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A little chitchat with raising-star Alvin Jones.

Only recently promoted to Pro League current champions W Connection's first team; talented right-back Alvin Jones touched based with the Soca Warriors Online (SWO) and expressed some of his immediate plans for the future.

Jones, who has a rich vein of football in his blood is eager to follow in his family's footsteps and represent his country one day.

His dad Kelvin Jones was a former Trinidad and Tobago international, his brother and teammate at Connection (Joevin) who is regarded as one of the top talents currently playing in the league is another current star for his country and now Alvin looks set to follow in their footsteps.

The player who spent half of the season on the bench for his club got the chance to play first team football midway into the season and never looked back. He grabbed the occasion with both hands and is now a main stay for the T&T's number one football club champions.

Alvin, is know for his high work-rate and professionalism on the field, has a powerful right foot and is deadly with free-kicks. He was an understudy to former W Connection right-back Brazilian Joao Ananias and seemed to have adapted to the game effectively, more-so that even the Brazilians may have to fight for his position if he returns.

And, considering he has only played in half of the season the talented defender still managed to rack up some 5 goals in all competition for the Savonetta Boys.

Alvin, gave us a sneak preview on what we can expect of him in the coming years.

1. Now that you are a regular member of the W Connection senior team. How hard was it to break through on the starting eleven and who helped you up your game.
AJ: It was very challenging for me as a young player to star into the W Connection first team but players like Daneil Cyrus, Mekeil Williams and Joevin Jones always motivated me and I waited patiently for my chance and took it.

2. Your father (Kelvin) was a former T&T player, your brother (Joevin) is currently one of the hottest prospects in T&T and you seem to be coming along in the same mold. I would say football is really in your blood. What are some of your main goals as far as your career goes that you would like to accomplished.
AJ: I would love to represent my country at the senior level and also play abroad.

3. What are some of the Clubs you've played for at youth level. In other words, did you play for other teams before joining W Connection.
AJ: Yes, my first team was San Juan Jabloteh and then North East Starts before joining W Connection.

4. Tell us about your schooling. Which schools did you go to and some of your achievements on the field for them.
AJ: I started my career as a defender with East Mucurapo Secondary.

5. You were part of the last Trinidad and Tobago national U-20 team and had a running with the then head coach Michael McComie. We were told that you made an error in the game. The coach immediately withdrew you from the game and you run continuously around the Stadium (about 70 laps) from about the 8th minute of the game, throughout the entire half time interval and then throughout the entire second half of the game. An additional 20 minutes was played and McComie had you run through that entire period as well. As a result the you eventually collapsed during the coach's team talk. It was said that your nails were beginning to turn blue, other staff members had to work overtime to eventually revive you from suspected dehydration, and thankfully they did on time or else you could have died. We heard that your father got involved and eventually dropped the case and covered everything up I guess so McComie could save his career. Seeing that McComie is not in the game anymore Can you touch on this and give us the real story what went down. Our source said it did happen, they were there.
AJ: As a footballer you will always have your ups and downs. I try to keep my head high and work towards my goal.

6. Who are some of your favorite players and clubs. Also, who are some of your favorite T&T players, past or present.
AJ: Trent Noel (Police FC), Keston Williams (Defence Force), Joevin Jones, Daneil Cyrus and Mekeil Williams.

7. What are your favorite position played and do you feel you have what it takes to make the T&T senior team.
AJ: Yes, I believe in myself and I know that I can make the senior team one day. However, it's not up to me it's up to the coaches. I hope I did well enough to catch his eyes. It would be an honor.

8. Do you believe you are better than Joevin (laugh) or would like to be....
AJ: (laugh)... We are too different type of players.

9. Your favorite food, brand (Puma?), movie and music.
AJ: Fish and dumpling and movie; Top Shorts.

10. I've notice that you can score some great free-kicks. Tell us some of your strengths and some areas you would love to better in your game.
AJ: I will like to better my awareness on the field.

11. Who are some of the local players you feel can play on the national team.
AJ: Neil Benjamin Jr., Jomal Williams and myself.... (lol)....

12. Have you ever visited the Soca Warriors Online (SWO) and if so, what are your thoughts and how can we better it to make your visit more frequent. Also, any words for your followers out there?
AJ: Yes, and I have no problem with the Soca Warriors Online and for my followers; always trust in God. Good job on the site, number one for sure.

Copyright of the Soca Warriors Online - Any press using the above article written by Inshan Mohammed are welcome to do so providing they reveal the source and writer. Furthermore, no portion of this article may be copied without proper credit as well.