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Photo: Terminix La Horquetta Rangers forward Tyrone Charles (centre) goes on the attack during his team’s Ascension Invitational contest with Defence Force at Phase 2 La Horquetta on 17 August 2019. (Copyright Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868)

While De­fence Force were left idle on Match Day Five, Ter­minix La Horquat­ta Rangers used the op­por­tu­ni­ty to cut in­to the ti­tle chal­lengers’ lead with a 2-0 vic­to­ry over San Juan Jabloteh.

Rangers’ ef­fort came in the the first match of a dou­ble-head­er in the T&T Pro League as com­pe­ti­tion re­sumed af­ter the Car­ni­val break at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main, Cou­va, on Fri­day night.

Af­ter a goal­less first half, Rangers Ty­rone Charles scored in the 59th and 66th min­utes to guide his team to vic­to­ry and 26 points, six be­hind the Army/Coast Guard com­bi­na­tion unit.

In the fea­ture match-up of the night, Mor­vant Cale­do­nia Unit­ed main­tained their fifth-place po­si­tion on the 11-team stand­ings af­ter a 3-1 tri­umph over Cunu­pia FC thanks to goals from Tev Lawrence, Per­nell Schultz and Shel­don Hold­er in the 12th, 20th and 68th min­utes of the con­test.

Cunu­pia FC’s on­ly item came from the in­form Kevon “Show­time” Wood­ley, who re­duced his team’s half­time deficit by one with his strike in the 32nd minute.

How­ev­er, the match of the round was the con­test be­tween hosts Point Fortin and Po­lice at Ma­haica Oval, in which the vis­i­tors ex­pe­ri­enced their fourth loss of the sea­son when Tyrel Em­manuel se­cured all three points in the 53rd minute to the de­light of cheer­ing home fans. De­spite the un­favourable re­sult for Po­lice, both teams main­tained their third and sixth po­si­tions on the stand­ings, re­spec­tive­ly.

Full Results

Friday February 28

Morvant Caledonia United 3 (Tev Lawrence 12, Pernell Schultz 20, Sheldon Holder 68) v Cunupia FC 1 (Kevon Woodley 32), 4pm, Ato Boldon Stadium

San Juan Jabloteh 0 v La Horquetta Rangers 2 (Tyrone Charles 59, 66), 6pm, Ato Boldon Stadium

Point Fortin Civic 1 (Tyrel Emmanuel 53) v Police FC 0, 7pm, Mahaica Oval

Upcoming Fixtures - Round Two, Match Day Five

Sunday March 1st

W Connection v Defence Force, 4pm, Ato Boldon Stadium

Club Sando v Central FC, 6pm, Ato Boldon Stadium

Lat­est Team Stand­ings

P  W  D  L  F  A  GD  Pts
1  Defence Force FC  13  10  2  1  24  11  +13  32
2  La Horquetta Rangers  14  8  2  4  41  18  +23  26
3  Police FC  15  6  5  4  28  16  +12  23
4  W Connection  13  6  3  4  23  19  +4  21
5  Morvant Caledonia United  14  5  6  3  17  17  0  21
6  Point Fortin Civic  14  6  3  5  19  21  -2  21
7  Club Sando  14  4  4  6  21  19  +2  16
8  San Juan Jabloteh  15  4  4  7  19  29  -10  16
9  Central FC  14  3  4  7  15  24  -9  13
10  AC Port of Spain  14  3  4  7  17  33  -16  13
11  Cunupia FC  14  1  5  8  11  28  -17  8