
Fri, May

Naps showing stamina out front.

East Mu­cu­rapo climbed one spot up the stand­ings in the Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) to fourth af­ter a soli­tary goal by Ja­heim Patrick, as ear­ly as the sec­ond minute earn them a vic­to­ry over San Juan North Sec­ondary at Fa­ti­ma Col­lege Ground on Wednes­day.

How­ev­er, Na­pari­ma Col­lege main­tained their grip at the top of the stand­ings fol­low­ing a 3-0 vic­to­ry over Trin­i­ty Col­lege East at the team's Lewis Street home in San Fer­nan­do. The dan­ger­ous Seon Ship­p­ley was again on tar­get for the south­ern­ers, along with goals from Jaden Mc Cree and Tyrike An­drews which took them to 17 points.

The Dale Saun­ders-led Mu­cu­rapo has now gone two-game un­beat­en, since the 3-0 drub­bing by Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege San Fer­nan­do at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la back on Sep­tem­ber 25.

De­spite San Juan's grow­ing con­fi­dence which stemmed from vic­to­ries against Queen's Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) and Trin­i­ty Mo­ka, the team had to set­tle on the day, to a more am­bi­tious East Mu­cu­rapo out­fit trou­bled the San Juan de­fence al­most any­time they moved for­ward.

San Juan de­fence was hard­ly set­tled when a ball bounced awk­ward­ly in its cen­tre, and Patrick fired a thun­der­ous shot that pitched up in­to the roof of the net for the ad­van­tage.

San Juan re­ceived the sup­port of their for­mer goal-scor­ing ma­chine Mar­vin Oliv­er, who went on to play foot­ball in the Unit­ed States back in the 1990s, but it could not pre­vent them from go­ing down in the en­counter.

East Mu­cu­rapo was un­lucky not to ex­tend its lead in the 29th minute. Je­lani Fer­ari stormed down the right flank and de­liv­ered a pin-point cross Patrick in front a gap­ing goal. But the lat­ter, un­der pres­sure from the op­pos­ing de­fend­ers, went down with­out of­fer­ing an at­tempt at the goal.

San Juan had chances of their own in the ex­changes, but it was Chris­ton Mitchell who came the clos­est to scor­ing. The slen­der built mid­field­er picked up a loose ball on the right side, and with the de­fend­ers, Ce­cil Young and De­laney Zamore caught flat-foot­ed in front him, the speedy Mitchell changed pace as he raced in­to the goal area. But he, how­ev­er, spooned his at­tempt over the post, when it looked like an equal­iz­er was cer­tain.

At QRC Ground, Ja­heim Grander­son got an ap­pro­pri­ate birth­day gift from goal to guide the home team to a 1-0 vic­to­ry over arch-ri­vals St Mary's Col­lege 1-0.

But the score­line was not a prop­er re­flec­tion of the ac­tu­al game, as the home team squan­dered many op­por­tu­ni­ties that could prove to be cru­cial lat­er on in the tour­na­ment.

At Mo­ka, Mar­aval, the un­beat­en Cara­pichaima Sec­ondary pro­duced a com­mand­ing per­for­mance that earned them a con­vinc­ing 3-0 tri­umph over Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka.

Cap­tain and na­tion­al un­der-15 de­fend­er Jaron Pas­cal was steady in the back­line, al­low­ing Josi­ah Hen­ry and Ma­lik Robin­son the free­dom and com­fort to score for the cen­tral gi­ants.

Pas­cal al­so over­lapped in the 38th minute to be among the goalscor­ers in his team's win­ning ef­fort.

How­ev­er, the shock­er of the day came at St Au­gus­tine Ground, where the home team ham­mered vis­i­tors Mal­ick Sec­ondary 5-0, for their first win of the tour­na­ment.


Trin­i­ty Mo­ka 1 vs Cara­pichaima 3 (Ma­lik Robin­son, Josi­ah Hen­ry, Jaron Pas­cal)

St Au­gus­tine 5 vs Mal­ick 1

Spey­side 2 vs Pre­sen­ta­tion 2

East Mu­cu­rapo 1 (Ja­heim Patrick) vs San Juan 0

St Bene­dict's 1 vs St An­tho­ny's 2

QRC 1 (Ja­heim Grander­son) vs St Mary's 0

Na­pari­ma 3 (Jaden Mc Cree, Tyrike An­drews, Seon Ship­p­ley) vs Trin­i­ty East 0


1*Na­pari­ma Col­lege*7*4*0*2*18*7*+11*17
2*St. An­tho­ny’s Col­lege*6*5*0*1*20*5*+15*16
3*Cara East Sec­ondary*6*4*0*2*11*5*+6*14
4*Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege*6*4*1*1*19*4*+15*13
5*East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary*6*3*1*2*12*6*+6*11
6*Mal­ick Sec­ondary*7*3*3*1*13*13*0*9
7*Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege*6*3*3*0*9*15*-6*9
8*Spey­side High School*6*2*2*2*9*18*-9*8
9*San Juan North Sec­ondary*6*2*3*1*11*5*+6*7
10*St. Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary*7*1*2*4*14*13*1*7
11*Pleas­antville Sec­ondary*6*2*3*1*8*9*-1*7
12*Trin­i­ty Col­lege East*7*1*4*2*7*14*-7*5
13*St. Mary’s Col­lege*7*1*5*1*5*15*-10*4
14*Trin­i­ty Col­lege, Mo­ka*7*1*5*1*6*24*-18*4
15*St. Bene­dict’s Col­lege*6*1*4*1*6*15*-9*3

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