i know de goal that noray scored, i saw it! It was on de right flank, he back was tuh de goal, he hit ah man a body fake, sent him de wrong way, turned, and fire de ball in de net!
i agree with u when u say that his size does make him hard to mark, because he is known to get into spaces very quickly, and is quick of de dribble
He is not ah quickie, so he cyar run wit the ball like sam or glenn, nor is he strong in de air like yorke, stern or jones, nor is he strong on de ball like scotland.
I have no problem with him on de team, but who place he go take? i woulda like tuh see him on de team because i like him as a player, but bertile f*ck up de chance tuh use him in the digicel cup (imagine nigel pierre get tuh play).
Andy Johnson score ah million goal in the Premiership and still he eh get pick as a striker for england (dey eventually play him for one game on de wing in ah friendly).
Sam, i just want u tuh recommend who place he might take.
K. Jones, D. Yorke, S. John, C. Glenn, J. Scotland, H. Sam (i eh even talk bout sealey and glasgow yet).
Remember, we only want 4 strikers!
Ah love it!!