
Wed, Feb


Three dif­fer­ent play­ers were on tar­get to earn Big Yard a 3-1 tri­umph over ri­vals 13 Posse in the Stan­ley Gomez Knock­out fi­nal of the 2019 BPTT Care­nage All-Star Foot­ball com­pe­ti­tion at the Haig Street Recre­ation Ground, Care­nage on Wednes­day night.

Kadeem Hutchin­son put Big Yard ahead in the $12,000 fi­nal, but Josi­mar Bel­grave drew 13 Posse lev­el.

For­mer na­tion­al youth play­er Che Ben­ny then re­stored Big Yard's nar­row lead be­fore Glen Walk­er fired in the third item to seal the vic­to­ry and the $7,000 first prize, while 13 Posse earned them­selves $5,000 for the sec­ond spot.

In the semi­fi­nals on Sun­day last, Ben­ny scored the lone goal to earn Big Yard a 1-0 win over T&T De­fence Force 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion while Josi­mar Bel­grave, his broth­er Eli­jah Bel­grave and Levi Ser­ries were all on tar­get for 13 Posse a 3-2 win over Emer­ald FC.

Ster­ling O’Brien and Ri­car­do Ben­nett got a goal each in the loss for Emer­ald.

When the two quar­ter­fi­nal match­es con­test­ed 13 Posse held off Mt Pleas­ant 4-3, and Emer­ald FC got the bet­ter of One Unit­ed 7-6 on sud­den-death penal­ty-kicks af­ter a 1-1 full-time score.

A week ear­li­er when the knock­out be­gan there was no short­age of goals as Big Yard, Emer­ald FC, 13 Posse and T&T De­fence Force 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion won their match­es.

On Wednes­day, Emer­ald FC trounced Care­nage Role Mod­els 3-0, 13 Posse spanked Ra­zor Edge 5-1, Big Yard pound­ed Green Pas­tures 8-0 and 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion si­lenced Scor­pi­on FC 3-1.

Tonight (Sat­ur­day, Oc­to­ber 5), Scor­pi­on FC and 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion will do bat­tle in the $23,000 ‘Big-Eight’ League fi­nal from 7 pm with $15,000 on of­fer for the cham­pi­ons, and $8,000 for the sec­ond.

Ear­li­er this month in the semi­fi­nals, Scor­pi­on used a dou­ble from Ty­rone Charles, and one from Shaquille Long to get past One Unit­ed 3-2, with Corneal Thomas and Jameel Nep­tune on tar­get for the lat­ter while Kevin Ca­pri­eta net­ted the lone item to earn 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion a 1-0 tri­umph against Emer­ald FC. One Unit­ed de­feat­ed Emer­ald 2-0 for third place in the league.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian