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What is your pas­sion? What makes your heart sing? What doesn't feel like work, chal­leng­ing though it may be? I be­lieve that each one of us has been put here for a pur­pose and that we all have par­tic­u­lar gifts and tal­ents. “The heart of hu­man ex­cel­lence of­ten be­gins to beat when you dis­cov­er a pur­suit that ab­sorbs you, frees you, chal­lenges you, or gives you a sense of mean­ing, joy or pas­sion.”

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Former T&T futsal coach Clayton Morris

High Court orders TTFA pay 2016 team immediately.

FORMER national futsal coach Clayton Morris has expressed relief, after the TT Football Association (TTFA) was yesterday ordered by the High Court to immediately pay representatives of T&T's 2006 futsal team, including Morris, other staff members and 22 players, nearly half a million dollars.

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A Trinidad and Tobago Youth Girls Futsal team will come up against Thailand, Spain, Bolivia and Tongo in Group C of the  Girls Futsal Tournament at the third edition of the Youth Olympic Games that will make its Olympic debut in October with Tecnopolis Park as its main stage, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Still pumped from its first win in the fut­sal com­pe­ti­tion at the Youth Olympic Games on Wednes­day, T&T women's team en­tered yes­ter­day's match against Bo­livia full of con­fi­dence but a late run by its op­po­nent saw the lo­cal team slumped to a 5-2 de­feat.

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