John, ex stars to feature at O-40 Intercol.

For­mer na­tion­al and El Do­ra­do strik­er Stern John will be among sev­er­al play­ers who will at­tempt to roll back the years at Sun­day's Ari­ma Bor­ough Cor­po­ra­tion Over 40 In­ter-Col Foot­ball Tour­na­ment at the Ari­ma Velo­drome.

The tour­na­ment which was an­nounced on Tues­day, will fea­ture six teams- Ari­ma Sec­ondary, Fa­ti­ma Col­lege, Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege (Ch­agua­nas), Las Lo­mas Unit­ed and Queen's Roy­al Col­lege, is part of the Ari­ma Bor­ough Day cel­e­bra­tions the day be­fore, and is set to bring out the schools stars of yes­ter­year, such as, Sean Ros­ales, Mar­lon James and John (El Do­ra­do), for­mer Min­is­ter of Sports and Youth Af­fairs Anil Roberts, Garvin Mc Knight and Garvin Prescott (Fa­ti­ma Col­lege), Sher­win 'Tety' George and Sean Fred­er­icks (Ari­ma Sec­ondary), Randy Har­ris and Al­lan Hem Lee of Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, Ch­agua­nas, and from QRC, Travis Mul­raine, Mar­lon Springer and An­dre Williams, the win­ning cap­tain of QRC's 1991 suc­cess­ful team.

Ari­ma May­or Lisa Mor­ris Ju­lian is the brain­child of the com­pe­ti­tion and has made avail­able a cash prize of $3,000 and a tro­phy for the win­ning team, and $2,000 and a tro­phy for the run­ner-up. The third-place team will al­so re­ceive a cheque for $1,000 and a tro­phy.

The for­mat of the com­pe­ti­tion will be a round-robin one, in which the teams will play each oth­er for points, and the team with the most points will de­ter­mine the win­ner. El Do­ra­do coach Samuel Joseph is al­ready boast­ing of tak­ing the tro­phy back to the 'City of Gold' as he refers to his school. He said in ad­di­tion to John, the coun­try's lead­ing goalscor­er, his team may al­so fea­ture Clay­ton Ince and David Grimes, both of whom stood out in the 1990s.

QRC's ros­ter will al­so com­prise Nicholas Mar­tinez, Ros­ton Haynes, Nigel All­sop, Sher­win Con­liffe and Ryan Williams, all ex stars in the 1990s.