1. Own and control the President of said federation, make sure he’s crooked enough to sell out anyone and anything without a conscience
2. Hire and pay for the coach, externally, not internally, whoever pays the coach, controls what he does and how he does it, coach must be also willing to sell out, even better if he is from said country and appears to be a patriot, makes it so much easier to manipulate the fans and cover up the corruption
3. Fire the existing coach that is progressing the team and is not willing to sell out and can actually take the team somewhere
4. Make sure the existing coach doesn’t have the necessary support staff or resources, then create immense pressure on said coach to create avenue for firing, to install the puppet coach
5. Don’t pay the players over an extended period of time, with the real coach at the helm, create a negative working environment to create distractions to the team while big matches are on the horizon
6. Drop our best striker and coerce players to create division within the team to break chemistry and dismantle team, in prep of firing coach
7. Interference into player selection by the puppet dictator to create avenue for firing of real coach
8. Once puppet coach is installed, he gets rid of players loyal to the real coach and gives ultimatum to the rest that they must tow the line or never play again
9. Once puppet coach is installed, he begins the process of deception and sabotage, playing players out of position and benching the best players
10. Ensure the constitution of the football body has loopholes to ensure the puppet dictator remains in power long enough to achieve the sabotage, as well as having supporters who will support his corruption