Ah hope the TTFF and latas paying heed! yuh see meh boi daryl just played another full game! not in the PFL , but in ah top flight euro league!
ah hope de boy cyar pass clyde leon and lazy doh give ah fork keon get tuh sit the next one out and let the players who running out regular with skills that surpass dem two local boy play.
dat was one of my biggest beef wid pancho, picking men who out of a club and men who sweating regular for bigger clubs and wid more experience, getting axe for local cyar pass cyar trap slow as molasses players.
in the last GC even the commentators said that daryl was the best player on the field, he has skill , passes well and good touches.
latas this fella could be the attacking mid we need tuh enhance KJ's and scotty's performance up front. doh sleep please boss! we need the best team on the pitch win lose or draw!