
Sun, Jun


Sunderland's Kenwyne Jones up against Wayne Bridge of Manchester City.Sunderland striker Kenwyne Jones could be facing at least a month on the sidelines.

The Trinidad and Tobago international headed the Black Cats into an early lead with his eighth goal of the season in Sunday's Premier League clash at home to Manchester City.

But he was then forced off at half-time with a groin injury as City battled back to claim a 1-1 draw.

Manager Steve Bruce said: "We were just getting up a head of steam and getting a settled team and another one of our big players looks as if he is going to be out for at least a month."

“The big thing - and it’s been the story of our season – is that no sooner do we get a settled team than we lose one of our big players to injury,” he said.

“Kenwyne has got a groin problem and it looks like he will be out for at least a month, I would have thought.” Jones’ problem is the latest in a catalogue of injuries the Wearsiders have suffered this season, which has meant Bruce has had to chop and change his side almost every week.