
Sat, Jun

These secondary school footballers, who represent Naparima College (blue) and St Agustine (white), vie for the ball in their SSFL match,at Lewis St, San Fernando,yesterday.

Na­pari­ma Col­lege con­tin­ued its win­ning form and the top po­si­tion in the Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) by edg­ing St Au­gus­tine 3-2 at the team's Lewis Street ground in San Fer­nan­do on Wednes­day.

The An­gus Eve-coached school, one of just two un­beat­en teams so far, went un­der to the win­less vis­i­tors, com­mon­ly called, the Green Ma­chine when Tyrese Spicer con­vert­ed from the penal­ty spot in the 21st minute, from an ear­li­er foul that he drew.

The team took that 1-0 ad­van­tage in­to the dress­ing room at the half-time in­ter­val, be­fore the triple crown win­ners came storm­ing back at the re­sump­tion in what was an ex­cit­ing sec­ond-half that saw four goals scored.

Shoeid Khan drew his team on lev­el terms in the 48th-minute, by find­ing the net, to the cheers of ther home fans. And the south­ern­ers ex­tend­ed the lead 2-1 with a goal by Isa Bram­ble in the 69th-minute.

St Au­gus­tine got a goal from Jardel John in the 71st to knot-up the scores at two apiece.

And when the vis­i­tors thought they were head­ing for their fourth draw in five games and a share of the points, Na­pari­ma spoiled things with an 82nd-minute item from Tyri­ka An­drews to se­cure max­i­mum points.

Mean­while, St Mary's Col­lege re­ceived its first win of the di­vi­sion by sur­pris­ing Mal­ick 2-1 at its Ser­pen­tine Road, St Clair home ground.

Af­ter loss­es to Naps, St Bene­dict's Col­lege, Pre­sen­ta­tion (San Fer­nan­do) and Pleas­antville Sec­ondary to date, the in­ex­pe­ri­enced 'Saints' pulled off a ma­jor shock­er with goals from Ja­heim Ryan in the 21st-minute and Chad Alon­zo in the 50th, to seal the win, de­spite Mick­ell Alexan­der's 88th-minute item.

At San Juan, the home team al­so col­lect­ed its first win of the tour­na­ment, ham­mer­ing Trin­i­ty Mo­ka 5-0.

Pro­lif­ic scor­er Re­nal­do Boyce and Isa­iah Chase got a pair of goals each, and Chris­tom Mitchell helped him­self to the oth­er item.

At West­moor­ings, St An­tho­ny's Col­lege es­caped with a 3-0 win over Trin­i­ty Col­lege East, but the east­ern­ers would have on­ly them­selves to blame for sev­er­al missed chances through­out the en­counter.

With the re­sult, the 'Tigers' main­tained their un­beat­en run in the top flight di­vi­sion which en­sured they stay three points be­hind lead­ers - Naps on 10 points. Trin­i­ty East has just one win from five match­es, the lone vic­to­ry com­ing 2-1 against St Bene­dict's Col­lege at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la on the open­ing day of the com­pe­ti­tion, Sep­tem­ber 11.

Af­ter mak­ing the long dar­ing trek, the vis­i­tors should have tak­en the lead from Ter­rell Wi­ley. He was put through down the left side, but af­ter do­ing the hard work of go­ing past his mark­er, the diminu­tive strik­er, fac­ing an open goal, mis­kicked at the last mo­ment.

Soon af­ter the home team set­tled in front of their home crowd and en­joyed ear­ly dom­i­nance of the game. But they had to wait un­til the 30th minute, how­ev­er, for the open­er. Kai Phillip played a give-and-go with Jor­dan Bar­clay in­side the box, which put him on course with goal­keep­er Nicholas Thomas. And with the goal at his mer­cy, Phillip calm­ly slipped the ball be­yond the on­rush­ing goal­keep­er for the lead.

The teams went to the break with the Tigers lead­ing 1-0, and they would ex­tend their ad­van­tage af­ter the re­sump­tion, as Trin­i­ty East con­tin­ued to squan­der chances at will.

Three min­utes af­ter the break Trin­i­ty again with a glar­ing chance to draw lev­el. This time Zachary Baird eludes his mark­er down the right be­fore cut­ting in­side on his favoured left foot, and with his sup­port­ers al­ready call­ing it a goal, Baird's blis­ter­ing dri­ve sailed over the cross­bar.

Trin­i­ty East en­joyed a pe­ri­od of dom­i­nance which had the St An­tho­ny's de­fence re­treat­ing reg­u­lar. Wi­ley in par­tic­u­lar­ly was a thorn in their side. In the 53rd-minute, the vis­i­tors again saw a missed op­por­tu­ni­ty, when Isa­iah Williams weaves his way through a crowd of de­fend­ers with the ball on his favoured right foot but fired wide of the tar­get.

How­ev­er, the team was made to pay, as the Tigers were award­ed a free-kick when Kai­him Thomas was hacked down some 25 yards from the post. Thomas though picked him­self up and skil­ful­ly curled the ball past the div­ing out­stretched arms of his name-sake Nicholas Thomas in the 62nd-minute for a 2-0 ad­van­tage.

And al­though Trin­i­ty con­tin­ued to at­tack in search of a goal to put its back in­to the con­test, the Tigers drilled the fi­nal nail in the cof­fin when Bar­clay cap­i­tal­ized on some poor de­fen­sive mark­ing, by ris­ing un­chal­lenged to head home a long throw-in late in the match.


CIC 2 (Ja­heim Ryan 21st, Chad Alon­zo 50th) vs Mal­ick 1 (Mick­ell Alexan­der 88th)

San­ Juan 5 (Re­nal­do Boyce 2, Isa­iah Chase 2, Chris­tom Mitchell) vs Trin­i­ty Mo­ka 0

Pres (San Fer­nan­do) 3 (Jaiye Shep­pard 5th, Ad­i­ca Ash 18th-Pen, Jardel St Clair 62nd) vs East Mu­cu­rapo 0

Naps 3 (Shoeid Khan 48th, Isa Bram­ble 69th, Tyrike An­drews 82nd-Pen) vs St Au­gus­tine 2 (Tyrese Spicer 21st, Jardel John 71st)

St An­tho­ny's 3 (Kai Phillip, Kai­him Thomas, Jor­dan Bar­clay) vs Trin­i­ty East 0

Cara­pichaima 1 (Malik Robinson) vs Pleas­antville 0

Speyside Secondary v QRC at Speyside; *—Match postponed

St Benedict’s College are on a bye.


3*St. An­tho­ny's*4*3*1*0*13*3*10*10
8*East Mu­cu­rapo*4*1*2*1*9*6*3*5
9*Trin­i­ty East*4*1*2*1*5*7*-2*5
11*Trin­i­ty Mo­ka*5*1*1*3*5*16*-11*4
12*St. Au­gus­tine*5*0*3*2*8*11*-3*3
13*St. Bene­dict's*4*1*0*3*5*11*-6*3
14*San Juan*4*1*1*2*7*4*3*4
15*St. Mary's*5*1*0*4*4* 13* -9*3

Upcoming Fixtures
(Saturday 28 September)
[All games start at 3.30pm]

Trinity East v Speyside Secondary at Trincity;

Carapichaima East v Malick Secondary at Carapichaima;

Pleasantville Secondary v Naparima College at Pleasantville;

QRC v San Juan North at QRC;

Trinity Moka v St Anthony’s College at Moka;

St Mary’s College v St Augustine Secondary at Serpentine Road;

East Mucurapo v St Benedict’s College at Mucurapo Road;

Presentation (San F’do) are on a bye

Next SSFL Matches