People acting like DR never geh a call up fuh TT...... ah tired of men lobbying for players to get call, and when they get call is nothing special.
You iz and will always be an cunny!!!!! FYI, no darryl roberts, no hex!!! BC it was his goal that put us through to the semifinal round, and it was his pressure on the bermudan defence that made it easy for stern to score the winning header, not only did we need ah win that day, but we needed to win by two clear goals and roberts & stern came through! something that allyuh precious scotty failed to do after the first leg @ marvin lee, and all through the semis and the hex!
so when yuh opening yuh trap ,
THINK before yuh spit yuh venom! when you go on about "when men get call up and do nothing special", know for sure yuh not talking bout darryl roberts!!
latas and maturana did what they pleased and damage the chances of team, @ least enabling us from effectively competing in the hex!
yuh tell me? he leave out hyland and samuels for keon and clyde loen, dem two men had no impact on the hex whatsoever, while samuels and hyland showed they have what it takes to contribute, since they did register on the scoreboard.
tinto was another fella who got ah raw deal from latas by leaving him quite ah few times on the bench when he should've been on the field.
this campaign was mismanaged by the coaches from the start, and they are partially to blame for our demise, @ least 75% of the responsibility belongs to them! just look when he brought julius james into the fold!