
Sun, Jun

West Ham United new club of T&T's Brent Rahim will be in action today when they come up aganist Newcastle United, Brent Rahim however may not get his League debut as yet despite injury woe at the club, with both Paolo di Canio and Steve Lomas remaining on the sidelines with foot and shin problems respectively, Rahim is still awaiting his international clearance, good luck to the player.

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Trinidad and Tobago striker Stern John is not the fastest striker around in the game. He may have decent pace and have a knack for scoring goals. But comparing him to TnT trackstar Marc Burns would be out of the question. Won't it?

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Trinidad and Tobago goalkeeper Shaka Hislop, now in the midst of new contract negotiations in England, has made a call for all concerned to make the best use of the ongoing opportunity to get a new beginning for the game here, by utilizing all resources at stake and joining heads for the benefits of local football.

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