Fish ah hear ya loud and clear
My first day or I should say my first week at work, now mind you the company I work for has about 600 workers in it. Out of the 600, an estimate of 180 are minorities. That being said, minding my business, doing the people work, this Swedish guy (a minority) comes up and kept looking at me in this way. So I say to myself " must be meh perfume he like" so ah smile. Man watch me and dust it. Ah say alrighty.
Next day he comes back, now I don't put water in my mouth to say anything to anyone....ah ask him what wrong. Hear his response... and until I die I won't forget it. "Oh!! I've never seen a 'black' (man stress on the black) woman in a suit that how you all normally dress from where you're from".
Fishs now ya hafta excuse meh french now... because that was my first time experience of a racist comment, and I didn't know how to respond. Infact my mother forgot to mention racism in her birds and bees speech. Â I didn't know if I should have taken offense or take as a compliment, just the fact that the word 'black' was used rush meh blood to my head. I know now, to just smile and ignore.
I couldn't care if his name was Mr. Smith dey Managing Director or Mr Smith dey cleaner. I got up walked straight up to his face and whispered  "yes c**t, this is how we dress...but the next time you use the word black infront of me you white discolored pr*ck i'll re-arrange your f**king ignorance. Took 2 steps back and walked calmly back to my office as if nothing ever happened.
I spoke to a couple of my co workers about it, some said don't worry about it, others said I should have taken it up with his Manager. I let it slide. Â But to this day that man would see me walking down the hall way towards him and he will go the other direction....he can't face me.
Fishs it really does affect you in a negative way - insecure is the word.....but ya know what, just smile and walk away. That will totally confuse the shit outta people...leave them wondering why didn't he/she respond ? Â
I feel de man was trackin yuh in he bumblin farm way oui
Doh mind dey come from developed countries, some ah dem fellahs is real 'country boookie'
In europe dat is how dem does talk, "a black" as opposed to a "a black guy, woman",, whatever.
I surprised he livin in Ontario and never see one in ah suit, PLUS he eh know ontario discrimination workplace laws doh mek joke
My opinion, if yuh cuss, yuh lower yuhself to he standard...cause dat is the stereotype dem fellahs expect...yuh ha tuh shit dem up so smood or with some wicked sarcasm that dey go never approach yuh chupid again
I guess at the time yuh just raw wit anger, so naturally dat is de first ting go come out...wha yuh go do
That being said, I still feel de man was trackin yuh in he bumblin country boy way
As for Fishs..yuh make de right move bredrin....unless yuh Scottish pardners was willing to back yuh, it doh make sense...sometimes yuh hadda grit yuh teet and walkaway
Plus you livin in ah area of de world where apparently de prisons out dey does make Golden Grove seem like a paradise.
Like TT say, I cyah speak too much on dat
Most setta drama I use to get is when on my motorbikes . Police was stoppin me everyday...but my head was so above that and ah talkin to dem straight,,, watchin dem in dey eye hard etc AND mih papers in order...dem hadda humble deyself and say have a nice day
I livin in Ontario since I is 17 when it hardly had Trini up here (34 now) and I never experience none ah dat blatant stuff nah......then again (I've been told) I doh really look like ah fellah who too approachable, (although I very meek) so maybe people does pick dey mark.
Hol allyuh head up