I don’t understand why he has isolated boatswain, that lad had some potential and looked dangerous every time he plays yet he sticks with one dimensional winchester and Nathan Lewis who in all his competitive starts can’t find a single goal. he has all but ignored Greg Ranjitsingh who I’m sure is much better than the two goats we have, when will he give the lad a shot? it’s things like this that infuriates me about dennis lawrence.
Dan now I know fuh sure you on shit!!!
wait I now see this......boatswain was mostly useless outside his comfort read PFL....what I remember of boatswain, was standing yards offside like ah deer in the headlights on every attack we had and frustrating d hell out d team...was ah WCQ game against costa rica annoying AF
nah mate I disagree. boatswain is very frustrating to watch but the guy has a presence and he has managed to do what most forwards we had in the recent past has failed to do and that’s put himself about.
Watch winchester Caesar and plaza, these players are gone missing every time they play and you could barely tell we have forwards in a game, but boatswain is quite visible and though he’s offside most of the time ala stern john..........he finds himself in positions to receive the ball. Afrom my point of view boatswain is still young and given time with a good manager who could teach him to time his runs and stay on side, he could be a dangerous asset for us.
Stern couldn't read d line or lacked d concentration to continuously check d line....boatswain would STAND 3-4 yards offside apparently unaware of what it meant to be offside.
So lefty, what would you do as a coach of a good player with poor positioning and interpretation of the play in offside situations? Send him to the executioner? Toss him out as the baby with de bathwater?
come now seeker, of course u would seek to do the remedial work.....but doesn't it strike you as odd dat ah player....even with pro league seasoning...cannot recognize offside by two body lengths so consistently
and during build up to boot....remember he had quite a few CA trials failed and contract non-renewals, don't you feel that corrective measures would have been attempted then too. My feeling is dat like Levi, the level of our club\SSFL football hid deficiency behind incompetence and dereliction and that for many of our players that situation lasted way too long, jus sayin. In we football talent is "relative" in d worst way possible right now.
I have said it once and I will say it again, we should swallow we false pride and take ah page out ah USA playbook, practice to do d simple tings well, then practice to do d simple tings "fast fast"
and when we get dat dong, move on from dey......we have always been somewhat delusional about we level as it relates to football.
lemme ask yuh, 5 players in this era with decent and consistent touch and pass completion