Darn vex but still supporting the PNMPublished: 22 May 2010
I have told many of my friends that I am vex, darn vex, but I am still supporting the PNM and they have all inquired of me if that means that I am not supporting Patrick Manning and my unequivocal answer is “of course, he is the leader of the PNM, and I must accept the good, the bad and the ugly and whosoever is the leader must be accepted by all supporters of the PNM.” I am vex because the PM called the election when he had two and a half years to put all actual/perceived wrongs right. I am vex because Manning’s style of leadership has alienated hundreds if not thousands of his supporters. But I am supporting the PNM because it is the only party on the horizon capable of handling the diversity in terms of ethnicity in this country.
If the PNM cannot properly manners Laventille and other hot spots it will be worse for the UNC/Partnership. And the PNM is slowly but sincerely evolving into a real multiracial party from the bottom up. The East Indians have benefited tremendously under the governance of the PNM. All together there are hundreds of thousands of East Indian teachers, lawyers, doctors, judicial officers, public servants, successful businessmen in T&T etc. But I would like to see an ethnic balance (more East Indians) in the armed forces, that is, the police, army, coast guard. There are many other things I would like to see implemented but we will deal with those after May 24.
I support the PNM because it is a unitary party, well structured and disciplined with a democratic/socialist political ideology, that is, mixed capitalism with a social welfare net for the have-nots. The PNM has promoted and perfected the fundamental rights to worship, join political parties of one’s choice, freedom of the press and free speech. There are no political prisoners in this country. But in spite of this Manning has made victory at the polls very difficult at this point in time. Who-soever wins this election will do so by not more that one or two seats. It could be PNM 20, UNC/COP 20, TOP one. I say so because in my own home the potential voters have different preferences.
My wife supports the view that a woman Prime Minister will be better for the country, one of my sons wants to see Dookeran in Parliament but not the UNC/accommodation, and another could not care less who governs this country. It is the same khaki pants as far as he is concerned.
Say what, life goes on after the election. We all have to live in this country. But this election has demonstrated that the people of this country have good and decent hearts. Look at the crossover to the UNC and the PNM. Thousands of East Indians are supporting the PNM while thousands of Africans are supporting the UNC. The other tribes’ political support is shared between the UNC and the PNM. This is a good sign and I say that in spite of all our problems; this country has a bright future.
See you after the elections.
Israel B Khan SC
St Augustine
i guess is not only poor, backward and illiterate people who does be 'pnm till i die'