We can't play any worse. If our scrappy bringing those results I excited to see some of our better games. It was good to chill Latas. Glen vex so purge for Honduras. Stern played well enough but we need a more aggressive option.
i really think so eh
Ah know ah late posting in this thread but DHW, ah know you know, that we CAN play worst....which is the frightening part...this was El Salvador eh and mih head hurting mih from thinking about the next setta teams to meet....
Edit: Ok ah read the whole thread and since is 2 -3 days after the game and ah REAL calm down....my positives are..
1. Carlos score ah nice, sweeettt goal....the Rolls Royce starting to roll again...
2. THANK GOD FOR INCE!!.....(p.s. he out the next game, but that is another kettle ah fish...
3. AKLIE EDWARDS IMPROVE!!....I couldn't believe mih eyes!!!....
4. We score 2 goals away from home.
On to March 28th!!...GO WARRIORS!!!....