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Romauld Aguillera outshone his peers at United Petrotrin when the midfielder copped two of the three major awards handed out at the clubs year-end prize giving ceremony.

The former Arima Fire player who ended his first season with United Petrotrin this year, walked away with the awards for Most Valuable Player (MVP) and also Most Disciplined.

Prolific striker Sylvester Teesdale however halted Aguillera clean sweep on the evening as he snapped up the coveted most goals award, his nine items this season enough to do the trick.
Commenting on the Midfielders success Petrotrin coach Brian Williams praised Aguillera for his dedication and commitment to the club calling him, "Every coaches dream player".

"Romauld was the obvious choice, his discipline towards training and the spirit he brings to the dressing room made him the unanimous choice by the coaching staff as well as the players".

Other prizes handed out at the function that was attended by national team coach Wim Rijsbergen and his assistant Anton Corneal went to Rodney Young, Danakah Jimdar and Javed Mohammed who were named as the MVP of the U-14, U-16 and U-18 categories respectively.

Special honours went to Arnold Corneal (Manager of Corporate Communications), Rosanna Hospedales (Corporate Secretary) and Malcolm Jones (Executive Chairman).

Feature Speaker Sedley Joseph during his address admonished players to be responsible and committed professionals drawing examples from national teams of the 70’s and 80’s who played for little financial compensation.

He further congratulated the team on its achievements in its brief professional history and commended goalkeeper Tristan Charles, Sylvester Teesdale and Kevon Clement who were recently called to Rijsbergen national squad.

Aguillera speaking after the function told PROLEAGUE Media that it was a nice feeling to win an award in his first season at the club.

"I think it must have been my hard work throughout season and simply just following the coaches orders that put me in contention for this award".

He ended by making a making a resolution to achieve more awards and win some titles for his team in the 2007 season.