
Sun, Jun

MARVIN ANDREWS' first brush with Scottish football was one of rejection. The powerful Rangers defender doesn't do wry, so the smile on his face is as broad as it is honest when he recalls that the manager who told him he wasn't good enough - Alex McLeish - subsequently paid pounds-50,000 to take him from Livingston to Ibrox.
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Former Manchester United striker Dwight Yorke has hailed Roy Keane as a ''fantastic leader'' and says his former captain's qualities are rubbing off on him at A-League side Sydney FC.
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MARVIN ANDREWS will miss out on a Scottish Cup medal if Rangers make it to the Final. The Ibrox defender has been told he and the four other Scots-based Trinidad and Tobago stars will meet up for a two-week international training camp in Austria at the start of May before their historic World Cup campaign.
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