
Fri, Sep
Match Report
Trinidad & Tobago Jamaica
T&T flag Jamaica
Dave Cabral (11')
Leonard Leggard (35')

1959-03-10Queens Park OvalPort-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago4000

Trinidad win soccer tournament

IN THE final game of the quadrangular football series Jamaica just failed to stop Trinidad's run of victories, bowing two-one to the homesters before about 4,000 spectators who watched play today at Queen's Park Oval on slippery ground, across which blustery breeze blew.

Trinidad scored in the 11th and 35th minutes, and Owen Parker got a fine goal for Jamaica in the 39th minute. But strong Jamaica efforts to score the equalizer failed against the Trinidad defence strategy.

Today saw the finest play of the six-match series, as the players on both teams showed considerable skill despite the difficult ground conditions.

Jamaica brought out their three "invalids" — Tappin, East and Bartlett — after they passed fitness tests this morning. They played with courage, Tappin showing fine form at centre half, though his kicking was obviously limited by a bad leg.

Had the trio been completely fit, Trinidad would have faced stronger challenge.

While a drizzle which began with the kickoff turned into a brief shower that sent the ground crowd scampering for cover and stand patrons to seats higher up, Trinidad turned on the heat.


First they forced a corner, then a magnificent bit of combination by the Trinidad forwards put Jamaica one down.

From a goal kick the ball went to inside left Gray who gave it to left winger Corneal. With dazzling speed, Corneal crossed to inside right Franco who passed to centre forward Cabral whose shot on the run gave goalkeeper Williams no chance.

Recovering briskly, Jamaica moved with the wind downfield, but stopper Daniel was effective foil to East's thrusts. Moreover, Jamaica's wing forwards were almost completely out of the game, and the inside men could make no headway.

At half-time the score was one-nil, and Trinidad moved into the attack on the restart.

Another swift series of passing saw inside right Franco moving to the wing and crossing to right winger Leggard who had moved inside and Leggard scored a magnificent shot.

Jamaica shuffled their forward line, Bartlett going to the left wing and Williams replacing him.

Then came a powerful Jamaican thrust down the centre, and East split the Trinidad defence with a pass to Parker, who drove the ball home.

Jamaica tried hard, but they were up against a solid Trinidad defence which covered well and blunted their attacks.

Trinidad missed twice when Williams did well to stop a snap shot by Franco, though he could not hold the ball, and Cabral just missed with a header.

Parker himself nearly broke through once more, but Baptiste's dive stopped the attack.


JAMAICA: Williams, Chevannes, Scott, Largie, Tappin, Lewis, Wong, Bartlett, East, Parker, Williams.

TRINIDAD: Baptiste, de La Bastide, Hills, Griffith, Daniel, Aleong, Corneal, Gray, Cabral, Franco, Leggard.

 Rawlins Baptiste
 Noel Daniel
 Tyrone de la Bastide
 Bertrand Hill
 Edward Aleong
 Doyle Griffith
 Dave Cabral
 Alvin Corneal
 Carlton Franco
 Ronald Gray
 Leonard Leggard
11.Neil Benjamin