
Fri, Jul

Former national captain, Clayton Morris, now Head Coach of University of Trinidad and Tobago

FORMER Strike Squad captain Clayton Morris and former Soca Warriors manager Bruce Aanensen are both saddened, but not surprised, that former FIFA vice-president Jack Warner has lost his challenge to his extradition to the United States to face fraud-related charges. Morris and Aanensen reflected on what Warner meant to Trinidad and Tobago football, saying he contributed to its growth.

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FIFA Forward 2.0

NORMALISATION committee chairman Robert Hadad, acting general secretary Amiel Mohammed and T&T Football Association’s club licensing and project manager Amara Felix-Toussaint are all attending a FIFA Forward Project at the Marriott, Miami Airport, Florida, USA.

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Members of the University of Trinidad and Tobago men’s football team.

THE UNIVERSITY of Trinidad and Tobago’s (UTT) men’s football team are competing in the FISU America Football World Cup Qualifiers, Merida, Mexico, which began on Friday and runs until October 25, for a chance to represent FISU America (Continental Federation), at the FISU World Cup Finals scheduled for Jinjiang, China in 2023.

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