
Sat, Jul

Super League clubs in uproar as AGM postponed.

The T&T Super League and its president Keith Look Loy have come under fire for a decision to postpone this year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Guardian Media Sports was reliably informed on Wednesday that the AGM was postponed indefinitely because of work restrictions.

However, some members took offence to this decision because at the last AGM in December last year at the Queen's Park Oval, some members were alleged to have been debarred from entering the venue to participate.

However, one member Derek Edwards, from Petit Valley Diego Martin United (PVDM United) yesterday questioned the decision, saying it was not made clear whose work has been restricted to cause such a delay.

"This COVID-19 pandemic has existed since April, therefore, it cannot have been a surprise to who so ever has had their work restricted. If indeed, the pandemic has incurred delays, this should have been foreseen by our Executive months ago and strategic solutions put in place. One cannot help but wonder if banging the nails into the coffin of T&T football and the hours spent on social media defending the actions of United TTFA, have distracted our President from his TTSL duties. In this regard, I am requesting that the reasons for this delay be explained in detail and the AGM to be arranged via Zoom to take place within the next two weeks."

Edwards, who said it is not just his club but their several other clubs that are also concerned with the decision. He noted that this year's AGM is particularly important to update some clubs that were suspended, on their current position, and to treat with alleged monies taken from the TTSL account to fight a legal battle with FIFA.

Jameson Rigues, the T&TSL first vice president said: "Regarding the AGM of the TTSL; Article 27.1 of the TTSL Constitution states that the AGM shall he held every year in the month of November. An email by the League Secretary, Peter Thomas went out to members informing that the AGM has been delayed by work restrictions due to the Covid-19 virus. This came as a surprise to me and to members of the TTSL. I was contacted by a few of the clubs inquiring about the validity of this postponement, I told the clubs that they should respond to the email with their concerns, because to me, as much as COVID-19 have done damages beyond expectations, some good came out of it too, because now we are encouraged to utilize available technology. There are many means to which this AGM can be held when it is due; we have all sorts of virtual platforms to choose from, and this eliminates many of the logistical challenges, especially when you have members coming from Tobago and Guayaguayare."

Meanwhile, Edwards claimed that monies taken to assist the TTFA was done without the permission of the members.

Back in 2018, some 11 clubs did not take part in the League, either because they were suspended for being non-compliant with TTFA/CONCACAF/FIFA rules, or they did not pay the registration fee of $45,000 by the required deadline for entry.

Contacted yesterday for a response Look Loy refused to comment, however, the PVDM boss took the opportunity to remind all of what happened at the last AGM, saying: "After the debacle that took place before the 2019 TTSL AGM, which left clubs locked out and unable to participate in the selection of delegates, it was hoped that this year’s AGM could proceed in a much more transparent and democratic environment. Particularly, as President Keith Look-Loy has spent the last 18 months boasting of his yearning for democracy, justice and transparency. It was widely believed that the trickeries at the 2019 AGM was designed to gerrymander votes for United TTFA, of which Mr Look-Loy was intricately associated with. Aside from the locking out of certain Super League members, the AGM itself was unaccountably delayed and then hastily carded within a month of the TTFA election."

Edwards believes the decision to postpone the AGM is a tactic by the Super League boss to dodge questions by the membership for his role as part of the United T&T Football Association which contributed to the country being banned by FIFA at present.

Edwards believes Look Loy and the United TTFA members have brought the sport into disrepute.