
Mon, Jun

A MOTION to dismiss president of the TT Football Association (TTFA) David John-Williams is tabled for today’s highly anticipated annual general meeting, which takes place at UWI, St Augustine at 9 am, but TT Super League president and member of the board of directors, Keith Look Loy – who proposed the motion – will need the backing of a simple majority.

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CFA, NFA, SSFL, WoLF call for transparency

SEVERAL members of the TT Football Association (TTFA) board of directors and other ordinary members have blanked an invitation by TTFA president David John-Williams to visit the controversial "Home of Football" project.

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Those who know me are very much aware that I love cul­ture just as much as I love my sport. One of my favourite hob­bies is to sit and lis­ten to all types of mu­sic. From lo­cal melodies to the for­eign stuff, are all right up my al­ley. I took a week off and left the coun­try to at­tend El­ton John's farewell tour en­ti­tled Good­bye Yel­low Brick Road. The fa­mous Madi­son Square Gar­den was the venue and a packed are­na wit­nessed a scin­til­lat­ing per­for­mance from a leg­end in the mu­sic world. Even though I saw him be­fore, I felt I couldn't miss this op­por­tu­ni­ty as he was one I grew up with lis­ten­ing to his songs.

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Af­ter read­ing and see­ing pic­tures of the Ho­tel which is be­ing built by the man­age­ment of the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion, my first im­pres­sion was that the project could be ac­com­mo­dat­ed by teams, main­ly na­tion­al Foot­ball teams and/or for­eign teams vis­it­ing to play match­es. If I am right, then, the com­fort with re­gards to play­ers camps, rest pe­ri­od be­fore match­es and ad­e­quate pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice vis a vis treat­ment for all foot­ball ac­tiv­i­ty is a wel­com­ing ven­ture.

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