
Wed, Feb


THE recent ruling by Justice Carol Gobin in the matter between the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFA) and FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) certainly generated a lot of interest in the national community. Differing views were expressed by those who looked at the narrow confines of the concept of the rule of law and others who looked at the broader and more practical picture of the implications of the ruling for local football.

The Express editorial yesterday (Page 12) surmised that the judgment against FIFA has kicked T&T football into no man’s land without an exit strategy. The editorial went on to say that it was a classic case of the mouse that roared and the resounding victory in winning the battle very likely means losing the war with dread consequences for local football, its players and legions of fans.

Perhaps the most assertive comments came from Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley who was at pains to remind us of his knowledge of Greek history. The PM quoted Greek King Pyrrhus who had said “Another such victory and we shall be utterly ruined”. Dr Rowley, in his usual cryptic style, reminded us that a pyrrhic victory is one that is offset by devastating losses. He added “we, boys and girls, are free to play by ourselves because nobody will be allowed to play with or against us. That means we can never lose.’’

If one had read Dr Rowley’s comments without knowledge of the TTFA/FIFA imbroglio, one could have easily believed that he was referring to the upcoming internal elections in the United National Congress (UNC). Here we have a leader who is using the letter of the UNC constitution to offer herself once more to lead the party, notwithstanding a series of electoral defeats.

The leader is surrounded by boys and girls who are free to play by themselves because nobody is allowed into the inner cabal. They were absolutely abysmal during the budget debate, reflecting ineptitude and childish incompetence but saved by blind loyalty. They continue to play in Parliament with their new devices, some more suited to be a poster girl for a popular brand of mattress while another can be seen as a bouncer outside places of ill repute. The boys and girls indulge in selfies showing off their arrival into the halls of the highest court of the land while some walk past their new vehicle bought with funds given as a birthday gift. These are the protectors of the leader, all out of touch with reality.

Dr Rowley, perhaps unwittingly reminded us of the powerful queen who wins the battle but the thousands of subjects lose.

Sadly this is the outcome of the UNC internal elections as the queen wins and the party is utterly ruined. A pyrrhic victory indeed as they venture into no man’s land without an exit strategy!


Rabindra Moonan
San Fernando

SOURCE: T&T Express