when i join ASL 3 yrs ago i made a post that i will talk whether in 1st or 150st place. so all d panty men who does only talk and stick out their chest when they doin well...do not say a word when your team fiiiinaally start doin well. U KNOW YOURSELVES
(tumbleweeds roll by)
You claim to talk year-long yet every April and May when yuh get bypass nobody can't hear yuh. The only reason yuh does talk early is because that is when yuh knocks does be in. Real contenders kow that everything before the New Year is just jockeying for position.
I hadda give yuh credit though. Every year yuh does bolt out the gates. Yuh like the pace car of the Andre Samuel League.
Lead the pack early and keep the league ranking respectable until the serious contenders come into focus and take it home.
Thanks for your selfless, yeoman service.
I hope that is enough talk for yuh.