
Wed, Feb

TTFA president promises to tell all.

David John-Williams, the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) pres­i­dent, is promis­ing star­tling rev­e­la­tions fol­low­ing an or­der of the court, for his as­so­ci­a­tion to pay play­ers from the na­tion­al fut­sal team monies that are owed to them for salaries, per diem and oth­er costs.

A re­cent me­dia re­port re­vealed that more than $200,000 from the TTFA's bank ac­count, which rep­re­sent­ed just a por­tion of the to­tal amount from late last year to re­cent­ly, was tak­en out to pay the Fut­sal play­ers. The play­ers are owed $475,743 plus in­ter­est at three per cent per an­num, while the play­ers' At­tor­neys are to be paid a fur­ther $69,200.82.

John-Williams promised the rev­e­la­tions will be dra­mat­ic, say­ing: "There is a time to stay qui­et and there is a time to speak. I as­sure you that the T&T pub­lic and the T&T me­dia will be alarmed and as­ton­ished."

He not­ed his as­so­ci­a­tion has done what it had to do but he will be re­quest­ing the record­ings from the courts so he can be very clear on what was un­der­stood.

"So you see in the me­dia to­day that the TTFA pres­i­dent has been com­min­gling his own per­son­al funds with the TTFA. I can tell you that's ab­solute­ly a lie. At the end of the day when the fi­nal ball is bowled, we will see who is telling the truth and who is be­ing dif­fi­cult," John-Williams as­sured.

The lo­cal foot­ball boss has in­stead praised him­self and the as­so­ci­a­tion for the work they have done since as­sum­ing of­fice back in 2015.

Quizzed about the re­cent re­ports, John Williams said, "I wouldn't say much about that sit­u­a­tion, all I can say is that the TTFA has the sit­u­a­tion well in hand. We are ob­serv­ing the things that are hap­pen­ing and the sit­u­a­tion will be dealt with in due course. There is no se­cret the TTFA is heav­i­ly in debt and I as­sure you it is be­ing looked at in the man­ner it should be looked at."

He not­ed that there is no se­cret his ad­min­is­tra­tion has spent $4 mil­lion over the last five months, but said ques­tions though must be asked on what was it spent on, as FI­FA has giv­en them mon­ey for a spe­cif­ic pur­pose and al­though there are peo­ple who are bent on mak­ing mis­chief, they can­not use the mon­ey for any­thing else.

The em­bat­tled pres­i­dent al­so re­vealed that from the FI­FA For­ward mon­ey they got for this year, the world foot­ball body de­duct­ed US$100,000 for monies owed to it by the foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion since 2010-2015.

He promised, how­ev­er, that peo­ple will soon come to the re­al­i­sa­tion of the di­rec­tion his ad­min­is­tra­tion is head­ing in, which is to be self-sus­tain­able in the fu­ture.