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Three seems to be the number for Zane Coker, signing on TT Pro League’s transfer window deadline date. TnT’s National Beach Soccer No. 1 is back in the league to ply his services with Caledonia AIA, a club he shall defend for a 3rd time.

Coker was part of Caledonia in 2009 and the multiple title squad of 2011/12 season. Stints in England and playing with St. Ann’s Rangers and more recently Malabar FC contributed to Coker’s overall development as a young goalkeeper.

With a few former under 17, 20 and 23 National players making their way back into the Digicel TT Pro League, it may go to show the league and the sport may be gaining attention steadily and surely.

Coker is represented by Narada Wilson of TBL Sports Management. “Zane has chosen the right club; Caledonia has 3 goalkeepers at the moment, a Grenadian, young Jamaica and him."

"This will provide for healthy competition for the starting position each week, we may even see continuous rotations as each player will be pushing the other.”

"Wilson continued, “another reason, is that for Zane to have any chance at the National Senior team and also secure his spot on the Beach soccer team, he has to be in a professional environment and constantly visible for evaluation by certain professionals, this has been asked by BSATT and will please the TTFA also concluded his manager."

Zane Coker is considered by his peers the ‘poster-boy’ type player. Professional in all aspects of his game, well educated – former Trinity College student/ partakes in several volunteer and mentorship programs and most of all a versatile goalkeeper. The St Ann’s native will be galloping with the ‘Morvant Statllions’ for the upcoming season.

On the last day of the transfer window, Caledonia has been busy. Maintaining a core group of players while adding former National standout Hayden Tinto, a couple of Central Americans and promoting some youth players up the ranks.