
Sat, Jun

I support Concacaf structural changes.

It is always been good sense to view unsuccessful situations carefully before deciding to make drastic changes. This statement goes for almost anything area in life, where times have changed and the call for adjustment and sometimes complete change processes, should enter our minds.

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Mayday, mayday, TTFA! Our football is sinking.

After my column last week about the ongoing craziness with Badminton in the country, I received an email from a gentlemen who stated that he is on the Badminton Association and that what I wrote about is just the tip of the iceberg. He proceeded to send me 20 bullet points on some unbelievable events in T&T Badminton but I will address these soon.

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TTFA boss misses AGM again.

David John-Williams, president of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA), was once again a no-show at the TTFA Annual General Meeting which had to be postponed for a fourth time yesterday.

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Shabazz talks women’s football and Pro League/Super League debate.

“Swords are drawn and the venom is clear!”

“For me, it is always about finding a way for our people to work together and not be so divisive. Football has become like the streets: swords are drawn and the only thing that has not happened is bloodshed because the venom is so clear and you can see people drawing lines of division between the Pro League and Super League.

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