compared to his performances for milan

like me and you watching 2 different world cup yes.. pirlo has been outstanding in my book

Football / Re: Italy vs France
« on: July 06, 2006, 03:47:19 PM »
France winning easy easy

Nice.. you come to blight France with your goat mouth -- Italy all the way

Football / Re: Italy vs France
« on: July 06, 2006, 02:21:16 PM »
We all know is Les Bleus vs the Azzurri so who wearing BLUE??

Well the answer is Italy - FIFA announced today that Italy will be wearing their home color and France will once again play in white.
I dont think either side will mind because Italy loves its blue and even though France loves blue also they have beaten Spain, Brazil and Portufal with white.

Football / Re: Adidas Golden Ball shortlist revealed
« on: July 06, 2006, 12:11:48 PM »
This one tough as no one was head and shoulders above everyone. Most times the top scorer gets the award so look for Klose to get it.
Zidane might be sentimental and may boil down to his last game.

My choice would be Pirlo, very consistent, and was the maestro of almost all Italy's build ups and attack and just that final pass against Germany was like iceing on de cake.

Cannavaro has been magnificent and may very well be named best defefder of the tournament
Buffon will be the best goalkeeper without a doubt.

That isnt really true.
2002- Kahn - not topscorer
1998 - Ronaldo - not topscorer
1994 - Romario - not topscorer
1990 - Schillaci - topscorer
1986 - Maradona - not topscorer
1982- Paolo Rossi - topscorer

Only 2 times since they started Golden Ball has the topscorer gotten it (out of a total of 6 so far)

Football / Re: They may never....
« on: July 05, 2006, 09:15:14 PM »
The truth is that football will catch on in the US. The "soccer" generation is now growing up - a partner of mine tell me he and his friends grow up playing baseball-- now all he nephew and niece and them growing up playing "soccer". The truth is that America is secretly embarassed they arent in love with football -- they wish they could have such passion and national pride in a sport that the whole world cares about -- educated people in the US watching the world cup and trying to learn the game so they wouldnt look stupid-- man who never watch football before streaming games on they PC in work and thing to watch.

Football / Re: They may never....
« on: July 05, 2006, 09:04:37 PM »
bill simmons writes mainly for amusement -- i read his articles a lot and he's just playing the fool half the time. basically he writes for the audience and feigns ignorance to appeal to the football (soccer) ignoramuses that is the US reading audience. I wouldn't take him too seriously

Boy I glad too bad if Sven go JA. He is a waste ah time if you ask me - he couldnt lead England to anything. He is a mediocre tactician at best and an awful motivator and manager of athletes

Cricket Anyone / Re: A Captain's Knock
« on: July 05, 2006, 12:04:28 PM »
1st Innings 2nd Innings
Captain A: 81 68
Captain B: 26 11

Guess which one is which?

I'm sorry, but in this one, I think captain B would have to shoulder some of the blame for a 50 run loss. Complaining about the bowlers, or the selectors, or the pitch, doesn't negate the fact that Captain B underperformed with the bat in this test.

Who else score runs in this game hoss?? Only Dravid play 2 phenomenal innings.. even Dravid get out by unplayable balls. The other 21 batsmen in this game ent do nothing much really (small 40's and 50's doh count) so Lara was right to complain about the pitch

Football / Re: Shaka moves to Dallas FC
« on: July 05, 2006, 11:40:49 AM »
Guys allyuh have to realise that this man has had a great career..played at a world cup.. played in a FA Cup final.. played his heart out in the Prem. he is old now and he wants a more comfortable lifestyle for him and his family -- not money only I talking bout eh -- I talking about the demands of a Premiership keeping job and the toll it takes -- plus Shaka tired have to fight for the No.1 jersey so he want to relax now. Is not that the man desperate at all. Shaka we love you and even though some of us wanted more years in the Premiership for you we are very happy for you and I feel you made a wise choice

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