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2019 T&T Super League Thread
« on: January 11, 2019, 05:41:05 AM »
No more free TTSL football.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

Dis­sat­is­fied clubs in foot­ball's Su­per League are plan­ning a league of their own.

Guardian Me­dia Sports learnt yes­ter­day that close to 12 clubs have al­ready agreed to take steps to­ward the for­ma­tion of their su­per league com­pe­ti­tion that will en­sure that clubs and play­ers are paid.

Two club mem­bers who wish to re­main anony­mous re­vealed a let­ter ex­press­ing their de­sire has al­ready been sent to the par­ent T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion for ap­proval of the league which can be recog­nised as the of­fi­cial sec­ond-tier foot­ball com­pe­ti­tion.

The mem­bers could not say ex­act­ly how the tour­na­ment will be set up, but they said a meet­ing of the gen­er­al mem­ber­ship is set to take place some­time soon.

It is un­der­stood the clubs, some of which did not play in the Su­per League last sea­son be­cause of their in­abil­i­ty to pay the reg­is­tra­tion fees of $45,000, have been dis­en­chant­ed with the gen­er­al ad­min­is­tra­tion of the League, as well as its in­abil­i­ty to se­cure spon­sor­ship.

For the past two years, the League has had no prize mon­ey, ei­ther be­cause of the re­fusal of Caribbean Foot­ball Trust Lim­it­ed (CFTL) to pay earn­ings to clubs, or dif­fi­cul­ty to gain a spon­sor this year.

Guaya Unit­ed's own­er and man­ag­er Randy Ha­gley yes­ter­day told us that he would not be pay­ing any mon­ey to play foot­ball this year. His team has en­joyed more win­nings than any oth­er club in the TTSL, in­clud­ing dou­ble achieve­ments of the TTSL League and CFTL's League Cup tour­na­ments back in 2017 sea­son that was ex­pect­ed to land them close to $200,000.

The Guayagua­yare men are still to re­ceive their win­nings as well as monies for their fourth place fin­ish last sea­son.

The clubs are an­gry over the amount of mon­ey they have had to put out for no re­turns. Apart from a whop­ping $45, 000 reg­is­tra­tion fee, clubs al­so had to fork out an ad­di­tion­al $5, 000 cau­tion fee and a num­ber of op­er­at­ing ex­pens­es that range from trav­el for match­es, re­fresh­ment and meals, uni­forms and mis­cel­la­neous ex­pens­es that in­clude gear for play­ers. "This amounts to well over $200,000 for clubs and in the end, we get ab­solute­ly noth­ing," one club mem­ber ex­plained.

This year promis­es to be no dif­fer­ent as clubs face an­oth­er moun­tain of chal­lenges, one of which now re­quires them to be TTFA com­pli­ant.

A top ex­ec­u­tive from the TTSL Board said he is un­cer­tain of how the league will func­tion this year, as there is un­like­ly to be any pro­mo­tion or de­mo­tion of clubs, though the Cham­pi­ons of Cham­pi­ons play-off is set to swing in­to ac­tion soon.

The cham­pi­ons of cham­pi­ons tour­na­ment will fea­ture the top teams from the dif­fer­ent Re­gion­al As­so­ci­a­tions- North­ern FA, South­ern FA, Cen­tral FA, To­ba­go FA and East­ern FA, bat­tling for the right to be el­e­vat­ed to the su­per league.

The su­per league is sched­uled to have its first meet­ing on Jan­u­ary 26 at the Queen's Park Oval, Port-of-Spain.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2019, 01:48:34 AM »
Guaya owner unaware about breakaway league.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

RANDY HAGLEY, owner of former Super League champions Guaya United, is unaware about any breakaway league, comprising former Super League clubs.

According to a report in a daily newspaper, on Friday, approximately 12 clubs were planning to form their own competition, with prize money on offer.

Hagley, in a telephone interview, said, “(I was) asked if there would be a new league separate from the Super League this year, and I said I’m not aware of that. But if there is a new league and it’s for the better of the game, Guaya would be taking part in that league.”

The registration fee for clubs to participate in the Super League is $45,000. However, due to a lack of a sponsor, there has been no cash prizes available for the 2017 and 2018 seasons. “You can’t make a man spend money to register in a league and, at the end of a season, you can’t (even) win $10. It just can’t work,” said Hagley.

Have Guaya United given the Pro League a thought? Hagley replied, “We (are not) doing that. We like the community football. We don’t have the facilities for Pro League.”

When contacted on Friday, a Super League official said a number of the clubs were still disappointed that they could not compete in the 2018 edition, due to registration and compliance issues. The league will be hosting a general meeting at the Queen’s Park Oval, St Clair on January 26 from 2 pm.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Move to oust Look Loy as TTSL's TTFA's rep
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2019, 08:20:11 AM »
Move to oust Look Loy as TTSL's TTFA's rep
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

There are at­tempts to re­move Kei­th Look Loy, the TT Su­per League pres­i­dent as the League's rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the Board of Di­rec­tors of the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion.

TTSL mem­bers pro­duced a two-page pe­ti­tion with 13 sig­na­tures from Ter­ry Williams (1976 Phoenix FC), Ryan Ot­t­ley (De­fence Force), Randy Ha­gley (Guaya Unit­ed), Gre­go­ry Mc Sween (Harlem Strik­ers), Te­ba Mc Knight (Per­se­ver­ance FC), An­tho­ny Clarke (San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants), Quin­cy Jones (Siparia Spurs), Anselm Rob­ley (Youth Stars), Lennox Jones (WASA FC), Ja­son Gor­don (Erin FC) and Philmore George (Cen­tral 500 Spar­tans) among oth­ers, which rep­re­sent more than 50 per­cent of the mem­ber­ship.

They are con­tend­ing that Look Loy, an out­spo­ken TTFA Board mem­ber has been rep­re­sent­ing on­ly his per­son­al in­ter­est and that of his club, FC San­ta Rosa.

There has been "Con­stant pub­lic dis­grac­ing of the of­fice of the TTSL Pres­i­dent, through nu­mer­ous so­cial me­dia com­ments, posts and in­ter­views, bring­ing the TTSL, TTFA, its mem­bers and the foot­ball brand in­to un­nec­es­sary dis­re­pute," the mem­bers stat­ed.

The ac­cu­mu­la­tion of the sig­na­tures was fol­lowed by a let­ter writ­ten to Pe­ter Thomas, the Su­per League's sec­re­tary for an Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing which fea­tures Look Loy's re­moval as the lone item on the agen­da be­sides the roll call.

The mem­bers are at­tempt­ing to en­force Ar­ti­cle 32 of the Con­sti­tu­tion which deals with a re­quest for an ex­tra­or­di­nary gen­er­al meet­ing and states: "The Board of Di­rec­tors shall con­vene an Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing if a ma­jor­i­ty (more than 50%) of the mem­bers makes such a re­quest in writ­ing. The re­quest shall spec­i­fy the items for the Agen­da.

An Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing shall be held with­in 21 days of re­ceipt of the re­quest un­less the Agen­da in­cludes the elec­tion of mem­bers of the Board of Di­rec­tors, in which case the Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing shall be held with­in 30 days of re­ceipt of the re­quest. If an Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing is not con­vened with­in the in­di­cat­ed time, the Mem­bers who re­quest­ed it may con­vene the Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing them­selves. As a last re­sort, the mem­bers may re­quest as­sis­tance from the TTFA."

Con­tact­ed yes­ter­day Look Loy said the pe­ti­tion is en­tire­ly a fraud­u­lent one, say­ing the TTSL has a mem­ber­ship of 22, and sev­en of the sig­na­tures are from non-com­pli­ant clubs or clubs that did not meet the TTFA/CON­CA­CAF/FI­FA reg­u­la­tions, while the oth­er eight did not play foot­ball last year.

He al­so point­ed to Per­se­ver­ance FC, which got a sig­na­ture from Mc Knight, al­though the clubs is not a bonafide mem­ber of the TTSL.

It is un­der­stood that four clubs- San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants, Erin FC, Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly Cri­sis Cen­tre and Harlem Strik­ers are al­ready dis­tanc­ing them­selves from the pe­ti­tion and more are ex­pect­ed soon.

Look Loy said the pe­ti­tion seems to be the work of peo­ple who are scared of him fight­ing for good gov­er­nance and trans­paren­cy in lo­cal foot­ball.
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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2019, 08:52:17 AM »

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2019, 12:41:41 PM »

:thinking: Mischief afoot. If we follow the crumbs, the road will lead to Couva.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2019, 07:35:06 AM »

Football enters another dead generation. The crabs return to the barrel.

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Erin FC ‘tricked’ into petition against Look Loy
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2019, 07:38:42 AM »
Erin FC ‘tricked’ into petition against Look Loy
By Andrew Gioannetti (T&T Newsday)

ERIN FC president Jason Gordon has distanced himself from a document he said he was tricked into signing, which called on TT Super League (TTSL) secretary Peter Thomas to convene an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to remove league president Keith Look Loy.

Newsday received a copy of the document, which listed 15 signatures, purporting to represent the clubs. The document says, "We the members find it necessary to remove our current representative on the TTFA board of directors, President Keith Look Loy, as said representative has been representing his personal and club agendas rather than representing that of the Trinidad and Tobago Football League..."

The TTSL consists of 22 member clubs. At least 12 compliant members must sign for the league secretary to call the EGM.

However, at least two clubs listed on the document have distanced themselves from the document, while four (Central 500 Spartans, Siparia Spurs, Youth Stars and 1976 Phoenix FC) are non-compliant. Another club with a signature, Perseverance United FC, has never been a TTSL member.

Erin FC owner Jason Gordon, when contacted by Newsday yesterday, said he was handed the document on the page with the signatures and was told the purpose of the document was to call a meeting. He said he was not told that the purpose was to remove Look Loy from the post.

"I do feel violated," Gordon said, in a brief telephone interview. "I was definitely tricked."

Gordon shared no more information but said he plans to issue a formal statement distancing himself and the club from the document.

Look Loy, when contacted, said the document was the work of those trying to silence him.

"This is the response of people who are being threatened by my ongoing battle for transparency and good governance in the TTFA. In serious ways, this petition is invalid and even fraudulent," Look Loy said.

He added: "If I were to be removed from the board, I would no longer be entitled to the information I am seeking in court as a board member. This is what it is about."

Newsday contacted the individual who allegedly gathered the signatures but he declined comment.

The individual recently challenged for a Super League position but was unsuccessful.
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TTSL Clubs to President: ‘We ain’t put you there for that’
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2019, 08:04:18 AM »
TTSL Clubs to President: ‘We ain’t put you there for that’
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

“We didn’t ap­point you as our rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the Board of the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion to fight down the Home of Foot­ball, or for trans­paren­cy or ac­count­abil­i­ty. We sent you to rep­re­sent the in­ter­ests of the T&T Su­per League.”

This was the view ex­pressed by clubs in the coun­try’s sec­ond- tier foot­ball league, most of whom, have been clam­our­ing for the re­moval of its pres­i­dent Kei­th Look Loy as their rep­re­sen­ta­tive.

Yes­ter­day Gre­go­ry Mc Sween, man­ag­er of cen­tral club Harlem Strik­ers said the TTSL has, for the past two years, not had a spon­sor, which means clubs played for free, al­though be­ing asked to put out lots of mon­ey. "We need to have a vi­brant com­pe­ti­tion where pro­mo­tion and de­mo­tion can take place for oth­er clubs to join. We need to help clubs to be­come com­pli­ant, and we need clubs and play­ers to look out for some­thing in re­turn when the sea­son comes to an end."

Mc Sween’s Strik­ers was one of 11 clubs to have been omit­ted from the 2018 edi­tion of the su­per league for its fail­ure to pay a $45,000 reg­is­tra­tion fee and $5,000 cau­tion fee to gain en­try in the league. The Strik­ers boss said he had been dis­ap­point­ed with the FC San­ta Rosa pres­i­dent for fight­ing on­ly for the in­ter­ests of him­self and his club. “We ain’t get­ting any­thing by him fight­ing David John-Williams and for au­dit­ed state­ments of the TTFA, be­cause we need help in the TTSL too,” Mc Sween ex­plained.

Harlem Strik­ers was one of four clubs re­port­ed­ly to have dis­tanced them­selves from calls for Look Loy’s re­moval. An­oth­er, the Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly Cri­sis Cen­tre, through man­ag­er Ter­rance Boissiere, re­fut­ed these claims, say­ing he is ful­ly in sup­port of a pe­ti­tion to re­move Look Loy, while Ja­son Gor­don, chief cook and bot­tle wash­er of TTSL first-timer Erin FC, be­lieves he was tricked in­to sign­ing a pe­ti­tion for rea­sons oth­er than what was ex­plained to him. “I am all for foot­ball, and once I am giv­en a fair chance to make a de­ci­sion in the in­ter­est of the sport, I will do so.”

Gor­don, whose team made its de­but in the su­per league for the 2018 sea­son, said he still be­lieves Look Loy is the best per­son to rep­re­sent the TTSL at that lev­el, as he has had no neg­a­tive ex­pe­ri­ences with him since join­ing the com­pe­ti­tion.

How­ev­er, Jame­son Rigues, the TTSL vice pres­i­dent said he had been forced to sup­port the clubs, as he too be­lieves that Look Loy was not rep­re­sent­ing the in­ter­ests of the League. “As the TTSL vice pres­i­dent and the sec­ond in com­mand, I could not sit by and watch our mem­bers fight for their rights. As a man of the truth, I will not sit by and do noth­ing, and there­fore, I will side with the clubs, as we are still to get a spon­sor for the League.”

The Su­per League is set to meet on Sat­ur­day from 2 pm at the Queen’s Park Oval at which dis­cus­sions on the com­ing sea­son and the pro­pos­al put for­ward by vis­it­ing UE­FA/CON­CA­CAF of­fi­cials..
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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2019, 08:33:58 AM »
These guys don't understand that what Look Loy is fighting for will benefit clubs and the sport in the long run? Sponsors are not attracted to football right now with the state of lack of accountability and poor governance.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2019, 02:03:02 PM »
I reading that article and wonder if some of these club leaders, VPs, etc have no shame, accusing Look Loy of seeking his own interests. Actually saying that they have him there for their own interest. They in their own selfishness, making accusations and actions against someone who is asking questions about  and for the betterment of The National football structures and operations throughout the country.
Then I am reminded of a quote..
“There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out.”

They rather stay dotish, and let the football stay right where it is. Is those that learn bear the shame than those that close themselves off from the growth and development of their own community, society and country. Unfortunately, it ain’t just about football.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2019, 01:40:13 AM »
Non-compliants clubs can vote.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

"Non-com­pli­ant clubs in the T&TSL can vote" so said David John-Williams, pres­i­dent of the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion and Jame­son Rigues, vice pres­i­dent of the T&T Su­per League.

Their com­ment comes amidst cir­cu­lat­ing re­ports that non-com­pli­ant clubs can­not vote ahead of the TTSL Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing to re­move Kei­th Look Loy as their rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the Board of the T&TFA.

Fif­teen clubs are mak­ing an at­tempt to have the TTSL con­vene an Ex­tra­or­di­nary meet­ing for the pur­pose of re­mov­ing its pres­i­dent from the TTFA board. To se­cure such a meet­ing the clubs must gain the sup­port of more than 50 per cent of its 22 mem­bers.

But af­ter se­cur­ing the sig­na­tures of ap­prox­i­mate­ly 15 clubs via a pe­ti­tion, Look Loy told Guardian Me­dia Sports the en­tire pe­ti­tion was fraud­u­lent as some of the clubs that signed were non-com­pli­ant and oth­ers were un­reg­is­tered.

Yes­ter­day Rigues, the TTSL vice pres­i­dent who pub­licly sided with the clubs' call to re­move its pres­i­dent for his in­abil­i­ty to rep­re­sent the in­ter­ests of the su­per league at the TTFA's Board lev­el, is re­mind­ing clubs, whether they are non-com­pli­ant or un­reg­is­tered, that they can vote.

Rigues made it clear the TTSL's con­sti­tu­tion does not state that. "In fact, clubs that are non-com­pli­ant are still bonafide mem­bers of the TTSL and can on­ly be pre­vent­ed from vot­ing if they are no longer mem­bers through ex­pul­sion. All clubs have shares in the com­pa­ny TTSL and can­not ex­er­cise their right to vote on­ly if they lose that mem­ber­ship," Rigues ex­plained.

Guardian Me­dia Sports was re­li­ably in­formed that at Sat­ur­day's AGM of the TTSL at the Queen's Park Oval, Look Loy at­tempt­ed to move a mo­tion for non-com­pli­ant and un­reg­is­tered clubs to be mere ob­servers dur­ing any vot­ing process, but the mo­tion was not on the agen­da as an item. To date, on­ly three clubs, Siparia Spurs, Youth Stars from To­ba­go and Cen­tral 500 Spar­tans are non-com­pli­ant.

How­ev­er, the reg­is­tra­tion of clubs for this sea­son will de­pend on whether or not a pro­pos­al by the UE­FA/CON­CA­CAF team to the TTSL to have 12 teams, will be ad­hered to as rec­om­mend­ed. That mat­ter is cur­rent­ly be­ing dealt with by a tri­par­tite com­mit­tee com­pris­ing Ju­lia Bap­tiste (TT Pro League), Richard Piper (TTFA) and Look Loy (TTSL).

Yes­ter­day, Look Loy said he was not wor­ried about ef­forts by clubs to gain the Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing as they did have the num­bers to do so. "Be­tween clubs be­ing non-com­pli­ant, not reg­is­tered and those that have with­drawn their sig­na­ture, they just do not have the num­ber of teams to do so," Look Loy ex­plained.

Af­ter 15 sig­na­tures were scribed on a pe­ti­tion by the clubs last week, three of them, name­ly WASA, Erin FC and Club San­do have since re­scind­ed. And RSSR, which through Ruthven Charles, ap­peared to have sup­port­ed Look Loy, said yes­ter­day they are sit­ting on the fence.

San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants, on the oth­er hand, can be the dif­fer­ence in the clubs re­ceiv­ing the 50 per cent sup­port, but its rep­re­sen­ta­tive An­tho­ny Clarke said their views have al­ready been com­mu­ni­cat­ed to the su­per league, as they will not do so through the me­dia.

John-Williams, who ad­mit­ted he did not want to get in­to the busi­ness of the TTSL, sought to shine some light on the sit­u­a­tion, say­ing, "All clubs of the TTSL and the Pro League are mem­bers of the TTFA. Non-com­pli­ant clubs can­not take part in any com­pe­ti­tion held un­der the aus­pices of the TTFA and al­so can­not vote.

How­ev­er, the TTSL and Pro League are not mem­bers of the TTFA and there­fore can­not vote. They are to­tal­ly sep­a­rate en­ti­ties/com­pa­nies that run a com­pe­ti­tion that is sanc­tioned by the TTFA."

He point­ed out that, "As a com­pa­ny, in which shares are bought and teams are mem­bers, clubs have the rights to vote un­less the con­sti­tu­tion states oth­er­wise. For clubs to not be able to vote, they must lose their mem­ber­ship through ex­pul­sion etc."

He told Guardian Me­dia he was shocked a few months ago when TTSL clubs were de­barred from vot­ing on the com­pli­ance is­sue be­cause they were non-com­pli­ant, say­ing that was il­le­gal.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2019, 04:28:42 AM »
When will the embarrassment end...

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2019, 02:24:47 PM »
When will the embarrassment end...

I think it's fair to say it won't end. Not even in the "fullness of time".

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2019, 03:56:40 PM »
When will the embarrassment end...

I think it's fair to say it won't end. Not even in the "fullness of time".

You is ah ass eh?  :rotfl:
The Conquering Lion of Judah shall break every chain.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2019, 07:14:42 PM »
straight out of the copy book page of jack warner. I almost sure DJW telling them non-compliants, "I getting fifa money. Allyuh play my game, allyuh go be fine. Keith eh no have money, I have." Here we go again.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2019, 02:51:40 AM »
When will the embarrassment end...

I think it's fair to say it won't end. Not even in the "fullness of time".

If the second coming of Jesus happened I'm not sure even he could sort out this mess

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2019, 06:35:39 AM »
When will the embarrassment end...

I think it's fair to say it won't end. Not even in the "fullness of time".

You is ah ass eh?  :rotfl:


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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2019, 05:41:14 AM »
TTSL split on Look Loy’s fate, San F’do Giants can decide fate of petition tomorrow.
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868).

Trinidad and Tobago Super League (TTSL) outfit San Fernando Giants have asked for another 24 hours to consider their position on president Keith Look Loy’s role on the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association’s board of directors.

And, with Guaya United owner Randy Hagley’s petition for Look Loy’s removal down from 15 clubs to 11, Giants’ decision could have a telling impact on not just the TTSL but local football on a whole.

Hagley needs 12 votes from the TTSL’s 22 member clubs to force an unprecedented special general meeting to rule on whether their president should be taken off the TTFA board—a decision that could impact on Look Loy’s probing of association president David John-Williams’ controversial Home of Football project.

At present, the Guaya-led motion appears short of one backer, although both parties disagree on the count.

Last night, WASA FC officially rescinded its support for Hagley’s petition via email.

“I am writing to officially rescind WASA FC’s support for the petition to convene an EGM for the removal of president Keith Look Loy as the TTSL Representative on the TTFA Board of Directors with immediate effect,” stated WASA official Lennon Jones. “WASA FC is of the opinion that: the actions initiated by the TTSL President regarding transparency of the Home of Football project and the governing body should be allowed to be completed; and the impending merger of the Pro League and Super League into one national league with two divisions must be our main focus at the moment…”

Jones’ about-turn followed a similar move by Erin FC official Jason Gordon.

Hagley told Wired868 today that Gordon changed his mind yet again and was once more supporting the call for Look Loy’s removal from the TTFA board. However, Gordon denied that.

“No, I am not supporting that petition,” the Erin representative told Wired868 tonight.

At present, the 11 clubs in support of Hagley’s petition are: Guaya United, Cunupia FC, Matura Re-United, Petit Valley/Diego Martin United, Defence Force, Harlem Strikers, Marabella FCC, Siparia Spurs, Youth Stars, Central 500 and 1976 Phoenix FC. Only four of those teams competed in the 2018 TTSL competition while the rest missed out due to their failure to meet a registration deadline.

The 10 clubs in Look Loy’s corner are: Queen’s Park Cricket Club, Club Sando FC, FC Santa Rosa, RSSR FC, Bethel United, Prisons FC, UTT, Police FC, Metal X Erin FC and WASA FC.

Hagley cannot tally the support of Central Football Association (CFA) team, Perseverance United, who also signed the petition but are not deemed to be a TTSL team.

Last year, Perseverance United were one of four teams—alongside Erin, Beatnix and San Fernando Giants—given provisional membership to the TTSL on 7 April. However the club, which earned promotion through the Champion of Champions tournament, could not raise their TT$45,000 registration fee in time.

Still, Perseverance United could have preserved their place in the second tier competition by paying a TT$1,000 subscription fee. But they failed to do that too, after what club officials claimed to be a mix-up caused by a conversation with TTSL general secretary Peter Thomas.

“Here is the ticklish thing; when we first learnt we had to pay the subscription I spoke to Mr Thomas on two occasions,” said team manager Allan Logan, “and he said they were having a subsequent meeting to decide on membership and to hold off paying. I called two months later and he said the meeting never took place.

“[…] After [last month’s visit of the] UEFA officials, we were considering rejoining and wanted to be a part of the meeting [today] only to hear we were not members because we are not in financial standing. We feel we were disenfranchised.”

Curtis Agard, another official at the club—which has since undergone a name change to Real Central FC—admitted that they received word of their expulsion since last September.

“We received an email saying ‘the TTSL hasn’t received any fees from Perseverance United and as a result the provisional membership was rescinded’,” said Agard. “But it is the general membership gave us provisional membership, so I don’t know who rescinded it.

“We qualified to be in the Super League and we tried to pay our fees. Yesterday the general secretary sent us an email saying we were uninvited [to today’s EGM] and that our email address had been included in error.

“But we feel it is unfair, since there are teams in the Super League that didn’t even qualify for the Super League.”

San Fernando Giants were the only club accepted into the TTSL without even qualifying for the Champion of Champions tournament last year. As teams struggled to meet the registration deadline, the Giants were able to get their finances together and were allowed into the TTSL to help make up numbers.

Giants president Anthony ‘Cla Tones’ Clarke is a vocal supporter of the TTFA president and was part of a hand-picked Home of Football committee which met UEFA officials last week—despite not being sanctioned by the TTFA board.

Clarke has a problem with Look Loy’s public tussles with John-Williams.

“[Look Loy] stated his agenda clearly which is to remove the president of the TTFA,” said Clarke. “If it was a FC Santa Rosa agenda that is okay but in the [TTFA] AGM he said he, Keith Look Loy, would not stop until the president of the TTFA is removed. He didn’t say Santa Rosa and he never corrected himself.

“[…] He is taking a personal position where he is representing a body. He cannot say that on behalf of all the clubs of the TTSL; he must speak to the club members.

“Is this the proper man to represent us seeing that he has this agenda?”

Ironically, Giants ruled that Clarke himself had spoken out of turn by supporting Hagley’s petition without running it past their board first.

On Thursday, Clarke assured Wired868 that his Giants colleagues would soon see things his way after a board meeting that night. However, that did not happen.

“We have not made a decision as yet,” said Giants PRO Curtis Emmanuel. “That is still in discussion with the board of the San Fernando Giants.”

Clarke will have another chance to win over his board within the next 24 hours. If he fails to do so, Hagley’s petition will be dead. (Although, even with the Giants’ support, questions over the status of the non-compliant trio of Siparia Spurs, Youth Stars and Central 500 could also a problem for the faction seeking to rein in the TTSL president.)

Ironically, the seemingly robust nature of the board at tiny San Fernando Giants could potentially create a headache for the less collective management style of the current TTFA president.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2019, 01:48:19 AM »
Look Loy survives due to Giants decision and compliance issue; Hagley wants TTFA intervention.
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868).

Trinidad and Tobago Super League (TTSL) president Keith Look Loy appears to have survived an attempt to dislodge him from the board of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA), after a petition to remove him was ruled to have failed to meet the constitutional threshold by TTSL general secretary Peter Thomas.

The TTSL constitution allows members to call an extraordinary general meeting, once ‘more than 50% of the members’ make the request in writing. And, according to article 19.8, it takes only an ‘ordinary resolution’ at this meeting to remove any director from office.

The low threshold to jettison the TTSL president is in sharp contrast to the ‘majority of three quarters of the valid votes’ required to unseat the TTFA president, according to article 38.4 of the TTFA constitution.

Yet, Guaya United Randy Hagley appears to have failed to get the necessary votes. Hagley initially claimed to have 15 signatory clubs and needed 12. By Sunday night, the clubs that supported his petition had been whittled down to 11; and, today, the TTSL said it recognised only eight of his supporters—due to the declared non-compliance of three teams: Siparia Spurs, Youth Stars and Central 500.

“By directive of the TTFA Annual General Meeting of 31 March 2018, the TTFA Board of Directors provisionally suspended all TTFA members which had not submitted 2016 compliance documentation, with a recommendation for expulsion,” stated Thomas, in an email to clubs on 5 February 2019. “At the 2018 AGM meeting of 21 April 2018, which addressed the status of all non-compliant members, it was decided to offer each club special conditions to redeem their compliant status.

“Nothing further has developed in this matter. Therefore, these three clubs are still held to be non-compliant with  all rights suspended, according to Article 14.3 of the TTFA constitution.”

In truth, Hagley’s petition seemed doomed on Sunday night when San Fernando Giants undid the will of their club president, Anthony ‘Cla Tones’ Clarke, at an extraordinary general meeting of their own.

It was, arguably, a moment of high irony. Clarke, an open supporter of current TTFA boss David John-Williams, accused Look Loy of dictatorial tendencies and speaking out of turn by tackling the local football president on matters of transparency without—in his opinion—the proper support of the clubs he represented when on TTFA board business.

Yet, Giants found Clarke guilty of exactly the same.

Last week, Giants public relations officer Curtis Emmanuel informed the TTSL that Clarke had misrepresented their club.

“San Fernando Giants FC will like to distance itself from [the] petition signed by Mr Anthony Clarke,” stated Emmanuel, in a letter to the TTSL on 28 January 2019. “He had no authorisation to sign this petition on behalf of San Fernando Giants FC.”

Clarke subsequently held two meetings with his club and told Wired868 that he was confident he could get his colleagues to see things his way. But he failed to do so.

“Our position remains that we support the contents of the letter that we sent to the Super League,” said Emmanuel today, “and we have no further comment.”

The about-turn by Giants, Erin FC and WASA FC left Hagley one club short of a majority, even before the TTSL ruled three more of his backers ineligible due to non-compliance.

Hagley was defiant though.

“That letter [from the TTSL general secretary] is null and void because based on information [from Look Loy] on the 26th, there are 16 compliant teams in the Super League,” said Hagley. “Well, we have eight. Right now if we are talking about compliance, then UTT and Queen’s Park did not make the deadline and should be non-compliant too…”

It is a double-edged sword. At least two more of Hagley’s supporters, Marabella Family Crisis Centre and 1976 Phoenix FC, are also believed to have compliance issues and could find themselves in trouble.

However, it is the TTFA—and not the TTSL—which rules on issues of compliance. And, although the local football body has already pronounced on the fate of Siparia Spurs, Youth Stars and Central 500, Hagley said he intends to approach the umbrella body again to see if its position has changed.

“We will get the TTFA to intervene because it is too much collusion in the Super League,” said Hagley. “He can’t be the president and the owner of a team; that is too much of a collusion. So let the TTFA tell us who are the legitimate clubs in the Super League and who is or isn’t compliant.”

Look Loy insisted that using his ownership of Santa Rosa as an excuse to remove him was a red herring.

“Under the laws of the TTSL—and as under the Pro League’s regulations as well—a club member is not denied the opportunity to be an officer of the league or the board,” said Look Loy. “The whole Pro League board including their chairman are representatives from clubs; but they seem to be trying to make an issue with that in the Super League.

“In the [TTSL) elections, I ran against [Ryan] Ottley who is from Defence Force and [Cunupia head coach] Michael De Four ran for vice president and the fact that they are associated with clubs was not an issue then. Now it has become an issue, only because they lost.”

The inconsolable Hagley claimed that Look Loy—and not the TTSL general secretary—penned the letter which ruled the three clubs non-compliant. And, although his petition asked only for the TTSL president to be removed from the TTFA board, the Guaya owner admitted that he did not want Look Loy around in a leadership role at all.

“It’s not Peter Thomas who wrote that letter; because I have never seen him write anything saying ‘comrade’—that is Look Loy,” said Hagley. “My position is I don’t want Look Loy as the president of our football.

“[…] Look Loy might know all the ins and outs of the laws of the game but he is a bad president. I don’t care about the court case against the Home of Football or whatever, I care about the Super League; and plenty teams support me.

“So I will ask the TTFA to intervene…”

Whether Hagley has enough teams in his corner is the vital question, though. Look Loy dismissed Hagley’s claims and insisted that the petition did not deserve any more attention.

“In 2018, the [TTFA] board suspended several clubs with a recommendation to expel [and] the 2018 AGM reinstated all but three, giving them special conditions to regain compliance,” said the TTSL president. “They have not fulfilled these conditions [so] they remain suspended. And no other club has been deemed non-compliant by the TTFA board or general meeting; only those three. And only the general meeting can lift the suspension.

“They cannot counter the logic of our legal position nor the numbers that are against them nor the fraudulence of their approach.”

The following is a statement from Trinidad and Tobago Super League (TTSL) general secretary Peter Thomas in relation to a petition for the removal of president Keith Look Loy from the board of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA):

Good morning comrades,

I respond to the petition dated 29 December 2018 re: “Request for Extraordinary General Meeting” and submitted to me via email on 29 January 2019.

As correctly quoted in said petition, TTSL’s By-Laws (2017) state:

Article 32 Extraordinary General Meeting

“2. The Board of Directors shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting if a majority (more than 50%) of the Members make such a request in writing. The request shall specify the items for the Agenda. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the request, unless the Agenda includes the election of members of the Board of Directors, in which case the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request. If an Extraordinary General Meeting is not convened within the indicated time, the Members who requested it may convene the Extraordinary General Meeting themselves. As a last resort, the Members may request assistance from TTFA.”

I must, firstly, point to the fact that one of the signatories, Perseverance FC, is not a member of the TT Super League as they never fulfilled the basic membership requirements offered to them—i.e. purchase of a share in TTSL Limited—nor did they participate in the League’s 2018 season.

Secondly, since the submission of the petition via email, three clubs have submitted written communication to the League Secretariat rescinding their support for the document and its content. These clubs are Erin FC, San Fernando Giants FC, and WASA FC.

Indeed, one of these three clubs has even described the handling of the petition and the securing of signatures ‘by a TTSL member’ as ‘fraud and deceit’.

Thirdly, three clubs on whose behalf persons signed, Central 500 FC, Siparia Spurs FC, and Youth Stars FC, are non-compliant members of TTFA, without the right to participate in TTFA/TTSL business, unless and until they are deemed to be compliant by the TTFA General Meeting.

We are guided in this by TTFA’s Constitution (2015), which states:

“A suspended Member shall lose its Membership rights. Other Members may not entertain sporting contact with a suspended Member.”

By directive of the TTFA Annual General Meeting of 31 March 2018, the TTFA Board of Directors provisionally suspended all TTFA members which had not submitted 2016 compliance documentation, with a recommendation for expulsion. At the 2018 AGM meeting of 21 April 2018, which addressed the status of all non-compliant members, it was decided to offer each club special conditions to redeem their compliant status.

Nothing further has developed in this matter. Therefore, these three clubs are still held to be non-compliant with  all rights suspended, according to Article 14.3 of the TTFA Constitution. Indeed, the latest document on TTFA compliance issued by the TTFA Secretariat indicates that these three clubs, in addition to being 2016 non-compliant, are also deemed to be 2017 non-compliant.

Further, TTSL’s By Laws (2017) [under article 5.4. Application for Membership and Relegation from Membership] state:

“5.4(3). Any legal entity or person wishing to become a Member shall apply in writing to the Company Secretariat. The  application must be accompanied by the following mandatory items:

a. a copy of its legally valid constitution and regulations, which shall comply with the requirements of the TTSL by laws; b. a declaration that it will always comply with the Statutes, regulations and decisions of FIFA, CONCACAF, CFU and TTFA, and ensure that these are also respected by its own members, officials.”

By agreement with 5.4.3.b. of our by Laws—and the regulations of TTFA membership compliance—all TTSL members agree to abide by decisions of TTFA, and cannot refuse to do so by reference to their membership in TTSL.

Given all of the above, in actuality, the petition in question is supported by only eight (8.) clubs and thus does not meet the majority (‘more than fifty percent’) threshold set by TTSL’s By Laws.

Under these circumstances, the TTSL Board of Directors cannot call an Extraordinary General Meeting.

Peter Thomas
League Secretary

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2019, 01:30:26 AM »
Super League clubs seek legal advice.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

Su­per League clubs are seek­ing le­gal ad­vice re­gard­ing their failed pe­ti­tion to have Kei­th Look Loy, the T&T Su­per League pres­i­dent, re­moved as the League's rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the Board of Di­rec­tors of the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion.

They are con­tend­ing that be­ing non-com­pli­ant does not mean they are in­el­i­gi­ble to vote as mem­bers of the TTSL. The clubs are sched­uled to meet this week­end and will have the ser­vices of a le­gal per­son at the meet­ing.

Guaya Unit­ed man­ag­er and own­er Randy Ha­gley has been cham­pi­oning this cause, since T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion pres­i­dent David John-Williams stat­ed in a news­pa­per re­port about three weeks ago that nei­ther Look Loy nor the TTSL could de­bar non-com­pli­ant clubs from vot­ing, and there­fore an ex­tra­or­di­nary gen­er­al meet­ing can be called as they com­mand­ed the ma­jor­i­ty sup­port from their mem­ber­ship.

Ac­cord­ing to John-Williams, "All clubs of the TTSL and the Pro League are mem­bers of the TTFA. Non-com­pli­ant clubs can­not take part in any com­pe­ti­tion held un­der the aus­pices of the TTFA and al­so can­not vote. How­ev­er, the TTSL and Pro League are not mem­bers of the TTFA and there­fore can­not vote. They are to­tal­ly sep­a­rate en­ti­ties/com­pa­nies that run a com­pe­ti­tion that is sanc­tioned by the TTFA."

He added, "As a com­pa­ny, in which shares are bought and teams are mem­bers, clubs have the rights to vote un­less the con­sti­tu­tion states oth­er­wise. For clubs to not be able to vote, they must lose their mem­ber­ship through ex­pul­sion etc."

The clubs were try­ing to en­force Ar­ti­cle 32 of the TTSL Con­sti­tu­tion which deals with re­quest for an Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing to have its pres­i­dent re­moved as they be­lieve he was not rep­re­sent­ing their in­ter­ests. Ar­ti­cle 32 states- "The Board of Di­rec­tors shall con­vene an Ex­tra­or­di­nary Gen­er­al Meet­ing if a ma­jor­i­ty (more than 50%) of the mem­bers makes such a re­quest in writ­ing. The re­quest shall spec­i­fy the items for the Agen­da."

Look Loy ap­peared to have won round one of this con­test when four of the 15 sig­na­to­ries on the pe­ti­tion ex­pect­ed to show ma­jor­i­ty sup­port, were said to have pulled out. Look Loy's vic­to­ry al­so ap­peared to have been com­plet­ed by a let­ter from his gen­er­al sec­re­tary Pe­ter Thomas which high­light­ed that non-com­pli­ant clubs could not vote.

Ha­gley in a re­lease chas­tised his pres­i­dent "Look Loy is try­ing to show him­self as this big cham­pi­on of democ­ra­cy, but his ac­tions in the Su­per League are far from such. He is claim­ing clubs who paid their reg­is­tra­tion to form this league are non-com­pli­ant. He is al­so us­ing bru­tal tac­tics to co­erce clubs to with­draw their sig­na­ture from the pe­ti­tion."

Guardian Me­dia Sports was re­li­ably in­formed that mem­bers from both Harlem Strik­ers and De­fence Force have had to an­swer ques­tions from their em­ploy­ers be­cause of at­tempts to si­lence them and re­duce the num­bers on the pe­ti­tion.

Ac­cord­ing to Ha­gley "Ryan Ot­t­ley has been side­lined by the De­fence Force from all foot­ball mat­ters."

Derek Ed­wards, the Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed man­ag­er said "Teams are try­ing to play a so­cial role in their com­mu­ni­ties and are be­ing pe­nal­ized for it. He is ac­cus­ing John-Williams of high hand­ed­ness but his ac­tions are no bet­ter."

He con­clud­ed, "Its as if every­one who dis­agrees with the Su­per League pres­i­dent, will be hound­ed out the league, based on some tech­ni­cal­i­ty."

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Why all this sudden Super League drama?
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2019, 02:07:23 PM »
Why all this sudden Super League drama?
By Colin Murray (T&T Guardian)

A few weeks ago, there was an interview in the Sunday Guardian where a member of the T&T Football Association (TTFA) general council and former national coach was speaking about the state of football in T&T; more specifically, with reference to the performance of the president of the TTFA David John-Williams, and he was quick to note that he was a friend of his and one of his campaign managers for the 2015 TTFA elections. I suppose he was trying to convince us that the interview ought to be impartial.

Today, I wish to tell you that Keith Look Loy is not my friend and I have not, and will not campaign for him if he was going up for a “tiddlywinks” post. I first encountered Look Loy when he was playing centre back for St Mary’s College. I was a speedy left winger for Fatima College. Look Loy was the skipper of his team but was hard as nails and looked like a beast - just how a centre back should be.

I next encountered him when he was coaching Malick and I was coaching Fatima. Our paths crossed again when he was the coach of Joe Public and I was the coach of Carib. We have never been on the same side, therefore, no one can accuse me of being supportive of him and against someone else in his favour.

So much so that when the 2015 TTFA elections rolled around, no one from any Association or League called me to ask if I was interested in any position. I kept my distance until Raymond Tim Kee, who I was to oppose in 2013 for the TTFA presidency (I should write a book about that), called me and asked if I would run for vice president and after long deliberations I accepted. I am not quite a slate person.

I honestly believe that if a person is good enough for the post, he should be installed so I was a little disappointed when I saw the late John Sabga on another slate running for vice president and backing an opposing candidate. As friends, we spoke about it and I even said to him that if we win, we will bring you on board in some capacity as you have so much to contribute.

Now, Look Loy was not supporting our slate but that’s his democratic right. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I was out of the country when the elections were called and apparently when the voting came around, I finished second to Ewing Davis. Then, there were two more rounds of voting and I came second on each occasion to John-Williams’ candidates and so both John and myself were booted out. What a blessing in disguise. Sadly, John has since passed away and I certainly would not have lasted in that regime.

The reason for this background is to show the different paths of my destiny and Look Loy’s. However, as fate would have it, the chairman of the Queen’s Park Cricket Club (QPCC) football section asked me if I would stand for election as a board member of the T&T Super League (TTSL). He told me Look Loy was running for president which did not bother me because I wanted to help football and the League. Subsequently, I found out I was on Look Loy’s slate; something I did not even know but more than that, there was an obvious power struggle. Eventually, Look Loy won but the trouble only then began.

His opponents attacked at every opportunity and Look Loy’s personality is one to never back down. When I read some of what his opponents write in trying to remove him as TTSL president, I genuinely wonder whether these persons love football and wish to see it progress. I am not for one moment saying Look Loy is a ‘’Saint” but the reason to remove him is because he begs for transparency with the TTFA and keeps asking the relevant questions.

People tell me he has a hidden agenda. So what? Wouldn’t he have a democratic right to fight for any position he desires and can be rejected or supported? The TTSL has no sponsors but not for lack of trying. Sponsorship, especially in T&T football nowadays, is difficult to obtain. Sponsors don’t want to be associated with confusion and bacchanal so when Look Loy’s opponents threaten legal action etc, which sponsor in their right mind will come on board? The TTSL has its books in order and financials up to date; a wellrun League that finished on time and with no problems 2018 with officials and match commissioners.

It is even rumoured that it is the only League to pay match officials in advance, something I have never heard before in T&T. To me, what should be of paramount importance to those Super League clubs is how well the League is being run and how it can be improved.

Look Loy and a few others are representing the interest of the entire footballing public and clubs of T&T by demanding the TTFA play fair, show transparency, accountability and good governance.

If those TTSL clubs were really interested in football, they would ask the same questions rather than seemingly having a personal agenda.

Editor’s note: The views expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organisation of which he is a stakeholder.
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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2019, 02:40:21 PM »
Well said, a man with sense!

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2019, 02:11:57 AM »
Colin knows what is going on. What he says is correct. The rumblings by  TTSL grumblers  is pure "russian meddling" by DJW and his crew. A page out of the vampire JW.  Again, Contro. get your people ready for elections. And make sure they have deep pockets.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2019, 11:11:15 PM »
By the way, who will coach Santa Rosa this year?

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2019, 12:20:50 AM »
Look Loy moves to oust Rigues.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

Jame­son Rigues, the first vice pres­i­dent of the T&T Su­per League has giv­en his col­leagues on the Board - Kei­th Look Loy, Ed­die Dean, Ter­ry Joseph, Clay­ton Mor­ris and Col­in Mur­ray un­til to­day to with­draw a let­ter ac­cus­ing him of be­ing tardy, and of­fer an apol­o­gy.

Rigues said if his re­quest is not ac­ced­ed to, he will go the dis­tance to pro­tect his char­ac­ter, in­clud­ing seek­ing le­gal ac­tion.

Rigues, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Guaya Unit­ed, re­ceived a let­ter on Sat­ur­day from League sec­re­tary Pe­ter Thomas in which Board mem­bers com­plained about him breach­ing the code of con­fi­den­tial­ly by putting the busi­ness of the League in the pub­lic do­main. There were al­so ac­cu­sa­tions that Rigues reg­u­lar­ly missed Board meet­ings.

Con­tact­ed yes­ter­day Rigues said he checked his at­ten­dance record to con­firm that he had on­ly missed one Board meet­ing be­tween April 2018 to April 2019. He al­so rub­bished claims of a con­fi­den­tial breach, say­ing he has al­ways rep­re­sent­ed the in­ter­ests of the clubs, which did not sit too well with Look Loy, who is al­so the TTSL's rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the TTFA Board.

Rigues be­lieves there is an agen­da to get him off the TTSL Board and it is be­ing pushed by Look Loy. On­ly re­cent­ly Rigues said in a news­pa­per re­port that Looks Loy was not rep­re­sent­ing the in­ter­ests of the su­per league as the TTFA Board mem­ber and was rather en­gag­ing in a per­son­al war with foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion pres­i­dent David John-Williams. "I do not care about the war with John-Williams as it did not ben­e­fit the TTSL," Rigues said.

Guardian Me­dia Sports learnt the let­ter came from a TTSL meet­ing on April 30 for which he ar­rived more than half-an-hour late, as he had to make a dar­ing trek from Guayaguayare to the of­fice of the Home of Foot­ball in Bal­main, Cou­va for 5 pm.

Rigues said, "I reached there at 5:38 pm and the meet­ing was done. That had to be the short­est meet­ing ever. I made some calls to find out if there was a quo­rum and was told that Mur­ray was con­tact­ed over the phone to make up a quo­rum." In at­ten­dance at the meet­ing were Look Loy, Mor­ris and Dean on­ly, Rigues ex­plained.

"I see this as an at­tempt to as­sas­si­nate my char­ac­ter and I will go the dis­tance to pro­tect it, in­clud­ing seek­ing le­gal ad­vice," Rigues said. Ac­cord­ing to Rigues, as the youngest mem­ber of the Board, he is nei­ther for or against Look Loy or John-Williams and on­ly wants to see the sport de­vel­ops. "With the cur­rent fight be­tween the two lead­ers of lo­cal foot­ball, it has been ham­per­ing growth and pre­vent­ing cor­po­rate cit­i­zens from get­ting in­volved. It has al­so seen be­ing de­stroyed on the field," Rigues said.

Look Loy when con­tact­ed said he had no com­ment to make on the mat­ter as it was the busi­ness of the Board.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #25 on: May 16, 2019, 12:42:05 AM »
Look Loy: Riques seat is safe.
By Keith Clement (Guardian).

Kei­th Look Loy, pres­i­dent of the T&T Su­per League (TTSL) has re­spond­ed to claims by his vice pres­i­dent Jame­son Riques in this news­pa­pers that there are plans afoot to re­move him from of­fice.

Ac­cord­ing to a re­lease from Look Loy, "The TTSL Board is unan­i­mous­ly dis­ap­point­ed with Mr. Rigues' per­for­mance. That said, we ful­ly rec­og­nize that it is the TTSL mem­ber­ship which elect­ed him and that the Board can­not re­move him, which is not its in­ten­tion. He was sent a let­ter ex­press­ing "the dis­ap­point­ment" of his col­leagues. Nowhere was there men­tion or threat of him be­ing re­moved."

Riques, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Guaya Unit­ed, told us that re­ceived a let­ter on Sat­ur­day from League sec­re­tary Pe­ter Thomas in which Board mem­bers com­plained about him breach­ing the code of con­fi­dence by putting the busi­ness of the League in the pub­lic do­main and ac­cus­ac­tions he reg­u­lar­ly missed Board meet­ing.

The re­lease from Look Loy con­tin­ued, "Rigues has aligned him­self over the past year with mi­nor­i­ty el­e­ments with­in TTSL, who act as prox­ies for high of­fi­cials of ttfa. Un­op­posed for the post of 1st VP in the TTSL Board elec­tion of 2017, he has seen his sup­port dra­mat­i­cal­ly erod­ed by this non­sense. In the re­cent vote for two TTSL reps to the new T-LEAGUE Com­mis­sion, he got 5 of 18 votes - one of them ac­ci­den­tal­ly, as one club rep who vot­ed for him apol­o­gised for mak­ing an er­ror and at­tempt­ed to re­verse his vote, which was not al­lowed."

Fur­ther, "Re­gard­ing the sup­posed is­sue of con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, that is a faux is­sue. The re­al is­sue is that the good­ly gen­tle­man does not ta­ble mat­ters of his con­cern for Board dis­cus­sion. In­deed, he has nev­er pro­posed one mat­ter for in­clu­sion in a Board meet­ing agen­da. Then he goes to the mem­ber­ship and even the me­dia to raise mat­ters. To the con­trary, I speak out on mat­ters that I raise at TTFA Board lev­el, like the TTFA fi­nan­cial doc­u­ments is­sue, on­ly to be ig­nored."

The re­lease end­ed, "Ul­ti­mate­ly, this is a squall in a teacup. No­body wants to re­move Rigues. It wouldn't be worth the both­er and would be un­nec­es­sary. The TTSL Board, which in­cludes Clay­ton Mor­ris and Col­in Mur­ray, is very de­mo­c­ra­t­ic and Mr. Rigues's Board seat is safe. But there is pro­to­col to be fol­lowed."

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2019, 12:25:52 AM »
T&T's Super League faces uncertain future.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

The sta­tus of the T&T Su­per League in lo­cal foot­ball could be on shaky grounds with the re­cent ap­proval of the Pro League Sec­ond Di­vi­sion.

On Wednes­day, An­tho­ny Moore, a mem­ber of the com­mit­tee formed to Shep­pard in foot­ball for 2019, said at­tempts will be made with all stake­hold­ers of the sport to en­sure that the FI­FA's man­date of to­tal club foot­ball is achieved by the stag­ing of both the T&T Pro League and Sec­ond Di­vi­sion tour­na­ment, in­clud­ing hav­ing talks with clubs in the T&T Su­per League and the Re­gion­al As­so­ci­a­tions.

"We can­not force teams to play in the pro league and sec­ond di­vi­sion, but we can use the Cham­pi­on of Cham­pi­ons tour­na­ment for teams from the re­gion­al as­so­ci­a­tions, a sys­tem that has been used in the past as a means of get­ting teams," Moore as­sured.

The T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion Board mem­ber, who is al­so pres­i­dent of the To­ba­go Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TFA), could not re­spond to con­cerns of the fu­ture of the su­per league in light of the new de­vel­op­ments. Con­cerns were raised about which league would have been rec­og­nized as the le­git­i­mate sec­ond-tier com­pe­ti­tion when the pro league's sec­ond di­vi­sion kicks off on Oc­to­ber 4, and whether the su­per league would be con­sid­ered a feed­er pro­gramme to the sec­ond di­vi­sion if there will be pro­mo­tion and de­mo­tion.

Guardian Me­dia Sports al­so sought to find out if teams from the re­gion­al as­so­ci­a­tion com­pe­ti­tions will be re­quired to go through the T&TSL on its way to the new sec­ond di­vi­sion af­ter the Cham­pi­on of Cham­pi­ons play­offs is held.

Su­per League pres­i­dent Kei­th Look Loy said on Wednes­day that he had no com­ment when asked for his views on some of the con­cerns raised.

On­ly re­cent­ly, Look Loy re­ject­ed an of­fer for his league/clubs to be the pro league's sec­ond di­vi­sion, opt­ing in­stead to have his own 2019 sea­son of the TTSL, which is set to kick off on the same day as the pro league (Oc­to­ber 4).

How­ev­er, when Guardian Me­dia con­tact­ed some of the su­per league teams they re­vealed that their de­ci­sion to play in ei­ther the TTSL or the Pro League Sec­ond Di­vi­sion will be in­flu­enced by whether they will have to pay to play, and if they will be play­ing for free.

Randy Ha­gley, the Guaya Unit­ed man­ag­er said he will play in the Pro League sec­ond di­vi­sion. He has al­so called on the foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion, be­ing led by David John-Williams, to ban the su­per league this year, due to dis­agree­ment on the way the league has been man­aged, as well as fail­ure to ho­n­our fi­nan­cial com­mit­ments.

Ter­ry Williams of the Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly Cri­sis Cen­tre (MFCC), said his de­ci­sion will be based on as­sur­ances that there will be fund­ing avail­able this year, say­ing "One thing I know, is that if we have to pay $45, 000 to play in the TTSL, we will not be play­ing be­cause we do not have that mon­ey to pay." MFCC's fi­nan­cial woes were wors­ened by the clo­sure of their main spon­sor Petrotrin.

Williams said he has been giv­en promis­es by the su­per league in the past that a spon­sor will be sought, but this has not ma­te­ri­alised and he will, there­fore, wait to see this in writ­ing first.

Derek Ed­wards of Pe­tit Val­ley Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed echoed sim­i­lar sen­ti­ments, say­ing his de­ci­sion will be made on whether they will have to pay to play, as well as if they will be com­pen­sat­ed for the foot­ball they play at the end. The su­per league has since called an ex­tra­or­di­nary meet­ing at 8:30 am on Sun­day to ad­dress these con­cerns and chart the way for­ward.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2019, 04:38:39 PM »
TTSL Statement regarding Second Tier Football

At the Trinidad and Tobago Super League (TTSL) Extraordinary General Meeting of Sunday 8 September 2019, member clubs rejected the joint offer from the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) and the TT Pro League (TTPL) to join the latter as its second division. TTSL believes the effort of TTFA and TTPL to form a second tier in the latter by poaching TTSL members is unethical, political and short-sighted.

Abandoned by both TTFA and TTPL, fellow signatories to the Tripartite Memorandum of Agreement to establish the T-League, TTSL members agreed to stage the 2019 Super League competition between 4 October and 14 December 2019.

In a statement of organizational principle and values, and rejecting the US$8000 being offered to TTSL clubs to jump ship, participating clubs of 2019 Super League competition agreed to pay a registration fee of TT$1,000.

The following clubs have confirmed their participation:

1. Bethel United FC
2. Club Sando
3. Metal X Erin FC
4. FC Santa Rosa
5. Guaya United FC
6. Matura Reunited FC
7. Petit Valley/Diego Martin United FC
8. Police FC
9. Prisons FC
10. Queen’s Park CC
11. RSSR
12. San Fernando Giants FC
13. UTT

TTSL’s 2019 competition is sponsored by Ascension Limited and Raymond Tim Kee Investments Limited.

The details of TTSL Cup are:

Registration fee of TTD 1’000

Inclusion of one Tobago club

TTSL to provide inter-island transportation

TTSL to subsidize ground transportation for all visiting teams (to a maximum of TT$1,500 per match)

TTSL to provide a match result bonus: Win (TT$1,000), Draw (TT$500).

TTSL to provide referees and match commissioners

Clubs to be responsible for staging their home matches.

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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2019, 12:40:25 AM »
Ascension Super League offers financial equity.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

The T&T As­cen­sion Su­per League is set for kick-off on Oc­to­ber 20 with 13 teams ready to go at each oth­er, Kei­th Look Loy, the T&TSL pres­i­dent re­vealed on Wednes­day at a press con­fer­ence at the Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers fa­cil­i­ty in La Hor­quet­ta.

The League, a one-round af­fair that will see the ac­tion go­ing down to De­cem­ber 15, is be­ing spon­sored by As­cen­sion and it will pro­vide fi­nan­cial eq­ui­ty for all par­tic­i­pat­ing clubs.

Look Loy in out­lin­ing some of the ben­e­fits to be gained by his com­pe­ti­tion, said he pro­posed that a $100,000 amount to be used for prizes be split eq­ui­tably among all par­tic­i­pat­ing teams, so that the last-place team will walk away with $1100, with $2200 for the 12th-place team, $3300 for 11th-place club, and go­ing all the way up to the win­ner which will re­ceive a hand­some $14, 000 and tro­phy.

Look Loy promised that should his league re­ceive an­oth­er spon­sor then the clubs will stand to get more mon­ey.

He told the me­dia their de­ci­sion to share the prizes the way they have, was apt, as it will be used to show ap­pre­ci­a­tion to their loy­al mem­bers who were be­ing pur­sued by oth­er leagues and tour­na­ments, but have stayed with the su­per league.

In ad­di­tion to the cash in­cen­tives, the su­per league will of­fer cash bonus­es of $1, 000 for teams that win a match. How­ev­er, if the match is drawn, then the teams will split the bonus $500 each.

Ac­cord­ing to Look Loy, there will al­so be a trans­porta­tion fee with a max­i­mum lim­it of $15 00 for trav­el­ling teams. For short­er dis­tances, how­ev­er, such as teams in the east trav­el­ling to and from match­es, they will get an $800 fee.

There will al­so be a $2, 000 cash in­cen­tive for the best goal­keep­er, the play­er scor­ing the most goals (gold­en boot award) and for the most valu­able play­er of the tour­na­ment.

How­ev­er, Look Loy was quick to note that par­tic­i­pat­ing clubs will have to pay a reg­is­tra­tion fee of $1, 000. The com­po­si­tion of the su­per league was re­duced over the years due main­ly to the in­abil­i­ty of some clubs to be com­pli­ant, a bye-law of the TTSL that sees in­ac­tive mem­bers for two con­sec­u­tive be­ing thrown out, and clubs that fail to make the reg­is­tra­tion dead­line be­ing thrown out.

As­cen­sion and Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers man­ag­er Richard Fer­gu­son said their en­try in­to lo­cal foot­ball had been care­ful­ly planned.

He told the gath­er­ing that his or­gan­i­sa­tion, back in 2017 did a fea­si­bil­i­ty study, pro­jec­tions on cash flows etc and had dis­cov­ered that there was an un­tapped mar­ket.

He is pre­dict­ing that with­in the next three years, they will be­gin to break even be­fore prof­its will be­gin to flow.

On his fa­cil­i­ty alone, Fer­gu­son said, they have spent over $7 mil­lion, not­ing that by the time they are fin­ished build­ing a road, a stage and car park etc, that amount will climb to about $10 mil­lion. From the Ter­minix La Ho­pr­quet­ta Rangers' pru­dent busi­ness mod­el, Fer­gu­son ex­plained that they will re­cov­er all the monies spent to date.

Af­ter 11 match­es of the re­cent As­cen­sion In­vi­ta­tion­al Foot­ball League alone, Ter­minix Rangers re­cov­ered over

$525,000 in to­tal, which saw the team make over $55,000 per game.

Fer­gu­son urges clubs to mar­ry the sport, which is en­ter­tain­ment, with the lo­cal cul­ture as a means of in­creas­ing gate re­ceipts and sup­port.


Terminix Super League kicks off this weekend.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

THE 2019 edition of the Terminix Super League will kick off this weekend with Match Day One action.

Reigning champs FC Santa Rosa will square off against RSSR FC in the opening match on Saturday, from 4 pm, at the Arima Velodrome, and Metal X Erin FC will host Club Sando Uprising Youths at the Erin Recreation Ground from 6.30 pm.

Two games will take place from 7 pm – UTT entertaining Petit Valley/Diego Martin United at the UTT O’Meara campus, Arima and Matura ReUnited against Queen’s Park at the Matura Recreation Ground.

On Sunday, San Fernando Giants will tackle Police, at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium Training Field, from 3.30 pm, while Prisons Service will host Bethel United, at the YTC Ground, Arouca from 4 pm. Guaya United will be on a bye.

The 2019 season, which will run until December 15, was launched yesterday, at the Phase Two La Horquetta Recreation Ground, Arima, with Super League president Keith Look Loy and Terminix director Richard Ferguson addressing the media.

“It’s going to be a one-round season because of events that has occasioned this,” said Look Loy, referencing to the failed T League venture, which would have been a combination of Pro League and Super League teams.

“We went searching for sponsorship,” he continued. “We received a positive response from Ferguson who has filled a huge void in our club football in 2019. He stepped in to sponsor the Ascension football tournament and he immediately agreed to become the title sponsor of the 2019 Super League.

“We have sponsorship from Raymond Tim Kee and Investments, and we have one other sponsor, who shall remain nameless, who have come on board,” Look Loy said. “This is the first time that the Super League will be offering monies (in three years).”

Ferguson said, “This is our first year of sponsoring the football league and it will definitely not be the last. We’re hoping to increase our sponsorship, get more involved in television (and) more exposure for players, to get a higher calibre of TT players.”

With regards to prize monies for the 13 participating teams, Look Loy said, “We have a match bonus of $1,000 if your club win a match, if the match is drawn the two clubs get $500. We are giving a $2,000 prize to the MVP (Most Valuable Player), the best goalkeeper and the golden boot.

“We have a commitment for $100,000 in prize monies,” he added. “Everybody plays and if any finances are generated, then it should be paid equitably. The last team should get $1,100 and the first place team should get $14,000.”

Look Loy listed a few clubs who chose not to participate in the Super League this season – 1976 Phoenix FC, Harlem Strikers, Marabella Family Crisis Centre and Cunupia FC.

“They sat in the meeting where we discussed details of the league to launch itself on Saturday as well as the incentives that are on offer,” said Look Loy. “They were given a deadline and chose not to participate.”

He continued, “There are those that cannot participate because of TTFA membership non-compliance.”

Local cable network TTEN, in conjunction with Island Sports Network and TV6, will be showing matches live and/or delayed.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 12:45:14 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 T&T Super League Thread
« Reply #29 on: October 03, 2019, 05:53:35 AM »
Well done, Super League!