
Fri, Jul

Ex-players to honour coach St Clair.

For­mer play­ers un­der Bertille St Clair are com­ing to­geth­er to hold three days of events to ho­n­our the for­mer Na­tion­al Coach.

Sev­er­al play­ers who played un­der St Clair at the 1991 FI­FA Un­der-20 World Cup and at the se­nior na­tion­al men’s team lev­el, for Sig­nal Hill Se­nior Com­pre­hen­sive are set to be present in To­ba­go this week­end with a se­ries of ac­tiv­i­ties from to­day to Sun­day.

Ac­cord­ing to ex-na­tion­al cap­tain An­gus Eve, there will be Church ser­vice on this morn­ing at 9:30 am to be fol­lowed by a vis­it to Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary to lay a stone in St Clair’s ho­n­our and play­ers will al­so give mo­ti­va­tion­al talks to stu­dents of the school.

The play­ers will then at­tend a train­ing ses­sion at the St Clair Coach­ing School at 9 am on Sat­ur­day with past na­tion­al play­ers and St Clair Coach­ing School ex-play­ers in at­ten­dance.

Lat­er at 7 pm, a gala din­ner will take place with spe­cial­ly in­vit­ed guests.

The fea­ture event will be an ex­hi­bi­tion game from 2 pm on Sun­day ei­ther at the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um or the Mt. Pleas­ant Recre­ation Ground de­pend­ing on avail­abil­i­ty which will be con­firmed to­day.

Mem­bers of the Sig­nal Hill In­ter­col cham­pi­on teams of 1987-1989, the T&T U-20 World Cup team of 1991, the men’s se­nior team of the 2000 CON­CA­CAF Gold Cup will all be fea­tur­ing in the match. There will be a cool down on Mon­day at St Clair’s home.

“It’s re­al­ly the group of play­ers who played un­der Bertille St Clair all com­ing to­geth­er to ho­n­our a gen­tle­man who has played an in­te­gral role in our lives as foot­ballers and as men in T&T,” Eve said.

“He has made a tremen­dous con­tri­bu­tion to the sport and many of us have played un­der him from a very young age, from school­boys to Se­nior na­tion­al play­ers for T&T. We are all re­al­ly look­ing for­ward to spend­ing these days as a mark of re­spect and ho­n­our for him,” Eve said.

Nakhid al­so added, “It's our plea­sure and ho­n­our to be able to in at least some small mea­sure pay trib­ute to a coach, a men­tor, a fa­ther fig­ure, a broth­er and a teacher who has im­pact­ed the lives of so many in so many ways."

Among the play­ers card­ed to be in­volved in­clude Eve, Arnold Dwari­ka, Brent San­cho, Gary Glas­gow, An­tho­ny Rougi­er, An­sil El­cock, An­tho­ny Sher­wood, Clint Mar­celle, Clay­ton Ince and Dwight Yorke and a host of oth­ers with Nakhid al­so hop­ing to at­tend from Lebanon. Stern John, Ross Rus­sell and Den­nis Lawrence will be ab­sent due to na­tion­al du­ties in Wales.

Video Honouring Bertille St. Clair