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Messages - davyjenny

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Football / Re: football forum tonight on i95.5fm @6:15 pm
« on: July 08, 2006, 05:45:19 PM »
Yes it was said that Nakhid was the one who gave the referal do your research.

Well seein dat is you who make de statement...de onus is on you to prove dat is Nakhid is de one who bring Beenhakker.  So provide yuh evidence.  Otherwise...yuh talkin shit.

Football / Re: football forum tonight on i95.5fm @6:15 pm
« on: July 08, 2006, 05:37:39 PM »
Dem fellas reinventin history now.

David Nakhid bring Beenhakker.


I guess you don't know but it was mention a very long time ago.
that David Nakhid in fact brought Beenhakker.

Interesting.  Here it was I thought all along that it was in fact Lincoln Phillips who recommended Beenhakker out of a short list that was prepared.

Thanks for the correction.  Hope it eh another one a yuh "Is Jack Warner a alcoholic" statements.
wow i guess this alcoholic topic wont stop move forward man and expand
your mind from it's narrow origin.

Yes it was said that Nakhid was the one who gave the referal do your research.

Football / Re: football forum tonight on i95.5fm @6:15 pm
« on: July 08, 2006, 05:22:39 PM »
Dem fellas reinventin history now.

David Nakhid bring Beenhakker.


I guess you don't know but it was mention a very long time ago.
that David Nakhid in fact brought Beenhakker.

Football / Re: football forum tonight on i95.5fm @6:15 pm
« on: July 08, 2006, 04:44:20 PM »
only we and only we know our players understand

Football / Re: Germany vs Portugal
« on: July 08, 2006, 02:37:40 PM »
i knew it, i knew it, i knew it should of mention it earlier but did not so we have  seen it today.

Football / Re: football forum tonight on i95.5fm @6:15 pm
« on: July 08, 2006, 09:36:34 AM »
How could we relay this information for the host of the show  to  discuss with the guests? two areas for discussion I would like to hear about:



They may have a call in segment on the program, if that's the
case you can give your views when that time arrives so tune in
@6:15 pm tonight.

Football / I95.5fm Thread.
« on: July 08, 2006, 08:56:49 AM »
football forum tonight on i95.5fm @6:15 pm

2006 wc performance and where we go from here.
cummings,vidale and the rest tonight.

Football / Re: A Concacaf team might never win a World Cup
« on: July 07, 2006, 10:22:05 PM »
usa projected plans are 2010 or 2014

2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: England team for sale on Ebay!!!
« on: July 06, 2006, 10:19:31 PM »
ah want to bid wid de few pounds ah have but it go make
plenty noise before it come out meh... pocket then after that
ah go protest to FIFA to get meh money back  LOL.
they eh worth ah sh*t!!!  :rotfl:

1966 wc they cheat and they will never see one again in many light years to come. >:(

f**king cry babies is de english fa. >:(

Football / Re: Soca Warriors Video - check it out
« on: July 06, 2006, 09:49:42 PM »
bring tears to meh eyes.
nice pieces of footage. great memories.

Football / Worst world cup story of 2006
« on: July 06, 2006, 07:42:25 PM »
was when TOGO wanted to quit playing their games because
of players financial issues.to me that made their federation look
real unprofessional and sh*tty. it should of been sorted out before going to germany  :-[

Oh sh&%#t!! I forget to mention that cobi jones on Fox talking a PACK ah ASS, too.  What an IDIOT!!
cobi and the rest on fox sports always talking ah pack ah sh*t
after de wc they bathroom go be smellin ah lot better   :devil:

Football / Re: Henry just dived!
« on: July 05, 2006, 01:50:36 PM »
what game allyuh watching?lens crafters selling plenty glasses.

Football / Re: No Goals Scored by T&T in our 1st World Cup!!
« on: July 04, 2006, 09:02:25 PM »
ask bennie he had a deep bench of goal getters.

Even if england protest what will come of it.We get screwed get over it ,WC almost done .I hav learnd
one thing in this expricence we"ll never win the cup,we"ll allways get screwed. ha .no matter how good   we are...;. anyways. :beermug:

they could appeal the red card so he wont have to miss the next england match, dais all dey doing
yep that's true.

they are not sure though but it was mention now that germany is out
things look possible for the u.s.

With that kind of money for klinsmann one wonders what beenie man
would ask for,ttff better make up their minds on who they really want
to manage their national side or else go local.

"go local to who"? i guess that's what cummings and the others want.

englad is protesting wayne rooney red card to fifa the english fa are crying about this alot. What about peter crouch foul on brent sancho?
seems to me that we will have to grin and take it with ease since we are new to wc scene but fair is fair and this is the world cup.

lord ah was lookin rel drunk.

them comments yuh does make seems to me that you always drunk.
as matter of fact yuh have ah drunk face!!  ;D

Football / Re: R.Carlos retires from international football
« on: July 03, 2006, 02:03:08 PM »
he shoulda retired from int'l football a year ago. Both he and Cafu shoulda stepped down along time ago...

Big respect to R.Carlos nevertheless.....He did his time, and left his mark on the game.
yeah, and left his mark on the game by having henry score 1 on brazil.
oh... what a lasting memory we'll have of him :(

Football / Re: Let me "tax" allyuh brains, rule change.
« on: July 03, 2006, 01:22:58 PM »
try this, everybody might bawl but if you limit the midfield and (midfield only)to x amount of touches  the game would be different.

where as united states have a pipe line and the resources to qualify for the next wc and mexico would qualify because they have a pipe line of players.It was said that most of our present players will be retired and they are not sure of tinidad's pipe line to qulify for their next wc.

they always beating up on us just would not stop but we have alot in store for them.

ummmm ok... my most sober response to this is ..."huh?"

o.k fella  ;D

where as united states have a pipe line and the resources to qualify for the next wc and mexico would qualify because they have a pipe line of players.It was said that most of our present players will be retired and they are not sure of tinidad's pipe line to qulify for their next wc.

they always beating up on us just would not stop but we have alot in store for them.

Football / Re: pictures from Kaiserslautern
« on: July 02, 2006, 01:25:59 PM »
i mehself got to k-town around 1900 hrs with just enough time to deal with crowds and the walk from the train and some beers to the stadium.
good action in the city on that day.

Football / Re: brazil v ghana
« on: June 28, 2006, 06:11:16 PM »
a long 11 hour flight from stuttgart to dusseldorf to miami today what an experience. monitoring the board for a few mins. then off to bed.

Football / Re: brazil v ghana
« on: June 27, 2006, 08:35:27 AM »
i had to stay one more day here today in stuttgart down town commercial district lots of big screen televisions  to witness Brazil vs Ghana after all the happenings over the weekend real,real exciting. i'll be travelling home for sure tomorrow.
german beers r good for sooo !! ah drinking more today ah need some help!!

plenty hype.

Football / well o.k then:all visitors woüld ease off the site.
« on: June 22, 2006, 05:09:24 PM »
back to basics and the normal öld talk as usual bye people.
i will be back in florida on tuesday. it was great in stuttgart today  plenty of croacian and australian fans.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Paraguay game.
« on: June 19, 2006, 11:51:14 AM »
i'm in stuttgart
see the  fellas at the game tomorrow party time

bsc never like players with rasta hair styles and long hair in his team
nothing against our team but opponents will use these things to their
advantage.Just my take.

Everybody shoulda and coulda now...if they had not lost nobody would say that he shoulda and coulda anything..why  trinis always feel alyuh know better.  When u lose u could always say if this or if that but the bottom line is he went with the team he thought could do the job and they did their very best..if u not satisfied..jump on ah plane, head to germany, fire beenhakker and take over as coach, then beat paraguay by 4 goals...if yuh cant do any of the above..be quiet.

but you saying the same thing also coulda and shoulda the bottom line is that you  need the men who have the power and skill to put the ball in the back of the net breds especially against england,not taking anything away from beenhakker but mistakes are mistakes he started with who he thinks was the best eleven.

let see whats happen next. like i said before i'm picking up the tale end
of this wc leaving sunday hope the fellas make second rounds.

lets go warriors

where in my post i say shoulda and coulda?.i said ppl saying that, it is always easy to say that after the fact.
yuh talking like we have goalscorers..after stern the closest thing we have to ah scorer is tallest and birchall..

yes we do glenn,john,jones,samuel,birchall,yorke and the list goes on
depends on coaching instructions.

Everybody shoulda and coulda now...if they had not lost nobody would say that he shoulda and coulda anything..why  trinis always feel alyuh know better.  When u lose u could always say if this or if that but the bottom line is he went with the team he thought could do the job and they did their very best..if u not satisfied..jump on ah plane, head to germany, fire beenhakker and take over as coach, then beat paraguay by 4 goals...if yuh cant do any of the above..be quiet.

but you saying the same thing also coulda and shoulda the bottom line is that you  need the men who have the power and skill to put the ball in the back of the net breds especially against england,not taking anything away from beenhakker but mistakes are mistakes he started with who he thinks was the best eleven.

let see whats happen next. like i said before i'm picking up the tale end
of this wc leaving sunday hope the fellas make second rounds.

lets go warriors

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