What if we had taken Wes Hall,Seymour Nurse,Gary Sobers and Peter Lashley,would they have been happy bout that.Wes Hall was never anything to talk about in Caribbean cricket he used to get good licks maybe that is why Bajans didn't say boo.I would just like to point out that I have lived most of my life in England and I am not insular in anyway,I am willing to learn and accept the franchise but I still feel that for us to lose our best players is to much to digest.Look at the players we got,the only one I rate is Kevin O'Brian,Benn has hardly played any 20/20 cricket and he is not the type of character we need,Cummins is not a 20/20 player,Jacobs has been recovering from an operation,shall i say more.West Indians will never be one people,in fact the rest of the Caribbean all hate we Trinis,I'll never forget when I first got a job in this factory in England,its workers were all Caribbean people and they all used to tell me how they hate Trinis,they still do today,that business about we are all the same people is pure rubbish.I tell people that I am Trinidadian,I dont even say Trinbagonian because even Tobagonians dont like us.