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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2008, 12:00:06 AM »
Hunt's suggestion was ridiculous in the first place. Putting aside the immaturity of JW's press release, the man has several points. Almost every FA in the world uses gate receipts to fund team expenses, not just the stadium fees. The notion of no rental fee = free games is absolutely stupid.

...and every other FA (ostensibly) is self-sufficient and do not rely on public money to remain solvent.  If they desperate enough to seek public funding then they're not boldface enough on top of it to not account for how it's spent.  Is it Hun'ts suggestion that is ridiculous...or is it the position of the TTFF (which prompted Hunt's "offer") that 10% of the gate receipts is too steep a rent?

Hunt is a poor politician. Both him and JW do not have the interest of us in mind, they're just trying to score political points on each other.

The Ministry needs to remember that it administrates the Stadium with TAX PAYER'S money. It is not the Minister's stadium, this is our stadium. This is our national team and they have every damn right to get use of the stadium, and we have every right to see games at the stadium. Both parties need to drop their egos and stop mishandling this crap.

You keep falling for that fiction... this is the TTFF's national team.  The public has no say in the running of the team's affairs, we have no voice in it's administration (the TTFF), no input in it's governance...we do not vote for it's members and we sure as hell don't appoint it's leadership.  Should the 'public'... in the form of the government ever put God out it's thoughts and interfere too much in the TTFF's affairs FIFA will promptly issue us a ban in we ass until we fall back and let the bobol proceed.  So please spare us this nonsense about this is "our" team... as Jack is more than happy to remind us, this is HIS team, we just have the privilege of cheering for it.  So same way, the HC is our stadium... HIS team playing there is a privilege, not a right.  If he wants to use the facility then he must be prepared to pay a rent.  Gary Hunt might be a poor politician but that's alright, I could live with that because he's one hell of a businessman, and right now he about the business of the public's money.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 12:26:19 AM by Bake n Shark »

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2008, 12:09:56 AM »
well this "freething" ent sounding right....unless he has some sort of plan...but cant see it right now.
Everything Hunt had done before this was exactly what was needed to be done.

Bringing a new contract days before a match?  Not at all.  He could have easily said after the England game new contract agreements would be put in place for all sports.  Instead he turned it into a fiasco.  Nothing positive came out of that for anyone invloved.  It was a big joke at the nation's expense.

What new contract? 

Ah next one who smart 'til he blasted dotish.  Jack bawl about "new contract" and have all ah allyuh jackass running about de place braying tuh he tune.  The contractual terms was always either 10% of the gate, or $3,000 whichever is greater.  Jack sell $9M worth of tickets fuh de England game.... 10% of that is $900,00.00, I sure de maths ent hard even fuh you.  By contract he owed the Ministry $900K in rent... Hunt cut him ah deal and say, "okay, fuhget de $900,000, pay we $150K instead".  The only other change to the existing contract was that the Ministry didn't want any tobacco or alcohol ads in the stadium...that's the only change.  THIS is what dem bourgeous backsideholes in de stadium boo Hunt for???  Why should he wait until Jack facking rape de public fuh more money to demand Jack pay the public what he owe we?  You ent see you's ah blasted retard?  You just anti-PNM, so everything PNM do they wrong.  Your head too 4COP fuh you to see, hear or think straight.

Offline Bakes

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2008, 12:22:26 AM »
Both of them on Games. Jack start it and Hunt get tie up stupid.

Allyuh men too simple.  Hunt just using artifice and gamesmanship to reveal Jack's deceit and it flying right over allyuh head.  Apparently allyuh miss de purpose of that volley served into Jack's let me help allyuh break it down.

Jack doh want to pay the new minimum ($150,000 TT) to rent the HC stadium, so he try to use the Dwight Yorke stadium... but stadium book, since what Jack do?  He bawl how de Ministry blocking him from using de Dwight Yorke..even though the proof of it being previously booked up right dey fuh everybody to see.

So he come back and bawling about de rent... he ent want to pay de $150K...dat is too much money.  So Hunt say, arrite if dat is too much money fuh yuh tuh pay... we go let yuh use it free of charge, juss doh turn around and charge we people no money to come in.  Serve him ah ace whey he cyah even stretch he ole ass tuh reach it... one forehand in he ass.  He too shame now to come out and say is only ole noise he making about rent he fling down he racket...buss de strings...stomping all over de court arguing about how de ball was out.  He complaining tuh de referee...he complaining tuh de line judge...he complaining tuh de Hawkeye fella...he complaining tuh de gallery...tuh de ball boy and dem even.  All because somebody show him up and he eh have no comeback fuh de service.

Now instead of appreciating de facking rimshot he take in he ass he have allyuh fellas cussing Boris Becker fuh serving him too hard.

Trinidadians is facking kicks yes boy.  My people....
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 01:43:56 AM by Bake n Shark »

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2008, 12:32:58 AM »
Press Release.
By: Shaun Fuentes (TTFF).

In case the Minister is not aware, gate receipts represent just one source of income for the T&TFF. In many cases, what the T&TFF charges for tickets at the gates does not even remotely cover the expenses associated with a match, far more to manage the affairs of the Federation and general development of football. Even if one were to take the Minister’s offer of free use of the Hasely Crawford Stadium seriously, will he pay for the security for the match? the two teams’ accommodation? the expenses related to match officials? the away travel for Trinidad and Tobago when they play the return game? and a host of other expenses? What manner of foolishness is this!!! For cheap publicity!!

Jack Warner
Special Advisor
Cc: Trinidad & Tobago Football Federation

The minister might be more aware of the costs if TTFF ever published their accounts  :D

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2008, 12:54:58 AM »
Both of them on Games. Jack start it and Hunt get tie up stupid.

Allyuh men too simple.  Hunt just using artifice and gamesmanship to reveal Jack's deceit and it flying right over allyuh head.  Apparently allyuh miss de purpose of that volley served into Jack's let me help allyuh break it down.

Jack doh want to pay the new minimum ($150,000 TT) to rent the HC stadium, so he try to use the Dwight Yorke stadium... but stadium book, since what Jack do?  He bawl how de Ministry blocking him from using de Dwight Yorke..even though the proof of it being previously booked up right dey fuh everybody to see.

So he come back and bawling about de rent... he ent want to pay de $150K...dat is too much money.  So Hunt say, arrite if dat is too much money fuh yuh tuh pay... we go let yuh use it free of charge, juss doh turn around and charge we people no money to come in.  Serve him ah ace whey he cyah even stretch he ole ass tuh reach it... one forehand in he ass.  He too shame now to come out and say is only ole noise he making about rent he fling down he racket...buss de strings...stomping all over de court arguing about how de ball was out.  He complaining tuh de referee...he complaining tuh de linesman...he complaining tuh de Hawkeye fella...he complaining tuh gallery...tuh de ball boy and dem even.  All because somebody show him up and he eh have no comeback fuh de service.

Now instead of appreciating de facking rimshot he take in he ass he have allyuh fellas cussing Boris Becker fuh serving him too hard.

Trinidadians is facking kicks yes boy.  My people....

Yeh buh yuh have to love us.
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Offline davidephraim

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2008, 01:02:20 AM »
well this "freething" ent sounding right....unless he has some sort of plan...but cant see it right now.
Everything Hunt had done before this was exactly what was needed to be done.

Bringing a new contract days before a match?  Not at all.  He could have easily said after the England game new contract agreements would be put in place for all sports.  Instead he turned it into a fiasco.  Nothing positive came out of that for anyone invloved.  It was a big joke at the nation's expense.

What new contract? 

Ah next one who smart 'til he blasted dotish.  Jack bawl about "new contract" and have all ah allyuh jackass running about de place braying tuh he tune.  The contractual terms was always either 10% of the gate, or $3,000 whichever is greater.  Jack sell $9M worth of tickets fuh de England game.... 10% of that is $900,00.00, I sure de maths ent hard even fuh you.  By contract he owed the Ministry $900K in rent... Hunt cut him ah deal and say, "okay, fuhget de $900,000, pay we $150K instead".  The only other change to the existing contract was that the Ministry didn't want any tobacco or alcohol ads in the stadium...that's the only change.  THIS is what dem bourgeous backsideholes in de stadium boo Hunt for???  Why should he wait until Jack facking rape de public fuh more money to demand Jack pay the public what he owe we?  You ent see you's ah blasted retard?  You just anti-PNM, so everything PNM do they wrong.  Your head too 4COP fuh you to see, hear or think straight.

I like COP myself... I thought Dookeran to be an independent thinker so I dont think a man being Pnm or COP has any real bearing on de topic at hand so like the "Rock" say in de wyclef tune "It doesnt matter" because if you aint sharing, people aint caring and Jack will come up in yuh hood and take everything yuh wearin. (de shirt off yuh back) The first game being free to the fans should have been the JWFF gift for a 100 years of service and spending anyway. Jack is the only person i know who does give back to the public and charge yuh at de same time. Heftily at that...

what a pity...
Warren N. Boucaud

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2008, 01:12:51 AM »
I like COP myself... I thought Dookeran to be an independent thinker so I dont think a man being Pnm or COP has any real bearing on de topic at hand so like the "Rock" say in de wyclef tune "It doesnt matter" because if you aint sharing, people aint caring and Jack will come up in yuh hood and take everything yuh wearin. (de shirt off yuh back) The first game being free to the fans should have been the JWFF gift for a 100 years of service and spending anyway. Jack is the only person i know who does give back to the public and charge yuh at de same time. Heftily at that...

what a pity...

Fella...unless you know where I coming from yuh cyah understand whey ah going.  I sure dcs ent questioning why I made that particular comment.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 01:19:45 AM by Bake n Shark »

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2008, 01:28:12 AM »

As my mom would always say when we were growing up, "Allyuh have it too nice dais why allyuh eh know what tuh cry for."

We Trinis like we love tuh stay and wallow in our simplicity and naivety.

Jack has proven himself to be a dictatorial, tyrannical, drama queen, self serving, heartless thief and ruler. And some have the nerve to "consider pros and cons."

We, as a culture of people, will only permit the reality of the situation to sink in when it reaches home to us in some way. Is like it has tuh touch us personally befor it could really get our attention. Sometimes that doh even work because some will still find another way to explain away why things are the way they are.

My People. . . .

When I think about the abundance nature of talent we possess in T&T and the collossal waste it is enough to make yuh want to weep.

Yuh see Trinis play for fun. Understand that nah. We play sports because it brings us joy. We are a truly laidback nation. When we were coming through the ranks and we went no the block to kick some ball it was because we enjoyed the lime, camradire, the skills, creativity, flow the rythm of the game. When I came tuh the states and played sports with and against Americans for instance, they played tuh win. In other words they didn't have a good game and they didn't enjoyed themselves unless they won. We Trinis doh have tuh win tuh enjoy ourselves. There is a sense in which "we have it too nice" tuh take anything too seriously.

My People. . .
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Offline davidephraim

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #38 on: June 13, 2008, 03:33:24 AM »
I like COP myself... I thought Dookeran to be an independent thinker so I dont think a man being Pnm or COP has any real bearing on de topic at hand so like the "Rock" say in de wyclef tune "It doesnt matter" because if you aint sharing, people aint caring and Jack will come up in yuh hood and take everything yuh wearin. (de shirt off yuh back) The first game being free to the fans should have been the JWFF gift for a 100 years of service and spending anyway. Jack is the only person i know who does give back to the public and charge yuh at de same time. Heftily at that...

what a pity...

Fella...unless you know where I coming from yuh cyah understand whey ah going.  I sure dcs ent questioning why I made that particular comment.

I not even questioning it. I can clearly see where yuh goin and dont have no beef with it. I just add de political correctness to de post dat is all. Yuh cya vex with a "fella" for dat. I agree with de post so dont let it seem like post bashing, it is actually only putting de fact out dey dat it have people from every political party who go boo hunt and applaud Jack... as far as for  you and Dcs pussonal ting.. I go take wind.
Warren N. Boucaud

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2008, 04:13:14 AM »
I think people are maybe confused about how FA's are run in other countries.
Wembley Stadium is owned by the FA and is run as a business by them but while it was being rebuilt they used other satdiums around the country.....for this they paid commerical rent. They did not get a bligh or an ease up this is how it is done. The TTTF should also be paying rent to the Government as they are a private entity, I believe sometimes people think that they are a division of Ministry of Sport, they make profit and losses (all losses they say) like any other business. lets say for the Bermuda game they got 1,000 people in paying $150 they would make $150,000 and break even on rent (excluding any costs). So all the TTFF has to do get is over 1,000 and they starting to make money to cover costs so what is the better deal ?

1 no rent and no income so any costs will be a loss
2 rent of 150,000 get over 1,000 fans and they start to cover costs
but no TTFF want option 3
3 pay Cobeaux rent of 3,000 and make more money to line JW wallets

The FA in England does not receive any money from the British government ...NOT A DAM PENNY

why do people think the TTFF should get money from the Government ???? they are a private business.
Not only that they are a private business that time and time agian have shown themselves to be corrupt and ineffiicent. They have other companies like that ...they are called Enron !

we have no say in how the TTFF is run the only person who have any power is the Government, I say flex your muscles Hunt because its the only way we will get any change in that parasite of a company.

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2008, 04:40:17 AM »
Both of them on Games. Jack start it and Hunt get tie up stupid.

Allyuh men too simple.  Hunt just using artifice and gamesmanship to reveal Jack's deceit and it flying right over allyuh head.  Apparently allyuh miss de purpose of that volley served into Jack's let me help allyuh break it down.

Jack doh want to pay the new minimum ($150,000 TT) to rent the HC stadium, so he try to use the Dwight Yorke stadium... but stadium book, since what Jack do?  He bawl how de Ministry blocking him from using de Dwight Yorke..even though the proof of it being previously booked up right dey fuh everybody to see.

So he come back and bawling about de rent... he ent want to pay de $150K...dat is too much money.  So Hunt say, arrite if dat is too much money fuh yuh tuh pay... we go let yuh use it free of charge, juss doh turn around and charge we people no money to come in.  Serve him ah ace whey he cyah even stretch he ole ass tuh reach it... one forehand in he ass.  He too shame now to come out and say is only ole noise he making about rent he fling down he racket...buss de strings...stomping all over de court arguing about how de ball was out.  He complaining tuh de referee...he complaining tuh de line judge...he complaining tuh de Hawkeye fella...he complaining tuh de gallery...tuh de ball boy and dem even.  All because somebody show him up and he eh have no comeback fuh de service.

Now instead of appreciating de facking rimshot he take in he ass he have allyuh fellas cussing Boris Becker fuh serving him too hard.

Trinidadians is facking kicks yes boy.  My people....
Thanks for the explaination
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2008, 05:04:55 AM »
lemmeh ask allyuh many of those people who boo Hunt will be at the Bermuda game????

I will.

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #42 on: June 13, 2008, 05:37:44 AM »
An Ode to Gary Hunt.....

Gary, indeed I am impressed with the tactical move made on your part on behalf off the ministry. Jack Warner does go off in such tyraids that he often contradicts himself to de point of retardedness.  Jack Warner has in the past expressed so emphatically that the gate receipts dont even cover the price of the ice in we cups at such an event but now it seems it covers a whole lot more. In addition I dont know how long the TTFF can continue to use their favorite disclaimer " The government hasn't put a dollar into sport" when clearly we have seen other press realeses suggesting otherwise. It seems that you do in fact care about the sport and the fans who attend and or simple sticking it to Jack/TTFF. In any case. Well done sir. Jack Warner may have mentioned his "other" costs but he negates the fact that the Stadium and to run it for such an event also isnt free so in effect you are extending a courtesy to the public via the TTFF.

I salute you and keep up the good work...

P.S. Obvioulsy when yuh piss off grandpa yuh have to be ready to take up de slack at a moments notice which i suspect that you are ready and willing providing that Jack and the other non-trinis are not involved. De Fans might not be ready to take back their football as was evident with you being booed and Jack applauded in de England game but sometimes yuh have to protect people even from themselves.

 :applause: :applause: :applause:
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2008, 05:43:45 AM »
Me eh know why ppl does get caught in JW and he f .ckery. Look at the bullshite I seeing on here . Don't we know by now JW only use smoke screen to fool ppl untill the truth is told? He and Panday is sleep tight, tight when de night come. Talk about sleeping with the devil.

First he say Hunt have a vendetta. Now he say dey cyar pay the money. :rotfl:

Preach for we dey superoli open dey eye fuh we.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 05:45:21 AM by pass(10trini) »
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2008, 05:52:18 AM »
I cannot believe the amount of fuckery I reading in this thread.

I will address the nonsense one dotish piece at a time

This from a Minister who, since his tenure, has not put one cent into the sport, whether this be for payment to coaches or to facilitate the participation of any of our national teams in qualifying or regional and international tournaments of which there have been over 10 to date or the organization of training camps or for airfare of any kind or for accommodation of any kind or general administration or even insurance, just to cite a few of the expenses that are borne by the T&TFF.

This is addressed to Mr. Warner...or he can let his lapdog issue another "Press Release" in his own name:  How much money has Berlusconi given the FIGC??  How much money has Gordon Brown given the English FA??  How much money has George Bush given the USSF???? much is that you say..ZERO??  Right you are.  Why?? Because any assistance the government lends to a PRIVATE entity is a privilege not a right.  This is what these fools who want to boo Hunt are forgetting.  This is what the fools in this thread...who support the fools who want to boo Hunt are forgetting.  You complain that Hunt hasn't given one cent (in the 3-4 months) since he's been Minister of Sport...yet the monies already given to you by the previous Minister of Sport, you continually fail to account for?  Is the government of Trinidad and Tobago your personal money tree that the Min. of Sport should continuously hand over money that belongs to the citizens of this country to your corrupt, inefficient, cabalistic black hole of an organization... and then we cannot inquire of you how OUR money was spent?  Get the fuck out of here.

In case the Minister is not aware, gate receipts represent just one source of income for the T&TFF. In many cases, what the T&TFF charges for tickets at the gates does not even remotely cover the expenses associated with a match, far more to manage the affairs of the Federation and general development of football. Even if one were to take the Minister’s offer of free use of the Hasely Crawford Stadium seriously, will he pay for the security for the match? the two teams’ accommodation? the expenses related to match officials? the away travel for Trinidad and Tobago when they play the return game? and a host of other expenses? What manner of foolishness is this!!! For cheap publicity!!


So... since gate receipts by your own admission is negligible then you're not losing much by forfeiting said receipts right?  If what the Ministry of Sport is calling for in rent is too much for you to pay without carping about it, then it should be a nice even exchange... free rent, and in exchange you give up the peanuts you'd otherwise charge at the gates...sounds like a bargain, no?  Even if you charge the gate receipts, you'd still have to turn around and find money to pay the stipulated rent, find money to pay for security, the two teams' accommodation, expenses related to match officials, away travel....

So a simple line item exchange in the ledger... one negligible revenue stream, for one onerous (as you make it seem) expense item...should be a favorable trade off.  What's the issue??

Oh..wait, I get it.  You take the public fuh some ass (and clearly, judging from some of the responses in this thread...some fit the bill) and we not suppose tuh aks dem kinah educated question ent?

I agree. Are we also forgetting the sales of food, drinks and beverages? Ticket sales are not the only income at games. This is pure properganda. The public is faling for it. I love the question you asked about the money. He can produce what hunt gave but not what the previous minister gave. The more I read these comments the more I think I may get into the politic arena. Since (Jack) anybody could be ah minister too. I wish he had tuh deal with me. All dem money games Jack playing I would expose him immediately.
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #45 on: June 13, 2008, 06:09:20 AM »
Jack is the only person i know who does give back to the public and charge yuh at de same time. Heftily at that...
what a pity...
while perusing the posts in this thread I nearly missed this
VERY good point David
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 06:21:08 AM by WestCoast »
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #46 on: June 13, 2008, 07:17:11 AM »
Alllyuh cud stay and tickle yuhself with the fantasies about how things playing out (tennis  :rotfl:) ...the T&T public is seeing things another way....I suppose the court was wrong too...and the minister's legal adviser...and the media.

"my people"   ::)

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #47 on: June 13, 2008, 07:50:37 AM »
wrong about what ?
Superoli for President of TTFF
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #48 on: June 13, 2008, 07:59:48 AM »
Alllyuh cud stay and tickle yuhself with the fantasies about how things playing out (tennis  :rotfl:) ...the T&T public is seeing things another way....I suppose the court was wrong too...and the minister's legal adviser...and the media.

"my people"   ::)

so tell us Counselor,
what did the Court say that Hunt was doing wrong?

yoU eNt Cee it was just a very Silly "Grand Charge" by Jackula ::)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 11:12:16 AM by WestCoast »
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads.
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2008, 08:14:27 AM »
If gates receipts are only one form of revenue for the TTFF what then are the other streams? Maybe Mr. Warner will care to elucidate so that then, the citizens of TnT, the stakeholders of TnT's football, may have an idea of the how the TTFF is run and whether or not their tax dollars should be invested in the TTFF.

So let me ask all the Trini massive this question: Who pays Maturana and his staff? What do these guys make on a monthly basis? I find it strange that a government minister is directly involved in a public spat over use of a sporting facility with a sport administrator.  Its even more Bizarre that the minister wants to tell the T&TFF how to use the stadium (free entry).

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #50 on: June 13, 2008, 08:19:06 AM »
I cannot believe the amount of fuckery I reading in this thread.

I will address the nonsense one dotish piece at a time

This from a Minister who, since his tenure, has not put one cent into the sport, whether this be for payment to coaches or to facilitate the participation of any of our national teams in qualifying or regional and international tournaments of which there have been over 10 to date or the organization of training camps or for airfare of any kind or for accommodation of any kind or general administration or even insurance, just to cite a few of the expenses that are borne by the T&TFF.

This is addressed to Mr. Warner...or he can let his lapdog issue another "Press Release" in his own name:  How much money has Berlusconi given the FIGC??  How much money has Gordon Brown given the English FA??  How much money has George Bush given the USSF???? much is that you say..ZERO??  Right you are.  Why?? Because any assistance the government lends to a PRIVATE entity is a privilege not a right.  This is what these fools who want to boo Hunt are forgetting.  This is what the fools in this thread...who support the fools who want to boo Hunt are forgetting.  You complain that Hunt hasn't given one cent (in the 3-4 months) since he's been Minister of Sport...yet the monies already given to you by the previous Minister of Sport, you continually fail to account for?  Is the government of Trinidad and Tobago your personal money tree that the Min. of Sport should continuously hand over money that belongs to the citizens of this country to your corrupt, inefficient, cabalistic black hole of an organization... and then we cannot inquire of you how OUR money was spent?  Get the fuck out of here.

In case the Minister is not aware, gate receipts represent just one source of income for the T&TFF. In many cases, what the T&TFF charges for tickets at the gates does not even remotely cover the expenses associated with a match, far more to manage the affairs of the Federation and general development of football. Even if one were to take the Minister’s offer of free use of the Hasely Crawford Stadium seriously, will he pay for the security for the match? the two teams’ accommodation? the expenses related to match officials? the away travel for Trinidad and Tobago when they play the return game? and a host of other expenses? What manner of foolishness is this!!! For cheap publicity!!


So... since gate receipts by your own admission is negligible then you're not losing much by forfeiting said receipts right?  If what the Ministry of Sport is calling for in rent is too much for you to pay without carping about it, then it should be a nice even exchange... free rent, and in exchange you give up the peanuts you'd otherwise charge at the gates...sounds like a bargain, no?  Even if you charge the gate receipts, you'd still have to turn around and find money to pay the stipulated rent, find money to pay for security, the two teams' accommodation, expenses related to match officials, away travel....

So a simple line item exchange in the ledger... one negligible revenue stream, for one onerous (as you make it seem) expense item...should be a favorable trade off.  What's the issue??

Oh..wait, I get it.  You take the public fuh some ass (and clearly, judging from some of the responses in this thread...some fit the bill) and we not suppose tuh aks dem kinah educated question ent?

padnah like yuh letting some ah dese people raise yuh blood eh worth..the sophisticated level of ignorance with which Warner is being defended is astounding

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #51 on: June 13, 2008, 09:34:51 AM »
Hunt's suggestion was ridiculous in the first place. Putting aside the immaturity of JW's press release, the man has several points. Almost every FA in the world uses gate receipts to fund team expenses, not just the stadium fees. The notion of no rental fee = free games is absolutely stupid.

...and every other FA (ostensibly) is self-sufficient and do not rely on public money to remain solvent.  If they desperate enough to seek public funding then they're not boldface enough on top of it to not account for how it's spent.  Is it Hun'ts suggestion that is ridiculous...or is it the position of the TTFF (which prompted Hunt's "offer") that 10% of the gate receipts is too steep a rent?

Hunt is a poor politician. Both him and JW do not have the interest of us in mind, they're just trying to score political points on each other.

The Ministry needs to remember that it administrates the Stadium with TAX PAYER'S money. It is not the Minister's stadium, this is our stadium. This is our national team and they have every damn right to get use of the stadium, and we have every right to see games at the stadium. Both parties need to drop their egos and stop mishandling this crap.

You keep falling for that fiction... this is the TTFF's national team.  The public has no say in the running of the team's affairs, we have no voice in it's administration (the TTFF), no input in it's governance...we do not vote for it's members and we sure as hell don't appoint it's leadership.  Should the 'public'... in the form of the government ever put God out it's thoughts and interfere too much in the TTFF's affairs FIFA will promptly issue us a ban in we ass until we fall back and let the bobol proceed.  So please spare us this nonsense about this is "our" team... as Jack is more than happy to remind us, this is HIS team, we just have the privilege of cheering for it.  So same way, the HC is our stadium... HIS team playing there is a privilege, not a right.  If he wants to use the facility then he must be prepared to pay a rent.  Gary Hunt might be a poor politician but that's alright, I could live with that because he's one hell of a businessman, and right now he about the business of the public's money.

Bakes, hear what going hearing that they may have to travel to tobago to watch a game or to the east to watch a game and that eh sitting right with them. They want to go downtown to watch the game. This is the reason why all of a sudden the Minister is an idiot for trying to "fight" JW.
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2008, 11:10:19 AM »
I not even questioning it. I can clearly see where yuh goin and dont have no beef with it. I just add de political correctness to de post dat is all. Yuh cya vex with a "fella" for dat. I agree with de post so dont let it seem like post bashing, it is actually only putting de fact out dey dat it have people from every political party who go boo hunt and applaud Jack... as far as for  you and Dcs pussonal ting.. I go take wind.

Nah man is nutten personal against dcs, he's ah intelligent fella...he does just get on mih last nerve sometimes (and ah sure he'll say de same about me  ;D ).  Me eh have nutten against COP either, change is good as long as is de right change.  My thing is some men just harp on everything de government do and right or wrong they never right...dat is more what I was getting at  :beermug:

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2008, 11:12:20 AM »
I think people are maybe confused about how FA's are run in other countries.
Wembley Stadium is owned by the FA and is run as a business by them but while it was being rebuilt they used other satdiums around the country.....for this they paid commerical rent. They did not get a bligh or an ease up this is how it is done. The TTTF should also be paying rent to the Government as they are a private entity, I believe sometimes people think that they are a division of Ministry of Sport, they make profit and losses (all losses they say) like any other business. lets say for the Bermuda game they got 1,000 people in paying $150 they would make $150,000 and break even on rent (excluding any costs). So all the TTFF has to do get is over 1,000 and they starting to make money to cover costs so what is the better deal ?

1 no rent and no income so any costs will be a loss
2 rent of 150,000 get over 1,000 fans and they start to cover costs
but no TTFF want option 3
3 pay Cobeaux rent of 3,000 and make more money to line JW wallets

The FA in England does not receive any money from the British government ...NOT A DAM PENNY

why do people think the TTFF should get money from the Government ???? they are a private business.
Not only that they are a private business that time and time agian have shown themselves to be corrupt and ineffiicent. They have other companies like that ...they are called Enron !

we have no say in how the TTFF is run the only person who have any power is the Government, I say flex your muscles Hunt because its the only way we will get any change in that parasite of a company.

Exactly.  Even simpler than I put it... but precisely to the point.

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2008, 12:39:28 PM »
I think I am going to compile the more salient points in this thread for a letter to the editor, so people who eh know what going on could at least start to ask questions.
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2008, 12:40:30 PM »
I think I am going to compile the more salient points in this thread for a letter to the editor, so people who eh know what going on could at least start to ask questions.
:applause: :applause:
boil it dong like dat Broth of yours :D
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #56 on: June 13, 2008, 01:44:56 PM »
I think I am going to compile the more salient points in this thread for a letter to the editor, so people who eh know what going on could at least start to ask questions.
Good move pardners!!
Are you a match? It's too late for Emru, but maybe you can help save someone's life:

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #57 on: June 13, 2008, 01:55:16 PM »
D average ostrich head so far in d sand dat if all are oui bombard dem wit Letters 2 d Editor dey go b still lost put go ahead. I tired get blank
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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #58 on: June 13, 2008, 02:24:35 PM »
Plenty juice in this thread buh ah still stuck on that "press release" ...

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Re: TTFF Press Release (06/12/08)
« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2008, 04:34:50 PM »
I luv d cc part u cc d peeps who do d press have 2 b a classic. Not 2 mention we does c not cc. But then again is d ttff so dey must b usin carbon copy
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"


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