
Sun, Jun

David John-Williams kept TTFA in the dark.

Vice-president Salazar resigned on September 11

A FRESH cloud of controversy has covered the TT Football Association (TTFA) as its president David John-Williams has been accused of purposely keeping the TTFA board in the dark over the September 11 resignation of then vice-president Joanne Salazar.

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Trinidad and Tobago Senior Men’s Head Coach Dennis Lawrence will represent the Concacaf Confederation on a five-person panel to discuss the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018. This is a feature event of a special conference hosted by football’s governing body on September 23 in London, which will sum up the results of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia.

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Look Loy proposes motion to dismiss TTFA boss.

TT Super League and FC Santa Rosa president Keith Look Loy has submitted a proposal to TT Football Association (TTFA) general secretary Justin Latapy-George to include a motion for the dismissal of TTFA president David John-Williams in the agenda for the upcoming TTFA annual general meeting (AGM).

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The Trinidad and Tobago Football Association wishes to advise all stakeholders that two recent meetings were held with the Ambassador of Panama, His Excellency Luis Cigarruista Vargas, on his invitation at the Embassy of the Republic of Panama, St Clair, Port of Spain on August 14th, 2018. TTFA officials also met with Consular Chief Tim Swanson of the US Embassy at its Port of Spain offices late last month.

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TTFA drops the ball again.

Min­is­ter of Sport and Youth Af­fairs (MYSA) Sham­fa Cud­joe along with se­nior of­fi­cials of the Min­istry met yes­ter­day with gen­er­al sec­re­tary of the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA), Justin Lat­apy-George and Jinelle James, man­ag­er of the se­nior women’s na­tion­al foot­ball team, in light of the re­cent claims cir­cu­lat­ing on so­cial me­dia in re­la­tion to the lack of sup­port shown to the T&T se­nior women’s team.

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Look Loy takes TTFA to High Court.

TT SUPER League president Keith Look Loy has sought the help of the High Court to compel TT Football Association (TTFA) president David John-Williams to provide documents on the controversial "home for football" project.

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Trinidad & Tobago and Brazil have very little in common when it comes to football. Although both countries are wealthy in resources, T&T ranks 3rd and Brazil 4th in the wealthiest nations in the western hemisphere behind the US and Canada , both countries have taken totally different paths in the world’s game. T&T has featured in only one World Cup in its history, led by Lincoln Phillips as its Technical Director in 2006, while Brazil are five-time World Cup winners, and if the country ever not qualified for the World Cup, well let’s just say it would be devastated.  There is one more quality that both countries do have in common. What or who is it? Narada Wilson, an established football executive born in Trinidad and Tobago, but lives in Brazil where for the last 9 years he has grown his career behind the scenes in football to bring knowledge back to the Caribbean football nations.

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