
Sat, Jun

First to arrive is a white transit van, its sides and back devoid of markings or identification, an anonymous shell. When the doors are opened, the inside is stacked with large heavy sports bags and netting sacks filled with footballs. On the passenger seat sits an old man, a fragility in his thin frame and sloping shoulders that the wrapping of his official blazer cannot hide. As the kit is unloaded, he remains in his seat, smiling widely.

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Of all the players boasting tartan connections in the Trinidad and Tobago squad preparing for tomorrow’s clash with Scotland at Easter Road, perhaps none can claim to have been so revered on these shores as Arnold Dwarika.
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REX BURNETT, an outstanding Trinidad and Tobago right winger of the 1950s who toured England with the national football team on the historic stint in England in 1953, is dead at 86.
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Jason Scotland will benefit from the break, says Dundee United boss Ian McCall. Dundee United striker Jason Scotland has put club before country and side-stepped Trinidad and Tobago’s busy summer programme in a bid to be fresh for the start of next season.
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To the younger generation the name Syl Dopson is still associated with the pulsating beat of sweet old time calypso music. But to the old time football fans, the handsome man with the cuatro is also remembered as a outstanding national footballer of the distant past.
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In the midst of the joy the country was experiencing because of Brian Lara’s record breaking (400 Test runs) performance, sorrow showed its face in the untimely death at midnight on Monday of Russell Tesheira, a former national football captain.
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Trinidad and Tobago midfielder Angus Eve believes that judging from what transpired during the recent trip to Egypt, the ingredients are there to make a successful 2006 “Journey to Germany” campaign for the “Soca Warriors”.
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