
Sat, Jun

It won't happen again.

That is the promise FIFA vice-president Jack Warner is making to Trinidad and Tobago after national captain Dwight Yorke missed T&T's CONCACAF World Cup qualifier away to the USA last Wednesday, having been recalled to English club Sunderland.
Warner has been involved in a war of words with Sunderland manager Roy Keane ever since and it has been reported that the former Manchester United midfielder responded by referring to both Warner and Yorke as "clowns".

Warner, the T&T Football Federation special adviser, described Keane as having a "mean streak", as well as being "callous" and "insensitive" to small countries like Trinidad and Tobago.

"Mr Keane was deliberately mischievous," Warner said yesterday during a press conference at the CONCACAF office in Port of Spain, called to object to the appointment of Israel Khan SC to the Commission of Inquiry into the Udecott affair.

"He (Keane) knew full well he wasn't going to play Dwight Yorke. He didn't even take him to Wigan," for Sunderland's Premiership match on Saturday, which ended in a 1-1 draw. Warner also slammed Keane for what he said was typical behaviour for the Irishman.

"He took [Yorke] from Trinidad knowing full well (that Yorke would not play) because that is the nature of Mr Keane. Mr Keane is the guy who broke a player's leg and said he did it deliberately. That's his claim to fame."

The CONCACAF head assured his audience that such a situation would not be repeated.

"...I am not surprised (by Keane's behaviour)... I'll tell you one thing, I'll tell you today it wouldn't happen again. If this country wants a player and the player wants to play, my colleagues and friends, the player will play. We gave in easily, possibly my fault, and we paid the price for it in the US (qualifier)."

Warner also pointed out that although advised by colleagues to take action over Keane's comments within FIFA, he would not do so due to concerns that the other T&T/Sunderland players-Carlos Edwards and Kenwyne Jones-might be victimised as a result.

The Chaguanas West MP also blasted the Government for what he claimed was a lack of financial support for the "Soca Warriors", saying T&T will qualify for the South Africa 2010 World Cup in spite of it.

"I want to end by telling you that we will qualify for South Africa, even though we haven't received a nickel from the Government to date," he indicated. "...We shall still qualify. Don't let your heart be troubled."
Warner to reveal corruption in Sports Ministry.
T&T Guardian Reports.

By noon today the public will be informed of corruption in the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs. After submitting a letter to Prime Minister Patrick Manning, Fifa vice president Jack Warner will send out to media houses a list of all corrupt practices in the Ministry of Sport.

“I shall make it clear to the public after delivering a letter to the Prime Minister of corrupt acts in the Ministry of Sports,” said Warner yesterday at a press conference at Concacaf Office at the corner of St Vincent and Oxford Streets in Port-of-Spain.

“I will be providing pictures, figures and contractors to expose the corrupt acts going on in the ministry.”

“Government money is being mismanaged,” said Warner, who is also special advisor to the T&T Football Federation.

“I will present proof of contracts being given out to certain contractors.”

Warner will also expose discrepancies in other projects, including the Brian Lara Sporting Complex in Santa Cruz and the Brian Lara Stadium in Tarouba.

“Nobody should defile the Brian Lara name like that,” he said. (GT)