
Mon, Jun

Patrice Arden-Campbell fired in a hat-trick as the T&T Under-17 Women’s football team thrashed Real Dimension 8-1 in their opening match of the 24th Women’s League Football hosted by the T&T Women’s Football Association on Saturday.
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Following a 2-1 loss in the exhibition to officially kick off the 24th season of the Women’s League Football hosted by the T&T Women’s Football Association, the T&T Under-17 team will be looking for better results when league matches get underway today. The local Under-17 women’s team are using the league as part of their preparations for next year’s Fifa Under-17 Women’s World Cup here in T&T.

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logo for the relaunch of the Women’s League Football is displayed at Crowne Plaza, Wrighston Road, yesterday .. Photo: Dilip Singh.The T&T Under-17 women’s football team for next year’s Fifa Under-17 Women’s World Cup in T&T will participate in this year’s $150,000 Women’s League Football hosted by the Women’s Football Association.
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The T&T Under-17 women’s football team will come up against a local All-Star team to kick off the 24th season of the $150,000 Women’s League Football hosted by the T&T Women’s Football Association today. The local Under-17 women’s team will use the league as part of their preparations for next year’s Fifa Under-17 Women’s World Cup here in T&T.

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