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PULLING Katie Price was like winning the double for soccer star Dwight Yorke - he quickly discovered she had TWO bedroom personas.

"Making love to KATIE could be an entirely different experience to making out with JORDAN," he reveals.

"Katie was much more tender, much more loving, much softer. She'd love to cuddle up afterwards - and who wouldn't want to be snuggled up to her?

"Jordan was completely different - the fireworks could be spectacular. The wilder the sex, the more Jordan seemed to like it. She was uninhibited and fiery."

Dwight was already a legendary scorer on and off the pitch. But he met his match the night he came up against Jordan's pair of superstar strikers at London's Attica nightclub.

"All I knew about her was that she'd become famous for what was now staring me in the face," he admits. "She was quite a picture with that celebrated, surgically-enhanced figure squeezed inside a sort of police uniform outfit revealing plenty of cleavage. It was difficult not to look at her."

Inevitably the celeb couple hooked up and spent the rest of the night chatting. Dwight had visions of adding Katie's treasure chest to his trophy cabinet of conquests. But he adds: "My hopes for a more entertaining end to the evening were quickly dashed. Jordan made it clear nothing like that was on the agenda - she even paid for her own McDonald's.

"All I got that night was a bag of chicken nuggets and a definite sense of anticlimax!"

Stung by the knockback, Dwight pushed for a replay and they met briefly for a few dates in London before the opportunity arose for him to make another bid for her affections.

Manchester United were at home to Arsenal. And for Dwight it was a match made in heaven. He scored a 25-minute hat-trick while Katie watched from the stands, ready to spend her first night with him in Manchester. The perfect end to a perfect day, he hoped.

But he recalls: "We arrived back in the dead of night. For once I was a little uncertain what was expected of me. After all, this is a woman who's made a name for herself as a sex goddess wanted by men all over the country. What should I do next?

"As she climbed into bed only one thought was on my mind. At last, I thought. We chatted for a few minutes before I leaned over to kiss her. Katie responded. And then broke off to say, 'You're not getting any nookie, you know?'

'Whaaat?! What do you mean?' 'Not on the first night.'

'You must be joking me,' I stuttered. 'No. No nookie!' We kissed a couple more times, enjoyed a nice cuddle and in my head I was thinking, 'It's just a matter of time, she'll come round.'

"But she was true to her word. No nookie for me. I wished she'd told me earlier. . . I could have gone to sleep."

It was three weeks later that Dwight finally broke his duck - and quickly discovered Katie's split personality between the sheets.

The pair had a stab at building a relationship but with each at opposite ends of the country on busy schedules, it was hard to make it work.

And Dwight was desperate to save his Old Trafford career by trying not to encourage the kind of headlines that made boss Alex Ferguson wince.

"My timing was lousy," he admits. "Not the best time to fall for one of the most photographed models in Europe whose professional life was driven by a publicity team which relied upon steamy media coverage.

"Whenever we stepped outside my house it seemed the paparazzi knew precisely where we were going. I always thought they'd been tipped off."

In May 2001 Dwight took Katie to Monaco after being nominated in the Laureus World Sports Awards. And the lavish all-expenses paid trip was to push them to breaking point.

"With so much media in attendance, it was a heaven-sent opportunity for Katie to adopt her Jordan profile," says Dwight. "As we prepared to go for dinner on our first night, out came the provocative outfits and sex-siren behaviour. I implored her to choose a less-revealing outfit, asking, 'Do you have to show so much cleavage? Does the dress have to be that short?'

"To my way of thinking, she was my girl now and didn't need to put on such a show for all the men who were lusting after her. But it wasn't long before the boot was on the other foot.

"We stepped from the car outside a restaurant to be greeted by 80 or 90 American cheerleaders all dressed in those skimpy little numbers they wear. I was desperately trying not to look but it was tough. Every one of these women was stunning.

"Katie said, 'I bet you wish you hadn't come with ME now.' "

And as time went on in the fling Dwight went further than just looking. For the first time he admits he cheated on Katie as their relationship gradually petered out but declined to give any details. "We still had occasional contact but it was clear to me we'd run our course," he says. "Our little fairytale was over."

But Dwight sensationally reveals how even after the split he made an astonishing bid to get back together for their son Harvey's sake - hoping a £45,000 engagement ring would do the trick.

"It seemed the longest of long shots but the least I could do was give it a try," he says. "I persuaded Katie to bring Harvey first for a luxury break at the Sandy Lane hotel in Barbados and then on to a house in Tobago, the chance for the three of us to spend time together and for my family to meet Harvey as well.

"A jeweller friend of my team-mate Andy Cole made something extra special for me - a pear-shaped ring which he assured me was a bargain at £45,000. But money was no object for what I had in mind. Maybe it was only right for Katie and me to get back together. Right for Harvey certainly. Maybe, after all this time, I should propose.

"Our room in Barbados had a beautiful view of the beach and Caribbean and Katie was simply blown away by the location. She chilled out as at last we were able to spend time together without it ending in a row.

"We were even able to sleep on the same bed and as the days rolled by I began to think ever more seriously about going ahead with a full-on reconciliation. Sure, we had a couple of rows, when I stopped out late on nights she didn't want to go out but we overcame it quickly enough. And it began to feel like we were a couple, enjoying romantic dinners, spending time with Harvey.

"As we stumbled back into our apartment from one beautiful night out, clearly knowing what was coming next, I was thinking, 'This is it.'

"That night I made love to Jordan, not Katie. The sex was wild, by mutual consent I must add, and I felt I was taking out on her a lot of the frustration and anger that had built up in the last year. It was fierce and passionate. And after it was finished I moved to collect the ring from the safe. I gave it to her. . . but I didn't say a word. Katie knew what it was.

"It was clearly an engagement ring. But while obviously thrilled to be handed such a gift, she didn't press for any explanation.

"Perhaps she loved the gift but not the man who'd given it to her. Perhaps that moment flushed out our true feelings about this whole episode. It was never the same after that.

"We'd wallowed in such five-star luxury at this hotel that when it came to settling the bill it had reached £28,000, the bulk of which I reckon Katie must have run up having her nails and hair attended to."

And when they reached Tobago, Dwight says Katie's mood darkened. He was furious that Katie wouldn't allow Harvey to spend a night at his mother's house.

"Katie was suddenly very uncomfortable about the whole idea," he adds. "She wouldn't leave Harvey with my mum because she claimed the house didn't have the right cot. And so on. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

"It was deeply upsetting. The fact that Katie couldn't grant my mum that p***ed me off like never before. I hated her at that moment. It was the final nail in the coffin. I wanted nothing more to do with her. I couldn't bear to be in her company after that.

"We flew home separately. Me alone, Katie with Harvey. And no, she never gave me back that f***ing ring."

Jordan and me: Dwight hits back at years of jibes.

Dwight Yorke: Jordan said Harvey's burn wasn't too bad but it was worst thing I've ever seen.

SOCCER hero Dwight Yorke - the father of Jordan's son Harvey - endured a turbulent 18-month romance with the glamour queen - and a barrage of spiteful insults when it all ended in tears. Until now he has kept a dignified silence.

BUT as the accusations fly over Jordan's bitter marriage split with Peter Andre and her new love for cage-fighter Alex Reid, the former Manchester United star is finally telling all about his stormy time with Britain's most outrageous pin-up. And he is the man who KNOWS.

FOR years Dwight, 37, took all the jibes and accusations Jordan could fling. Now, in his sensational autobiography Born to Score, he hits back. And today, for the first time, our exclusive adaptation by DOUGLAS WIGHT uncovers the REAL story - kicking off with the traumatic day little Harvey was horribly burned. . .

THE text message from Jordan described Harvey's burn injuries as "not bad". But when Dwight Yorke finally fought his way past security at the hospital he was shocked by the sight that greeted him.

There on a bed was the football star's four-year-old son - his right leg bandaged all the way from his foot to his thigh. His nanny was sitting with him. And there was no sign of his mother.

It was New Year's Day 2007 when Dwight rushed to his son's bedside after ex-lover Jordan - real name Katie Price - texted to say Harvey had been scalded.

Then when Dwight reached the hospital he found his way blocked because she had banned all visitors. Frantic, he rang her and recalls: "Again she tried to reassure me 'He's not that bad' - telling me how Harvey had climbed up the stairs and into the bath then switched on the hot water tap.

"I was furious. Furious at not being informed sooner. Furious I'd been prevented from seeing my son on first arriving at the hospital. Furious that I'd been told the injury was 'not bad'. And I didn't know where his mother was.

"I asked Becky the nanny to leave the room as Harvey said, 'Daddy, it itches.' As a sportsman I know my way around treatment rooms and how to bandage. So I had a look at the burn that I'd been told was 'not bad'.

"It was the most horrible thing I've ever seen - especially as it was a child and MY child at that.

"It's a good job I'm not a hot-tempered man. Because what I saw that day would have had other parents smashing up the ward in fury.

"Poor Harvey. I don't know what happened that day he got injured. Katie and Peter Andre have given their account. I wasn't there, I can't say. But, for everything Katie's hurled at me about my parenting skills, I felt theirs weren't particularly impressive that day."

In her own book Jordan explained that she deliberately slipped away from Harvey's bedside when Dwight visited the hospital. She said: "I made sure Pete and me were having lunch. I didn't want to see Dwight as I was convinced he'd have a go at me." And she was right about Dwight being upset. This drama was the last straw for him. For four years he'd been the target of a sustained attack from Katie, blasting him for failing to support her or Harvey.

Visits to see his son had been limited to a few hours at a time. He'd never been allowed to take him overnight and he'd been cut out of all major decisions in his boy's life. Now he'd finally had enough.

"I was sick of it all," says Dwight. "Sick of Katie and her limp husband. I didn't want any more to do with them.

"I knew Harvey and I would never be allowed to build any kind of bond. Now Katie's mum Amy keeps me informed of his progress. I send cards and presents for birthdays and Christmas with never a reply to suggest he's got them.

"I'm not by nature a bitter person but no one's driven me quite so close to that as Katie.

"The woman is infuriating. You end up losing your cool because she cannot have it any other way but her way. She likes her men to roll over and accept she's in charge.

"But I do want what's best for Harvey. I love him and I hate the fact I haven't been able to be more involved in his life."

Dwight always had a stormy relationship with Jordan and it got worse when she married Peter after their jungle meeting on TV's I'm a Celebrity.

"When I met Andre I wanted to throttle him," admits Dwight. "I'm not a violent man and it takes an awful lot to rile me. But this man got under my skin at the outset. The first time I saw them together they immediately put on this ostentatious display of affection, kissing and cuddling each other and calling one another 'Babes' and 'Precious'. Somewhere between laughable and pathetic.

"I didn't want to stay around the house and suffer any more of the Pete and Katie show so they drove me to a park, the pair of them in the front, me in the back with Harvey. Andre turned to me and said, 'Listen, mate, it's got nothing to do with me' - that's right pal so why don't you just keep your nose out of it! - 'but Harvey needs his father.

"And then they had the gall to talk about Andre ADOPTING him. I so, so wanted to grab him around the neck and throttle him for his insensitivity. So close.

"I'm very proud I managed to restrain my instincts. Having put up with everything his missus had thrown at me, I now had to listen to this idiot lecturing me on fatherhood? I don't think so. The guy's a muppet.

"No way would I ever, EVER, allow Harvey to be adopted by him. Over the years I've heard Katie saying how Andre is Harvey's dad and what a terrible, uncaring father I've been, all of which sticks in my throat. Maybe if she hadn't made life so difficult for me, I might have been able to take a far more proactive role.

"But I had as little to do with them as possible. I couldn't bear going to their home because they'd turned it into a shrine to their own vanity.

"How many pictures of yourselves is it possible to put up on the walls?

"I found it creepy. I couldn't walk down a hallway without his preening mug staring back at me or the pair of them draped over each other. Arrrgh! I'm Harvey's dad . . . get me out of here!"

Dwight had been on collision course with Katie ever since she announced to him that she was pregnant with his baby. The couple had a passionate but stormy 18-month relationship but were effectively apart when she broke the news.

"My reaction was immediate," recalls Dwight. "There was no way we could have this baby. I told her, 'Our relationship is too unstable. I don't think it's right.'

"The conversation ended with her agreeing. It was the only right thing to do and she accepted it. Or she seemed to.

"But a couple of days later she was back on the phone with a very different message - she WAS having this baby whether I liked it or not."

Dwight's concerns mounted after newspaper reports of pregnant Katie apparently drinking and partying.

"That made me more angry," he says. "Very occasionally I'd call her out of sheer frustration asking, 'Are you serious, woman? You're still going ahead with this? Why are you behaving this way?' They weren't great conversations. She seemed very unstable, very out of control."

But Dwight patched things up with Katie enough to be present at the birth on May 27, 2002. He decided against joining her in the delivery room but was by her side when the nurse presented his son to him for the first time.

"I went a little weak at the knees," he admits. "I whispered to him, 'Welcome to the world, little man. You're in for quite a ride.'

"Unfortunately the truce was only temporary. When it came to registering his name, Katie and I were again at each other's throats. Katie wanted Harvey Daniel Price - Harvey was her grandad's name, Daniel her brother's.

"I wanted him to have my middle name Eversley, from my family line, too. We had a furious row but Katie wouldn't budge and got her own way." Over the years Katie has taken frequent potshots at Dwight, claiming he has not been there to support them financially.

Only now is he hitting back, insisting: "We had no formal arrangement about paying the bills that any new baby brings. So right at the start I wrote Katie out a cheque for £10,000.

"She's said I didn't pay any maintenance for Harvey for 3½ years and that she has no idea why. This makes me look tight-fisted and like I didn't care about my son. And that's totally unfair.

"Strictly speaking, I didn't pay maintenance, although I did contribute financially in other ways. But during this period our lawyers were negotiating the financial and parental agreement for Harvey.

"It didn't stop me putting my hand in my pocket to help with Harvey - £10,000 on his birth, £5,000 for his first birthday party, as well as special sensory equipment for his bedroom. I knew Katie needed financial help with Harvey and of course I was willing to give it. Once things were formalised, I paid £1,300 a month - that's £15,600 a year - to Katie for Harvey's benefit. And I was more than happy to provide a salary when her mum Amy took on the role of caring for Harvey. That came to £90,000 over time. And I paid over £14,000 in school fees.

"Then there were payments outside of our agreement - nearly £22,000 went on presents for Harvey, a specially adapted tricycle and a computer for the school.

"But that's money. I was a wealthy young footballer. So what? What really matters, I know, is just being there.

"Clearly access was going to be difficult because Katie and I could barely be in the same room together. But I began making those hectic, flying visits down to Brighton from Manchester whenever I could, to try to fulfil my parental duties.

"But I hated what I discovered when I arrived at Katie's house. Motherhood didn't seem to have calmed her.

"She was dating or partying with what seemed like a string of young dudes throughout the first year or so of Harvey's life. I'd arrive and be marched into a room where I'd find Harvey. The door would be slammed shut behind me, but that wasn't enough to shut out the presence of Katie's young boyfriend next door. It was horrible.

"And Katie's not exactly domesticated. The house was invariably a tip - and with a newborn baby around that was another subject of concern. And there was no sign of her party lifestyle changing to take in the responsibilities of motherhood.

"I remember staying down one night and Katie's crowd were heading off to a big party in London. They all came back steaming drunk and making a terrible noise in the early hours, oblivious to the fact that little Harvey was asleep upstairs.

"I challenged her about this lifestyle. She'd desperately wanted our baby but was this her idea of motherhood? It was the most distressing thing I'd ever had to deal with.

"Katie was undoubtedly still bitter towards me. She'd never entertain the idea of bringing Harvey up to Manchester in order for me to spend more, less aggravated, time with him. I felt as if she wanted to make things as awkward as possible for me. And she succeeded.

"As time wore on, I still think Harvey and I bonded. I think he knew I was his father and that he would connect with me by touching my baseball cap."

Harvey was later diagnosed with septo-optic dysplasia, a rare condition that causes blindness and growth hormone deficiency. Yet, no matter how much Dwight pleaded to be involved in his care, Katie refused.

He says: "I had a room specially decorated for Harvey in my house. I had professional artists come in to decorate the room with little details, and the words 'Harvey' and 'Daddy loves you'. It cost me eight grand. It's still there, unused.

"Harvey has never slept in it."

EXTRACTED from Born to Score by Dwight Yorke, to be published by Macmillan on October 2, price £17.99. Copyright Dwight Yorke. To buy the book for £16.19 (with free P&P) call 0845 271 2137.