
Sat, Jul


In an apparent immediate falling out over the decision to appoint Dennis Lawrene as T&T senior men’s national football team coach, former national midfielder Dexter Skeene has quit his post as chairman of the T&TFA Technical Committee.

It is rumoured that Lawrence’s appointment was made by the T&TFA board of directors who overruled the technical committee recommendation on the issue.

During yesterday TTFA news conference which was the organisation’s unveiling of Lawrence as T&T coach at the football body’s office at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo, Skeene was notably absent.

When asked if there were any resignations from the committee, TTFA president John-Williams said, “The chairman (Dexter Skeene) and two other members have resigned.”

Those two members have been identified as vice-chairman Dr. Alvin Henderson and Errol Lovell and according to John-Williams no reasons were provided for their sudden resignations while no replacements have been named as yet.

However, when Guardian Media contacted Skeene he said, “It’s personal”.

It was rumoured that Skeene was in favour of former England World Cup defender Terry Fenwick for the T&T coaching post while Henderson and Lovell fancied handed the reigns to W Connection’s Technical Director, Stuart Charles-Fevrier.

However, Lawrence who was deemed the third best choice was the man selected for the T&T hot seat.


Skeene mum on TTFA resignation.
T&T Newsday Reports.

DEXTER SKEENE has remained mum with regards to his resignation as chairman of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) technical committee.

At a media briefing at the TTFA office, Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo on January 26, during the unveiling of new men’s team coach Dennis Lawrence, TTFA president David John-Williams announced that Skeene, his vice-chairman Alvin Henderson and ex-national goalkeeper Errol Lovell resigned from their posts days earlier.

Lawrence was appointed by the TTFA board of directors, who overruled the Skeene led technical committee, who were unable to decide whether Stuart Charles-Fevrier (the preferred choice of the technical body) and Terry Fenwick (allegedly Skeene’s nominee) would take over as the T&T men’s team tactician.

Contacted for a comment yesterday on his shock resignation, Skeene declined to elaborate on what was the reason behind his exit.

Told the resignation of three members of the technical committee simultaneously was very strange, Skeene, the CEO of the Digicel Pro League, just chuckled.

Asked if his resignation was due to selection of Dennis Lawrence as head coach, Skeene again refused to comment,