
Tue, Sep


For­mer na­tion­al women's strik­er Ah­keela Mol­lon scored a sea­son-best 11 goals to lead Club San­do to a 24-0 ham­mer­ing of a short-hand­ed Malvern SC to go top of the T&T Women’s League Foot­ball on Sat­ur­day night.

Mol­lon scored in the 17th, 20th, 22nd, 22nd, 30th, 48th, 50th, 57th, 59th, 71st and 88th minute for Club San­do now with 16 points from sev­en match­es, the same as St Au­gus­tine FC, but with a su­pe­ri­or goal dif­fer­ence of plus-37 to plus-14.

The pair of Aaliyah Pas­call (5th, 8th, 26th) and Den­necia Prince (33rd, 72nd, 80th) added hat tricks for Club San­do while Kay­la Tay­lor (36th, 53rd) and Alex­cia Ali (6th, 41st) added two goals each.

The trio of Kha­didra Debe­sette (9th), Stephanie Beam (84th), and Keri May­ers (86th) were al­so on tar­get for Club San­do.

On Sun­day, St Au­gus­tine FC slipped past Trinci­ty Na­tion­al thanks to a 32nd-minute strike from na­tion­al play­er Ayan­na Rus­sell at Ed­die Hart Ground, Tu­na­puna.

In the oth­er match played, Queen's Park slipped to third af­ter a 2-2 draw with De­fence Force at St An­tho­ny's Col­lege Ground, Morne Co­co Road, West­moor­ings

The en­counter be­tween St Au­gus­tine Jrs and Po­lice FC was called off at Fredrick Set­tle­ment Ground, Ca­roni due to a wa­ter­logged field while the match-up be­tween To­ba­go Chi­cas and the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T at Mt Pleas­ant Ground, To­ba­go will be de­cid­ed by WoLF Dis­ci­pli­nary Com­mit­tee af­ter the host failed to sub­mit a team to match of­fi­cials for the kick-off.



Club San­do 24 (Ah­keela Mol­lon 17th, 20th, 22nd, 22nd, 30th, 48th, 50th, 57th, 59th, 71st, 88th, Aaliyah Pas­call 5th, 8th, 26th, Den­necia Prince 33rd, 72nd, 80th, Kay­la Tay­lor 36th, 53rd, Alex­cia Ali 6th, 41st, Kha­didra Debe­sette 9th, Stephanie Beam 84th, Keri May­ers 86th) vs Malvern 0

QPCC 2 (Afiyah Corn­wall 53rd, Ja­nine Fran­cois 88th) vs De­fence Force 2 (Kanile De­gale 51st, Jemi­la Math­lin 83rd), St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege Ground, West­moor­ings, 4pm


St Au­gus­tine FC 1 (Ayan­na Rus­sell 32nd) vs Trinci­ty Na­tion­als 0 Ed­die Hart Ground, Tu­na­puna, 3 pm

Lat­est TTWoLF stand­ings

1. Club San­do*7*5*1*1*45*8*16
2. St Au­gus­tine FC*7*5*1*1*19*5*16
3. QPCC*7*4*2*1*44*7*14
4. Trinci­ty Na­tion­als*6*4*0*2*26*9*12
5. Po­lice FC*6*3*1*2*30*6*10
6. De­fence Force*5*3*1*1*11*10*10
7. UTT*5*1*2*2*21*6*5
8. To­ba­go Chi­cas*4*1*0*3*4*28*3
9. Jew­els FC*4*1*0*3*2*12*3
10. St Au­gus­tine Jr*6*2*0*4*20*27*6
11. Malvern*5*1*0*4*3*27*3
12. Cen­tral Women*6*0*0*6*0*80*0